
Gods Death

God's Death

Gods died That fateful day, you would think people would be sad and gloomy on that day because it was god. Actually it was quite the opposite. People were happy they had true freedom, the power to live how they wanted and change the world into what they wanted it to be.

The great world sects always wanted to change the world and expand it. But God was the only thing in their way. He forbade it, he said the world should not be changed it should stay the same, so they should be grateful.

This started a war between divine beings and humanity. It was a long and brutal war that lasted a century. The leader of the Sect's joined forces and destroyed the leader of the divine beings, God.

But they were still on alert. One of the fallen spies said that god had left a will, this will had a full in-depth study of all that world's secrets, cultivation techniques. They to wanted to, become a great god.

The World Sect leader wanted it but did not know where to get it, but they knew there were still some divine beings among's the humans so they had to weed them out in hope that they would find it with them.

They did not act hastily because, So what if they defeated god does not mean that they controlled the world, they only had half everything else that was shared but monsters and divine beings. Some of them are as powerful as a god or even the little number that is not on this world right now and that is stronger and will come back in an instant to exterminate mankind if they crossed the line.



On that fateful day a boy was born named Zeus he had the aura of a god but it suddenly dispersed and formed into wings that could not be seen by the human eye.

"Zack look at his cute cheeks and his azure hair," A lady said as she said and held her son in her hands calling for her husband but he was nowhere to be seen " Oh ya... he's gone," She said in a gloomy voice as she always wanted to say that some odd reason but her husband was not there as she said that.

"You will become a great man someday revered by all and become someone everyone can respect a go above go-" she was about to end her sentence when a lady that was in the room quickly covered her mouth, " Don't you dare say that, who knows what they will do If they hear you say they will immediately take your child murder him even if he does not have gods will they will not even take a slight chance, Mella" She warned her sister to not say those words, as she might lose her child because of it.

Mella as we now know is the mother quickly stopped and looked outside to see if anyone heard, as she did not want to endanger her child.



It has been ten years since that fateful day in their small village.

Zeus was running around chasing butterflies, he was wearing rather plain clothes for his time, one of his eyes was azure.

suddenly he saw nights on horse marching up the hill, to his surprise since they were the only one in the wood and even when they went to a nearby village there was only cultivators of the first and second realm let alone a rank 4 cultivator in full body armor, so he rushed to the house and told his mom.

" Mom-mom nights are coming up the hill" He warned, " Okay go wear your eye patch and remember what I told you. She quickly warned her sister and they rushed outside.

They told Zeus that this might happen one day because she married and a divine been and that was forbidden in, and if they came I would have to act like I was visiting and had only come to sell goods for his family and did not know because if he did not they would take him since he is a halving.

At that moment he put on his eye patch and The nights got there.

"Open the door," One of them said.

Thank you for reading pls if it is not a hassle add this to your libary I totally understand if you can't this story is a redemption of me and I would like to put my heart into pls comment and give me some ideas thank you again

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