
A God As My Editor

On his phone, a contact message appeared informing him that an editor had agreed to assist him with his manuscript. Unfortunately, he was murdered in his own house seven days right after his agreement with the "editor." However, before he could even enter the afterlife, he encountered the "editor" who had accepted his novel when he was still alive—and it turned out to be a God! The God informed him, "YOU will be the addition to your insipid novel." Sadly, he learned the reason for the God's refusal to accept payment in the form of money.....because the God preferred to get it in the form of his own life. {A/N: Sorry if there will be any grammatical errors in this novel, my native tongue is not english. And this is my first novel too (・・;) so please go easy on little ol' me. But i will still try to improve my writing and i will improve....} The cover pic is not mine

Htk_Kksh · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The struggle is real (Revised)



"I am always the Best"

My life motto..... or should i say 'was' my life motto.....

My previous life was a life full of me, basically thinking that i have 'everything'. But until one fateful day, when 'something' happened that resulted in me losing my 'everything'.

The regret of not being able to save 'someone', which led to the last days of my life going haywire.

My life was not that extraordinary, born in a middle class family with loving parents as an only child. My kindergarten was just me having various playfriends, i eventually forgot about them as i move on to my elementary days. My elem days were the same thing, many friends, good grades, pretty minimal amount of other students disliking me. I went to middle school with the same classmates, same thing again though this time there was some group that tried to bully me, though it didn't last long as i conjured up a plan to 'destroy' them and after i fought back, the roles were now flipped, as me and my friends were now the ones bullying them.

I evenually forgot about them and moved on to highschool, the same thing happened as middle school, and when i said the same thing, i eventually became their bully for a short time and i eventually got 'bored' of them and left them alone. My highschool days were my prime days, highest grades in school, popularity, varsity in the foot ball team, friends, dating and having lovers and eventually graduated as the Valedictorian. Then i enrolled for the most prestigious college in the world and got accepted, and that was when my ego started to grow.

(Wow... i basically have everything! It's just that i feel bad whenever i think of everyone that is not me.) was what i thought after receiving the news of me getting accepted by the most prestigious collegial academy.

Within college, i gained many awards with my versatility in various knowledges, that was why i had spent 6 years longer in college than my original batchmates. They left me behind me in college, as they started working. I became so addicted to studying so i only focused on it throughout my whole college days. Dating? Partying? Socializing? None of these interested me anymore as i became immersed at academics. I became quite an introvert, keeping some close friends with me, though i was still very popular as i was very handsome back then. But now i could care less about non-educational stuff as I gathered many awards and eventually got out of college as a summa cum laude with several associate and bachelor degrees.

I started low, with my medical degrees, i start working at a simple clinic for 2 years. They were happy to have a talented rookie nurse like me, but i eventually left the place as the company went bankrupt because of the owner's greed.

There was a year when i didn't have a job, so i went writing a novel as a hobby, i didn't really bother with money because my parents' jobs and small businesses still helps them send me some extra money from time to time. And aside from that, i still have some other money left from my previous work together with my profits from the small online companies i established. Months passed by and I still continued my novel hobby alongside my other income source and i eventually started my most famous one, The Chronicles of Samuel The Brave.

My novel grew in popularity, and my ego was now growing and growing as my character changes. Many of my friends has started dissociating with me, my parents were now telling me to pipe down my ego as they have noticed it growing but i just ignored them and continued becoming more egotistic not caring about other people disliking me for it.

I eventually became more financially independent from my parents from my companies becoming somewhat successful and i also found my one true love that no one can ever replace, Joanne. She's a very cheery and sweet girl, she had a job at a cosmetic company and a pretty solid position in it because of her charming persona. We eventually joined our bank accounts together and we didn't really have to worry about money anymore. We were so in love with each other... but, before we got to be finally peaceful in our relationship, we had to pass through many obstacles as lovers.

She was very beautiful, too beautiful at that, as before we started dating, she had many admirers left to right, one of them being an heir to a large company. That bastard tried to 'target me', but i had 'connections', so i fought back at him and we were at a war for my girlfriend and for my pride. But i eventually 'beat' him down and no one, after that, has ever brought discomfort to us again. And my ego was now at high heavens due to me witnessing the people that targetted our relationship struggle as they try to beat me down, especially when i eventually beat them.

After the struggle with my girIfriend, i was finally bored of just sitting at home gaining money without moving much so i wanted to get a job. And actually due to the lawsuits i fired straight up that heir's ass, i got some money from him. Back to the topic, so a friend of mine offered a job to me, it was an accountancy job at a pretty small company. And you know what I did?

I passed it up as not 'worthy' for me to do and why?.... well because at that time, just like i said, i was way above the clouds. My pride was at an all time high so i searched for a job 'befitting' my 'high' self.

And get such a job i did, as i was able to get to a high-class powerful car manufacturing company named 'Tedla' through my 'good' connections, truly befitting to my big ego back then. Even without my various college degrees, they accepted me because a pretty influential friend of mine in the company managed to hook me up somehow, with my educatonal backgrounds and degrees being an addition to my qualification for the job.

After my interview with them, they immediately hired me saying that there could never be another me in any of the other interviewees, which i assumed back then was a high praise for my etiquette and character. Though i didn't really say anything much different from the other interviewees except for them showing some doubts about the interviewers' questions except for me. The pay was above-average, and the position, which was as a Car Engineer, this time with my engineering degree, the position wasn't that 'low' but it wasn't that 'high' either.

I worked there for half a year, and i would say that the way they treat their employees was so much better than in my previous company, though only at first. I was superior to many people, i have my own workshop near my condominium, and through time, i garnered respect from my colleagues and even gained some 'friends'.

But in the last weeks of my work there, the atmosphere inside the company has started to stagnate and eventually turned to becoming toxic to their employees. Rumors of the COO and the president battling for the highest position, the CEO, and them using 'underhanded' tactics to try to win their 'competition', started to circle around the branches and workplaces. Which then was publicly announced as true by the COO himself, probably to officially declare war on his brother, the board President.

The CEO of the company, the father of both the COO and the President of the Board, has recently gotten ill and was rumored to die a few weeks after the official announcement of his illness, triggering a 'game of thrones' situation between the two sons.

As the fight goes on, the board directors have started to get affected by the fight, some of them started siding with one of the two to reap 'benefits', hoping for the victory of the successor they chose, while some of them started to slowly transfer their investments to other companies up until they eventually leave the board just to not get caught up in the fight.

Eventually, in those hellish weeks more and more employees left the company due to the sudden 180 degrees turn of the employee treatment. The number of stocks has started to go down, the sales declining, and more and more scandals were being brought out to light and the company was now going down hill. And as all of this was happening, i already started my march out of this company in hopes i don't get affected.

And one fateful day, the company was filed with the biggest and most heinous of crimes against them, which caused the biggest impact on my life and-


"Please! IT'S ALL MY FAULT! PLEASE! don't leave me! JOANNE! please!"

" '#$@&%' it's not------ your----- it's not your------- fault...."



"You fucking bastard! You! you were the cause of this!"

"Hey hey don't blame me for this... You were the one who agreed to get you in this job-"




"Like i said, trust me, and we will succeed with this plan, hehe"

"Really? i hope so... but still, pipe down that creepy smile you're creeping me out"


"Now now don't die yet, her death was still way more painful than what's currently happening to you right now so don't break now"




"Police! Put your hands up! You are under arrested for the murder of @#$%#, you have the right to remain silent and/or contact a lawyer to defend you-"


"You see i didn't kill him, he was already lying there covered in blood, you have no evidence that points to me "



"See? there is no evidence, now sir judge aren't i innocent?"

"Mr. @#$@%&, you have been declared as NOT GUILTY"



"You! you even laugh when you murdered my son?!"

"You see.... miss, you can't do anything to me, i've been proven not guilty, and if something bad happens to me, you should know the consequences on your part"

"HAAAAAH you bastard, i might not be able to do anything to you now, but the people all around you will hate you! NO ONE WILL EVER TRUST YOU AGAIN-"


*Inhales roughly* I catched my breath right after suddenly waking up.

(Dang... that was a trip in the pass...)

(But let us move one now, all of those are in the past, now where are we?)

(I woke up in a house?.....)

I looked around and saw that i am in some kind of a room in a cabin, well as see that the walls are made out of piled up logs.

I looked down at the bed where i slept on, white sheets and a white pillow. There was one open window on my left revealing a breath-taking view of a wide field with some trees here and there, the sky is very clear, nearly devoid of any clouds at all, it must be noon time, and looking at the distance between the wind and the ground outside, this room must be on the second floor.

After looking away from the window, i proceeded to look around the room, the room is simple, a primitive looking hearth lit with fire fueled by a firewood. Paintings and some plants for decor while a singular lamp hangs on the ceiling trying to illuminate the whole room but fails to do so, giving the room a somewhat dark but cozy vibe. While at the other side from the window i could faintly see a door.

From what i observed from this place, this place is not 'my' house, i rack my brain as i to find answers, i involuntarily opened my mouth to ask something.

"Where am i?!-" i asked while suddenly a terrible headache seeped in.

"HAAAAAAAAAAA" i screamed from the pain while holding my head tightly.

The scream reverberated throughout the house making a person enter the room in a hurry.

*THUD* a loud thud sounded as someone slammed the door open in a hurry.

"Hey! what's happening?!" the person asked profusely worried.

The person was a woman.

She shook my shoulders as she asked the question, with a cold sweat forming on her forehead.

I continued screaming for a whole minute or two until suddenly the pain stopped. I stopped screaming but the rough panting still hasn't left me, and i looked at the woman.

She looked to be a middle aged woman with blonde hair contrasted with her beautiful sapphire blue eyes. But i couldn't focus now on how beautiful she was because i am still agitated and confused on what just happened and what's currently happening. While looking at her worried eyes with my shaky irises, i opened my trembling mouth.

"Wh-who are you?! and where am i?!" i yelled as i asked agitatedly with a trembling voice while showing a panicked and confused expression.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! And again, sorry for the info dump, i really had to do a background presentation about our MC.

And don't worry, the main plot of the story will officially start in chapter 4! I promise! ヘ(^o^)ヘ

And Merry christmas!!!!!

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