
A God's Boredom

Janemba_The_Demon · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A World Pick

'I don't understand you mortal and lower gods necessity to have ridiculous names like in my years of being alive I saw an American family name their kid la-e pronounced la-dash-ey. Even though I don't understand the reason why you being insist on names but to blend in with society I must at least have one, so what to pick personally i think maybe Stan, yes yes Stan is good. Obviously I'm lying that is too normal so what name would fit a god hiding in a group of mortals. Maybe a god of mischief's name like Loki but that doesn't work because at some point I will visit marvel most likely the movie verse too so that would be a red flag for that Verse's Loki'. "I CHOOSE KASTUO AS MY NAME." of course like an idiot I yelled that out loud in the middle of a crowded street in Japan on my way to the manga shop to use the different series to decide which world to travel to.

After a 20 minute walk to the nearest manga specialized store I was browsing through one of the isles and found a manga that I had read before called "My Hero Academia" I was immediately struck with the thought that I was an idiot. 'I should have went to this world immediately it would help me with increasing fighting skill as after so many years of life you learn that you should always start off small and end big as My Hero Academia is one of the weakest shonen in terms of power.' With the world decided I made a portal while freezing time as to make sure no mortal freaks out or is put in an asylums because they swear on their life they saw a man make a portal in the manga shop. In the void between worlds I was walking to the My Hero Academia world and as I do I am thinking about time. ' I know for a fact I want to meet All-Might before the story maybe before he gets one-for-all but I'm too bad with timelines to figure that out so maybe during the fight that takes place 5-6 years before the story the first of the two times we know of AFO and All-Might fighting in Japan.' After debating with myself about when to show up I am now opening the portal.

The anime does no justice to how much strength the two pillars of good and evil possessed before there injuries for reference prime All-might could beat the All-might we see in the show with one hand and AFO is not only going blow for blow with him he is winning with underhanded tactics and just pure battle experience and skill. The fight is truly a spectacle to watch but the hiding of this fight was obviously necessary as if anyone knew of this fight the populace and most heroes would freak out and some heroes would quit. After the fight I watched the two are down on the ground however only AFO is conscious and even then he can't move or use any quirks including his original. I decided to finally do the thing that would make All-might owe me in the future.

I slowly walk across the now destroyed wasteland that was once a section of the city my foot steps obviously put AFO on edge as he knows he could die right now if I'm a hero and after fighting for as long as he has you can tell he knew I was too strong for him even before this fight. I pick up All-might and as I go to walk away AFO asks,"Who are you and how did you get here so fast there is no way you would be alive if you lived in this area and even if you were you would be in no condition to carry a man that weighs as much as All-might?" as I look at his now broken face I am astounded that even in all this pain he knows that any potential threats need to be investigated and if they could be too much trouble in the future they needed to be killed so out of respect I responded with," My name is Katsuo and as for my response speed all you need to know is I was watching and waiting for this as I'm sure someone like you can understand that getting someone as strong as All-might to owe you is a good plan right." AFO laughs and as his consciousness fades and as his adrenaline dies down he says to me," A good plan indeed but I don't know if he will even strong enough to walk with an injury like that." then he chuckles once more and falls unconscious. Using my powers I heal the severely injured All-might not too much as I need a few events like the fallout between him and Night-eye and the need for a successor but he will be better than in the show as his time limit will be extended by maybe a whole 10 hours.