
Chapter Six

I followed the figure through the city, almost losing them a few times but with my sensory abilities managed to be right on track.

They turned towards an alley and I followed right behind them openly, there's no point in being discreet when I wanted them to see me.

The alley led to a dead end and I was right at the entrance preventing the figure from leaving, it didn't look as though they were planning to leave, it looked as if they were waiting for me to catch up.

"It's quite rude to spy at someone you know." I said towards the figure.

"It's quite stupid to follow a stranger to a dead alley. You could end up dead." The figure retorted without turning to look at me.

"I'm quite confident in my abilities." I said smugly grabbing a dagger sheathed by my side.

"Oh really. [Spatial Travel]." In a show of bright blue light the figure disappeared from my front and appeared behind me with a dagger on my neck.

"Just like this, you would have been dead." The figure said in a cold feminine like voice.

"I won't be the only one then." I replied, seeing that my dagger was pointed to the figures gut.

The figure noticed and jumps back creating distance between us.

"Who are you? and What do you want from me?" I asked turning around to face them.

Slowly the figure removed the cloak revealing herself, standing infront of me with white hair and a small build is none other than Lex Allen.

I remember her from the arena and how the crowd reacted when her name was called, but I don't know anything about her, her family name sounds familiar but I can't seem to place it.

"I'm sure you should have recognized me by now, and there's no harm in checking out my potential opponent in today's game." She said while tucking her hair to her left ear.

"I see and what did you see from the potential opponent." I asked curiously.

"Average." She replied bluntly. I smiled inwardly and frowned in displeasure outwards. Smiled cause it shows I'm not overdoing it like I thought I was and frowned just for show.

"Well then we'll meet at the arena in the evening and I'll be able to judge you."

"Until then. You might want to tell your partner to lay down the training and conserve her strength." Lex advised and in a flash of blue light disappears.

Spatial Travel, a very powerful inherent skill if the user knows how to use it and it seems she does. Her last name sounds so familiar yet I can't seem to place it. I should go ask Kyna, she's more knowledgeable in this stuff and I wonder what Lex meant by conserve her strength. I thought as I quicken my pace back to the training center.


Eagles Peak, one of the tallest mountain in Phoenix Empire hosts a glassed mansion belonging to none other than the Princess of the Empire, Princess Zita.

Several guards all wearing black are stationed all around the premises, some even hanging at the rooftops, each of these guards a level 7 practitioner and above.

A carriage could be seen going up the mountain on a paved road, inside the carriage is the second prince, Prince Klaus, the red hair he shares with his brother and father flowing in the wind as he smiles in sick anticipation of meeting his dear sister.

The carriage arrived at the mansion shortly and one of the guards moved to open the door for the Prince, He steps out and takes a deep breath, the guards around him bow as he walked passed them toward the door.

"Sister!!" He yells as soon as he steps inside.

The interior of the building was nothing short of breathtakingly beautiful, several colours of light bulbs and expensive art decorated the interior, almost everything was made of glass and gold ornaments could be seen in some corners of the living room.

On the steps of the long marble staircase that leads to the room are light bulbs that comes on whenever they detect presence of Mana.

Footsteps could be heard as the princess descends the stairs in a show of lights as the bulbs detect mana on them.

"You.Get me a cup of water." The prince orders a maid patiently waiting for him while bowing.

"Why are you here?" The princess asked with a tint of annoyance and disgust at the sight of her brother.

The two were never close, Klaus always felt the young princess overshadowed his fame as a genius and as hated her ever since then, directing all his attention into making her look bad, it was part of the reason she left the palace and some other more.

"Can't I just decide to greet my lovely sister." He said smiling as he moves to hug her, she ducks underneath his outstretched arms and glares at him.

"Well then." He clasps his hands and with a forced smile turns to face her.

"Your water, My Prince." The maid said kneeling down before him holding a glass of water.

He takes the glass from her hand and takes a sip. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he moves the cup away from his mouth.

"What is this?" He asked glaring furiously at the maid.

"It's -- It's ju-st water my prince." The maid stammers in fear.

"You call this water!." He slams the glass on the maids face, she screams as she feels shards of glass pierce her face dripping out blood.

"I can't believe you hire such maids. Out of my sight." He ordered and lowers himself to the white couch below him, crossing his legs as he sits.

Guards help the injured maid out of the room and hurriedly clean the drop of blood on the tiled floor. All the while the princess still had a cold look on her face, she could care less whatever happened to anyone as long as it doesn't affect her.

"Again what do you want?" She asked staring daggers into Klaus.

If only he could carve out her pretty face while watching her struggle in his arms, he thought as he replied.

"I heard the famous, genius, prodigy baby sister of mine got her ass handed over to her by some commoner." He teases, the princess familiar cold face turns into a frown which made him smile.

"How is that your business?" She asked.

"Well, if an ordinary commoner could bring the so called family genius to her knees, That would be a slap in the face of us her siblings don't you think".

"I still don't see how this concerns you in anyway, if you're here to insult me please leave." She points to the door her anger peaking.

"Dear dear." He gets up smiling evilly while walking around her.

"I heard there is a competition this evening, since the commoner would be there, I'm sure your little pride would not make you let go of that disgrace and you'll pull on strings to make sure you get to fight with him again." He said watching as her frown deepens yet she remained silent.

"Seeing as you didn't say anything. I guess I'm correct." He laughs


"Klaus. Leave." She ordered already angry as her level 8 mana pressure leaks out of her.

Klaus frowns at the pressure seeing that she was almost close to reaching his level.

"I'll be sure to be there." He whispers into her ears.

"Get Out!" A burst of mana slams into Klaus sending him flying to the glass wall which shatters upon contact.

"[Fireball]." A ball of fire formed on the princess hand with a purple hue as she glares furiously at Klaus, who slowly gets up laughing as blood drops down the side of his mouth.

"You dare." He snarls and raised his hand and a flaming sword made from Mana materialized on his hand.

"[Phoenix Sword]." He charges at her while deflecting the fireballs being thrown at him, he jumps and swings down at her with all purpose to kill.

Just as he was about making contact with her a bright light shines between them and the sound of glass exploding resounds across the room which blasts him back, he hits the ground hard but regains his balance.

"Who dares!" He yelled.

The light dims revealing an old man dressed in a Butler suit holding a plate of cookie in one hand while his other hand was glowing.

"My apologies young master but you're not allowed to harm her." The butler said respectfully.

"Out of my way!" He yelled and charges at him blinded by anger.

"[Glass Manipulation: Shards Descent]." The butler waved his hand and the broken glass on the floor raised up and flew towards the prince.

Klaus stops at the sight of the glass and the glass stops infront of him hovering infront of him.

"You're not allowed to hurt her young master." The butler repeats still in a professional manner but sternly.

"We'll see again sister." He said finally becoming calm then walked away.

"I hate him so much!" The princess yelled as soon as she lost sight of him then storms back to her room.

All this because of that Silver of a guy, I'll make sure he pays with his life today I can handle anything that happens next after that. She thought as she slams her door close.

"Kids." The butler sighed and called on the maids and guards to clear the mess up.


Evening came quickly as many people were flooding the arena, you could taste the excitement in the air. It's not everyday you get to witness fights between adventurers, especially not twice in a week. With the presence of the princess and other well known competitors, everyone wanted to see what was going to happen.

Even those that could not get the tickets to the arena were gathered at different locations as it was being televised everywhere.

"Hey, you nervous?" I asked Kyna seeing as she was playing with her fingers.

"Yeah. Kinda". She replied, I smile and give her a side hug.

"You'll be fine especially with the new air skills you learnt and whatever you were doing with the scary old lady." I encourage her.

She smiles and takes a deep breath calming her nerves down a little. When I got back to the arena, I couldn't ask her the question in my mind because of she was busy with a secret training as explained to me by one of those ladies following Martha. I could only imagine what horrific things Martha could have taught her.

We were at a different section in the arena, several guild guards were busy arranging and setting up barriers in preparation for the battle about to come.

Up ahead in another section, the guild leaders were seated and talking among themselves. A familiar horn resounded across the arena and all the chatters and noise came to a stop.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We welcome the second prince Klaus Phoenix." A deep voice announced and everyone except for me and the princess bows.

She was fuming and glaring daggers at the red haired slightly handsome prince that walked in to the arena hands in his pocket walking gracefully towards a platform that would carry him to the platform where the guild leaders stayed.

After he was settled everyone was allowed the rise and the chatter began in earnest this time the conversation was about the appearance of the second prince, everyone knows the princess and the second prince are not in good terms, so what could be his purpose here?

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the final competition of the bi-annual Adventurer Tests." Archon speaks.

The crowd erupts in cheers and applause.

"We say a big congratulations to the finalist. Today will just be a test of their school and their induction into the guild. Without further ado let the first fight of the night begin."

The whole arena shakes at the excitement of the crowd as they stomp their feets on the group cheering and jumping.

"Starting first we have Jason Spark vs Joseph Eli."

Jason appears in the arena holding a staff in a streak of lightning while Joseph walks through the entrance with his long beards taking the lead.

"The rules are simple. There would be no killing, the game would be stopped when your opponent is knocked unconscious or unable to fight. I'll determine who is the winner of the game." Archon explained.

"Do you understand?"

They both nodded staring intently at themselves.

"Very well, begin." Archon waved his hand signifying the start of the fight.

"Who do think would win?" Kyna asked curiously watching the two guys circle themselves.

"I don't know. It depends on their skills and how they use it." I replied.

"[Earth Spikes]." Joseph slams his leg on the ground causing spikes to erupt from the ground almost piercing Jason who evaded by jumping back just as the spike was about hitting him.

"[Wind Blade]." Jason swings his staff creating wind blades that tore through the arena towards Joseph.

"[Earth Wall]." A huge column of wall appeared infront of Joseph blocking the Wind Blade. He dashes out from the side of the wall and rushed towards Jason.

"[Earthen Fist]." Joseph hands become coated in Earth appearing hard and rough. He throws a punch at Jason who weaves and retaliates with a swing of his staff, Joseph duck under the swing and throws a punch at Jason gut which made him double over, blood pouring out of his mouth.

Joseph then throws an uppercut sending Jason flying back.

"Damn. That looked painful." Kyna comments.

"It wouldn't be wise for Jason to engage in close combat with Joseph." I said, then noticed the convergence of Mana around Jason as he got up.

"[Inherent Skill: Lightning Manipulation]." Jason body becomes coated with lightning, cackles of lightning jumping from one point of his body to another.

"[Lightning Bolt]." Destructive energy converged at the tip of his staff and with a yell it was released at Joseph.

"[Earth Wall]." Several wide blocks of Earth erupted to stop the incoming attack, but the lightning attack passed through all of them just as it was about to hit Joseph, he murmured something and a loud explosion followed.

The crowd went quite as everyone tensed up to see the outcome of the attack. When the some cleared, Joseph could be seen standing shirtless his body was smoking and appeared to be iron-like.

"[Inherent Skill: Iron Coat]."

"My ultimate defense. Even your lightning attack can't get pass this." Joseph said smugly then rushed at Jason without any decrease in speed even with the Iron coating his body.

"Don't get cocky." Jason raised his staff to the sky and a bolt of lighting shot out of the staff towards the sky.

"[Lightning Dance]." Several bolts of lightning continued to rain down on Joseph keeping him at bay while forcing him to dodge, if he was hit by any, he'll shrug it off because of his iron body.

"Joseph keeps supplying Mana to keep on his Iron coating. He might run out of mana soon except he has another plan." Kyna said paying close attention to the fight.

I nod as I watched Joseph being overwhelmed by the continuous rain of lightning, whenever one hits him, his iron coating comes off and he has to supply Mana to cover it up again. However Jason doesn't seem to be losing much Mana that would probably because of the aid of the staff, all he has to do is to channel Mana to the staff, the staff probably boosts the output of the little Mana he channels inside.

"Die!!" Jason yells and a bigger lighting strikes Joseph blasting him and almost taking the arena with him.

Joseph groans on the floor, his iron coating half covered his body, burn mark could be seen all over the part of the body that isn't covered.

They are different types of mages, close combat mages, long ranged mages. Joseph is a close combat mage, which means his Mana pool is not as large as a long ranged mages cause he can't keep releasing spells like the long ranged mages. He only has to release short burst of mana and hope to make a significant contact.

Jason has noticed that and his doing his best to create distance between them. However it looks like Joseph still has a trick up his sleeves.

"Give up already." Jason smirks seeing as Joseph struggles to get up.

"[Break]." Joseph slams his hand on the ground and cracks starts spreading through the arena until it reached Jason.

"Such pure strength." Archon comments.

"What is this?" Jason looked at the crack that has formed beneath him confused.

"Your funeral." Joseph slams his hand on the ground again and suddenly the whole area around Jason begins to cave in and the arena starts falling apart.

"Reinforce!" Archon orders. Many guards rushed to reinforce the barriers protecting the audience and tries to keep the destruction of the arena from spreading outwards.

Jason jumps back trying to get away from the destruction.

"Not so fast." Joseph gets up and grabs a boulder from the floor, with a yell he threw it at Jason.

Jason deflects the boulder by sending bolts of lightning at it, but more soon came along. Compounded with the arena destroying beneath him and the endless boulder Joseph throws at him, he lost his footing and a boulder managed to slam into him sending him flying into the arena barricade, his staff lost among the rubbles.

The arena starts fixing itself back after the destruction stops. Joseph walks towards the fallen Jason breathing heavily.

"That must have took alot out of him." Kyna comments and I nod in agreement.

Joseph picks up the injured Jason off the ground and pinned him to the wall.

"It's over." Joseph said and holds his fist threateningly over Jason's face.

"Wrong move." Jason said smiling, blood coming out his mouth.

"[Suicide Shock]." Jason's body lights up and lightning bolts consumes both him and Joseph.

Joseph yells as his body was being shocked until he started smoking and turning black.

"Enough!" Archon orders and Jason stops his attack leaving Joseph to fall to the ground unconscious and twitching.

"Healers!" A group of medics dressed up in white rushed to the arena and carries Joseph out with a stretcher.

"The winner is Jason!!" Archon announces and the crowd went wild cheering.

"That was alot. The next fight is Kyna Fae and Sam Gold." Archon announced.

"I didn't see that coming." I mused out loud while Kyna stares at me in shock.