
Chapter 3

Morning came quickly and we were already on our way to Phoenix Guild to get registered.

On getting there, the lines were already so long reaching outside the main gates of the guild, and the guild could be described as a small City so you could imagine how many people are here.

We joined the crowd well let me rephrase that, I joined the crowd while Sam went to look for Max. Dad has been calm ever since our conversation and he's being a good boy.

After few minutes of waiting I was finally at the front, a young beautiful lady wearing glasses is seated opposite me recording down details of everyone registering.

"Good morning, My name is Lilian what's your name?" She asks politely and professionally.

"Silver." I reply


"18 years"

"Any current occupation?" She asks while filling out a form.

"Nothing for now."

"Please place your hand on this orb to determine your level." She holds up a white orb, the orb records the amount of Mana in the person body and converts it to a digital number based on certain criteria.

"Alright." I reduce my infinite Mana drastically, however no matter how much you reduce infinity it's still always infinity so I'll just alter reality a bit.

I put my hand on the orb and it glows bright for a while then settles down, a number was hovering inside the orb.

"Level 3 ?" She stares at me from behind her glasses and her countenance towards me took a 360 degree turn.

"Yeah it's a great level isn't it?" I ask sarcastically.

"Umm..yes, yes it is." She regains her professional composure back. She reaches into the box beside her and brings out a digital wristband.

"At any time during the competition if you feel as though you may not survive. Tap this button." She points to a button at the side of the band explaining. "You'll be transported back here immediately. Goodluck." She smiles. I take it from her and slap it on before moving to join the crowd at the field waiting for announcement.

After few minutes and everyone were already registered a loud voice boomed from the top of the set-up stage.

"Welcome Rookies." A really buff man with a long scar across his nose and smaller ones on his face walks up to the stage, a large sword resting on his shoulder.

He is Archon, the guildmaster of the Phoenix Guild. To his left a woman with long red hair wearing a stunning red gown that's glittering is the second in command, Ember. To his right brother of the shit faced Max, looking all plain and stupid, Drex Rim, the third in command. They are all experts over level 10 and their presence alone is enough to silence a crowd of over 200 people.

"Welcome to the bi-annual try outs to become an adventurer of the most powerful guild in all of the four Empires." Archon says and the crowd goes bonkers cheering.

Ember steps forward and I could see some guys drool as they watch her. "You will all undergo three different tests. Only the top 10 will be admitted into the guild as we want only the best".

"For the first test." Drex waves his hand and a huge door swings open revealing three teleportation circle on the floor. "Each of you will be teleported to different locations in the Forest of Death, ofcourse as the name implies you'll encounter so many dangerous beasts out there. The goal is to survive for an hour and you'll automatically be teleported back wherever you are, however during the range of the hour if you're willing to give up or in a dangerous situation you think you can't handle just tap the button on your wristband and you'll be teleported here immediately." He explains.

"So without further Ado, let the games begin." Archon concludes.

We were then arranged into three lines and walked over to the teleportation circle infront of us.

After a while it was my turn, I step into the circle and a bright light envelops me, different runes floats around me and just as quick as the light came it dies out.

I hear a rustle behind me and open my eyes to see I'm in the forest. I remember watching Flora create this forest, it was during an episode where she was really pissed at a mortal who managed to kill her divine animal, she violated one of the universal rules and stormed to the surface in her divine form, and crushed the mortal with her bare feet, the aftermath is this forest of death, a huge amount of pure condensed Mana fills the air and the mana sometimes coagulate to form the beasts that roam in the forest.

Remember that rustle I heard, yeah I should probably turn to see what caused that. I quickly turn around to see a gigantic wolf towering over me, saliva all over it's canines.

What are the chances that the first beast I come across is this huge, it growls at me and slowly creeps towards me baring it's fangs.

"Here kitty kitty." I try to appease it but it didn't seem to like it as it snarls and pounced at me.

I jump out of the way just before it could reach me, I could probably kill it with a snap of my finger but where's the fun. It turns to face me and swipes at me, I roll underneath it's paws and really long claws, just as I was about getting up it swipes again and this time it connects as I flew back hitting and breaking the tree.

Damn, that hurts. That was fun, when last have I gotten hit that hard. The wolf seems surprise to still see me alive and rushes at me, I glance at the fallen tree and smile as an idea clicks in my head.

My turn, immediately it was near, I lift the tree and swing it at the wolf, it slams into it's snout hard and sends it flying into several trees.

"Yes!" I let out a triumphant yell, if you're wondering how I managed to carry the tree I'm guessing you haven't read the part where I said I'm a god, you should probably do that.

The wolf recovers from the hit and gets up slowly with a now bloodied snout.

It snarls and rushes at me again, I wait for it to pounce, then grab it's outstretched paw then turn around throwing it over my shoulder.

I grab a twig from the forest floor and channel Mana into it making it indestructible and very sharp. I jump and land on it's head, just before it could attack I slam the twig into it's eyes.

It let's out a roar and swipes at me, I jump off causing it to hit itself.

"Yeah! Let's see how you deal with that."

It roars in pains, then pain turns to anger and it jumps at me again.

"You just never learn don't you. [Divide]." I chant and a bright light shines from the middle of the wolf. I jump back just as it was about landing on me, it was about rushing forward again but stops.

"Byee." I wave and watch as it's body divides into two halves, blood and entrails falling from it's now dissected body.

I smile at my clean work and start exploring the forest.

The forest spans over the four Empires, it is more or less like their borders. I haven't come across any other beast apart from the wolf and quite frankly I'm getting bored.

"Help!!" A masculine voice yells.

I run towards the direction of the voice and enter a clearing.

A huge bear with spikes all over it's body is chewing on someone and two other mangled bodies are on the floor.

The guy that screamed is resting on a tree, his left leg nowhere to be found and blood is pouring out of his stump.

"Help!" He screams again.

The bear turns to look at me and saunters towards his prey. Behind the bear, a familiar figure is sprawled out on the floor un-moving but not dead, just passed out.

"Hey!" I throw a rock at the bear gaining it's attention, stupid move I know but there's nothing I can't handle.

The bear turns to look at me and growls, it bends it's head and the spikes on its body starts vibrating.

Suddenly, the spikes were released at dangerous speed towards me.

I jump out of the way just as the huge spike uprooted a tree and pinned it to another.

"That's--." My eyes widen at the sight of the huge spike. "So cool." I finish, the one-legged guy looks at me like I'm insane, but really that was amazing.

The bear roars and comes at me, I grab a sword from the floor, it must have belonged to the now dead people. Just as the paw was about turning me to a paste on the ground, I raise the sword and stab through the paw.

It roars in pain and before it could react, I jump holding the horns on it's snout and with brute Force slams it's face on the floor.

It shakes off the attack and opens it's mouth.

"Run!" The one-legged man yells.

A red glow slowly forms at the back of it's throat and a stream of fire is released at me.

Have you ever been burnt, now imagine that but multiply the pain by a million. It's said to be one of the most painful death, being burnt alive.

However, to me it's like being bath with warm water.

"[Fireball]." I chant the most basic spell and a small ball of fire forms on my hand but this time with black flame, I throw it inside the bears mouth and before jumping away I allow the flames to burn my clothes and leave small burn marks on my skin.

The bear explodes into nothingness, the black flame burns from the cellular level until nothing remains including the flame.

"How?" The one-legged man stammers as he sees me come out almost unharmed.

"Sleep." I order and he passes out immediately, I walk over to the familiar figure on the floor and noticed it was the beast-girl from before, there is a huge gash on her head, claw marks.

I place my hand on her head and a green glow emits from it, the wound starts closing up quickly until it was back to normal.

She stirs but doesn't wake up, I carry her gently, bridal style and take her to a more covered place, putting her under a tree.

I conjure up another cloth for myself as I am currently naked and some food. The fighting made me hungry.

45 minutes later


"Hey." A sweet gentle voice stirs me from my sleep.

I feel her hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me.

"What do you want mom?" I say drowsily.

"It's not your mom." The voice giggles.

I slowly open my eyes and see the beast-girl looking at me. She looks so pretty regardless of her tail and fluffy ears.

"Since when have you been awake?" I ask curiously. Remember I said I don't sleep, so yeah I wasn't actually sleeping whenever I go to the gods realm my mortal body enters a state of rest which is like sleeping, it's more like hibernation.

"About 10 minutes ago." She replies sitting infront of me.

"Why did you save me?" She asks.

"Well you were in trouble and I couldn't leave you there".

"You don't even know me plus I'm a beastkin".

"How does that have to do with me saving you?" I get up and dust myself.

"A simple thank you would have been nice." I say slightly annoyed.

She gets up and bows awkardly.

"I'm sorry. Thank you." She apologized.

I wave it off and walk over to her stretching my hand for a shake.

"I'm Silver, what's your name?" I ask.

"Kyna." She replies curtly.

"I never knew beastkind were allowed to participate in the competition." It is quite surprising to see her in the game, Humans aren't known for their kindness towards the beastkind.

"My master owed me a favour. He decided to reward me by registering me in the games." She explains. I wonder what kind of favour that is.

Suddenly the wrist band on our wrists starts glowing signifying the end of the first round.

"Guess we passed the first round." I say smiling.

She smiles back and nods, a bright light envelops us and we were transported back to the guild.

On getting back to the guild only a few out of the hundreds were able to complete the first stage.

"Wow, only 50 of you were able to make it to the next round." Drex said although disappointed.

"I expected more but I guess this would do."

"The next round will take place after a 20 minutes break, be sure to be back before then." Archon announces and everyone dispersed.

"Silver." Kyna calls out to me from the crowd.

"Yes." I turn to face her, she looks worried or nervous.

"I-I don't ha-ve any where to stay." She stammers as tears well up her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

"Apart from the favour, master said if I make him fulfill his favour I'll have to leave and stop working for him." She explains.

You must be wondering why favours are so important, well a favour is like a contract in the beastkind world, any favour granted to them must be paid back and any favour they grant to someone must also be paid back. It's like a blessing and a curse, and no, I didn't do it to them. I hardly associate divinely with this mortals.

"And now I owe you a favor for saving my life earlier. I'm indebted to you ma-ster." She says.