
A goblin spell blade in the world of Goblin slayer

Reborn into the form of a goblin—a strong one yes!, But the stigma of being a goblin follows me . In a world echoing the harsh realities of Goblin Slayer, I navigate its dangers, concealing my hope behind a steel mask and draped in a black cloak. Armed with nothing but a spellbook, the transformation of my character sheet into reality, and a limited understanding of the show observed in passing, I embark on a journey through this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired realm. My survival hinges on creating bonds with Goblin Slayer and the rest of the main cast. As fragile as they may be, these bonds will decide my fate. However, will they endure long enough for me to return home, or will the slip of the mask ruin it all? This is the tale of a Spellblade in another world. This is Dnd inspired, because I have recently gotten into it after my friend bullied me into my first session after like 3 years of no sessions. Art by : Alyskan Find him here: https://www.deviantart.com/alyskan/gallery I'll take it down if asked And the update schedule is aimed to be around 1 to 2 times a week with up to 5

SamuraiSalad · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Session 2

The night swiftly transformed into day, and the girls surrounding him gradually roused. Gob patiently awaited their awakening one by one. While some appeared to recover slightly from yesterday's ordeal, no longer shaking at the slightest disturbance in the woods, most seemed barely present, likely reliving every grueling second in that dark, damp cave.

Priestess was the last to wake, and Gob allowed her a few extra moments of rest. Giving the girl five more minutes couldn't hurt after the draining experience of the previous day. He would be surprised if she continued her adventuring journey.

Checking his spellbook and the condition of his blades, Gob found his spell slots recovered and ready for another day. Although his swords were a bit duller than yesterday, as long as they drew blood, they should suffice for the journey back to town.

"Hey, wake up," he gently shook Priestess, waiting for her to stir. When she didn't respond, he shook her more forcefully. Her large eyes slowly fluttered open, a hazy and confused glint present as she tried to stretch, feeling her arms blocked by Gohn's head.

"Where am I?" The girl looked around in confusion before her eyes landed on Gohn, her stretched-out hand pushing into his face.

"Oh, Mother Goddess, I'm sorry," she snapped out of her daze, quickly withdrawing her hand.

"You're good," Gohn said, finishing the last touches of equipment maintenance. He reattached his spell to its holder, sheathed his blades, and burned anything that could be used to track them.

"Priestess, how many spells can you use?" Gob inquired.

"The goddess has granted me three more miracles for today," she answered, collecting her staff and patting off her gown.

Gob paused, contemplating the group's next course of action for the day. "Heal those two," he decided, pointing to the oldest of the injured girls.

"But what about the other two? We can't just leave them, and what about Wizard? She still hasn't woken up yet."

"I'll deal with them," Gohn calmly responded, attempting to appease the worried girl. He walked up to one of them, began the chant to cure wounds, and placed his hands on both of her legs. Discolored muscle and flesh started to mend, closing the cuts and gashes on the girl's leg, hopefully allowing her to walk.

And finally, the last one. Gohn surveyed her, noticing she was the youngest and most traumatized by the goblins; she would shake uncontrollably whenever he got within range.

He picked her up, causing her to shiver even more as if she was tossed into an ice bath.

"Calm down," he ordered gently. If this was too much for her, he would spend the spell slot to heal her so she could walk with the other girls. However, he preferred saving his spell slots in case something unexpected occurred.

With only three spell slots, he had to use them sparingly. Resource management was a crucial aspect of playing a Dnd wizard, and those skilled at it survived, while others quickly realized they might need another character sheet.

"Let's get moving," he urged the rest of the girls, cradling the petite one with a gentle, rhythmic rocking motion. It was a comforting gesture, reminiscent of how he used to calm his sister when she was young. His actions seemed to alleviate some of the fear in the girl.

Carrying her in his arms, he made his way toward the still-sleeping mage. Though not in immediate danger, the mage remained unconscious, the lingering effects of goblin poison evident in her weakened state.

Positioned above the mage, he quietly began chanting the incantation for the flying disk.

Wings of breeze, lift and spin,

Craft for me a disk to begin.

Through the air, a floating grace,

A platform born of magic's embrace.

The mage's body lifted into the air, a few feet above the ground, supported by an invisible platform, and floated towards the group of girls under Gohn's command.

Fortune appeared to favor the group, allowing them to proceed without hindrance. Before long, the outline of the town materialized as they transitioned from the forest to the open plains.

The girl in his arms had drifted back to sleep, and the petite priestess enthusiastically chattered about showcasing Cloudborn, the Frontier town, to him. Meanwhile, the unconscious mage floated serenely, guarded by the other girls who required minimal guidance from him, given the remaining duration of the spell.

'She recovers quickly,' Gohn mused, surprised at the resilience of the once-frightened girl who had trembled before him. Were all clerics as resilient, or was she an exception?

"Mister, Mister," Priestess tugged at his sleeve to regain his attention as he momentarily zoned out.

When he refocused, she strained to look up at him. "Are you an adventurer?" she asked.

"I'm not," he replied briskly, observing the guards of the town taking form in the distance. Carriages and people lined up, awaiting entry into the city.

"Oh," Priestess sounded disheartened by his response. A brief silence hung between them. "Do you plan to be one?" she eventually inquired, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes," he affirmed, his gaze returning to the approaching guard station. The guards, armed and clad in metal armor, presented an imposing sight. Some wielded pointed spears, and a couple appeared to be mages.

Gohn, recognizing the potential danger at his current level, considered alternative ways to enter the town. Various scenarios played out in his mind, many involving guards demanding he remove his mask and quickly getting skewered. It seemed an unnecessary risk.

Turning to Priestess, who seemed poised to ask another question, he moved closer. "Hold her," he instructed, passing the sleeping girl into Priestess's arms. The weight seemed challenging for the petite cleric, struggling to maintain her grip.

"I need to take care of something," Gohn informed them. "Take care of the mage" He yelled out, vanishing into the tall grass near the town. The girls were left momentarily speechless, uncertain of what to say or do next.

Gohn deemed jumping the wall his best option. He skillfully navigated around the town, seeking a section without vigilant guards, utilizing tall grass and rocks to conceal his movements. Once he identified a wall segment devoid of sentinels...

However, no matter how much he pondered, he couldn't discern a way for Detect Magic or Floating Disk —his newly acquired spells from the level-up—to aid in scaling the wall. A sigh escaped him, his thoughts tinged with concern for the well-being of his blades, as he unsheathed them. He proceeded to use them like makeshift ice picks to ascend the towering barrier, wincing at every unpleasant screech emanating from his beleaguered blades.

Upon fully ascending the wall, Gohn's blades bore the scars of chipping and dulling. Regret over not selecting the Jump spell lingered, both for the ease it would have afforded and the preservation of his blades.

Perched atop the wall, his spellbook glowed and unfastened itself, floating before him. Arcane energy permeated the area, accompanied by a mystical voice.

"Congratulations, adventurer. Your tales are only beginning, yet you've single-handedly vanquished a beast above your level and successfully escorted all the maidens back to the safety of Frontier Town. Praiseworthy deeds indeed. You have ascended to level 3," the book announced, eliciting unbridled delight from Gohn.

Level 3 wizardry granted access to level 2 spells, constituting a substantial power boost. Gohn mused on the significance of this advancement, appreciating spells such as Hold Person, Misty Step, Shadow Blade, Invisibility, Detect Thought, and Locate Object—vital tools, especially as a Bladesinger.

Gohn perceived a significant power disparity between a 3rd-level wizard and their 1st-level counterpart, far more pronounced than the slight difference between a 13th and 15th level. Another notable leap awaited at the 5th level, introducing spells like Haste, Lightning Bolt, and Revivify, along with the initiation of summoning spells.

The book's voice persisted, disclosing, "Due to a change in your vessel, it will take one day for the benefits of your level to manifest." The book then closed and returned to its original position.

Gohn, although slightly disappointed, remained unfazed. He had no grand plans for the day, making the delayed realization of his level-up inconsequential. Peering down at the houses along the walls, he stepped off the wall, allowing gravity to guide him.

"Gonna feel that tomorrow," Gohn groaned upon landing on the rooftop. A brief moment of walking off the aches followed, with a hint of frustration evident at the failed dexterity save.

Efficiently descending the house into a back alley, Gohn sprinted away, wary of the homeowner investigating the rooftop disturbance. After navigating a series of twists and turns, he found himself thoroughly disoriented in the unfamiliar city. Following the ambient sounds of voices, he retraced his steps back to the main street.

Emerging from the back alleys, he once again joined the vibrant main street. The thoroughfare buzzed with activity—shop owners beckoned to potential customers, warriors adorned in full plate, and spell casters wielding staffs meandered through the crowd.

Silently merging into the bustling crowd, Gohn, his tall figure drawing some curious glances, followed the presumed path of fellow adventurers. Within half an hour, he stood before a building with large letters declaring it the "Adventurers Guild."

The guild loomed above the other structures, a four-story edifice meticulously crafted from stone and wood. Its wooden arch door, adorned with engravings of a dragon, a man in combat, and a princess, seemed to entice young men with promises of adventure, glory, and more.

As Gohn pushed the door open, he entered and scanned the room, absorbing the hustle and bustle. Adventurers crowded around the quest board, civilians chatted with receptionists, and a small priestess darted toward him.

"Mr., where did you go?" the young girl inquired, circling him to check for injuries.

"Somewhere,I told you before didn't I" Gohn calmly replied, his eyes following her with a hint of amusement. 

"Saying I have to take care of something and disappearing is not helpful," she pouted, finishing her inspection. "Not one bit," she added on. "Why are you so dusty?" She asked, noticing he wasn't fully dusted after sneaking around in the grass. While his clothes seemed to clean themselves from goblin or boar blood, it wasn't an instant process.

"I got into a predicament," Gohn answered vaguely, believing confessing his sins to a servant of the gods wasn't the best idea. No need to worry about the girl.

"Oh no, what happened?" the girl asked, worried, as she continued checking him. Gohn led her to a quiet corner in the guild, away from the main entrance, not wanting to draw attention by blocking the doorway.

"A small calculation error on my part," Gohn masterfully avoided the question once again.

"What did you miscalculate?" Priestess asked, her brow quivering at how he avoided the question.

"My abilities, and how hard the stone is." He answered vaguely stroking his mask covered chin, getting a cute groan from her, finally giving up on getting answered.

"Next time, bring me along; I can help," the girl said, holding her staff close.

"Next time," Gohn answered. "How were those girls?" he asked, changing the topic.

"The guards took care of the girls," she said with sadness in her voice. "I hope they get better," she continued, visibly becoming sadder.

"What about your party members?" Gohn asked, curious as to why she was the only one still in the guild. No matter how much he looked around, the fighter or mage was nowhere to be found.

"Fighter said she's returning to her and warrior's village after getting paid for the quest, saying she wants to make a grave for him," the girl paused before continuing. "And Wizard still hasn't woken up, she's at the Church" the girl's voice quivering with every sentence. "I wish I could have done more. If I did, maybe Warrior wouldn't have died. Am I worthy of these miracles granted to me by Mother Goddess?"

"Don't get too hung up on the past," he told her, hugging the girl to comfort her. "As long as you learn from this and keep moving forward, helping more people, you will never be unworthy," he added, patting her back. There were times to break down, and this wasn't one of them, so he tried to comfort the girl before she reached her breaking point.

A few minutes passed as the girl sniffled in his chest while he rubbed her back to comfort her, all while silently going through the chants of all his spells. Her soft form within his hands elevating his Goblin desires to push her down and his way with her.

"Thank you, mister," she said, looking up at him as she used her sleeves to wipe away her tears.

"No problem," Gohn said, letting the girl go from his hug and taking some distance to calm himself.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she said, pulling a sack of coins from her side. "Here," she said, sticking out her hand with the bag.

"What is this?" Gohn asked curiously, looking at the sack of coins.

"It's your pay," she said hurriedly, pushing the sack closer to him.

"What for?" Gohn asked, unsure why she was giving him money. Sure, he was in need of coin right now, like every other low-level wizard.

"For saving me and killing all those goblins," she answered sheepishly, adjusting strands of hair behind her ear.

"Keep the money," Gohn said, pushing the money back towards her and shaking his head. "You need it more." A new adventurer needed all the money they could get; weapons and armor don't come cheap, and he didn't want to be responsible for the death of a personified golden retriever because she couldn't afford some armor.

Gohn put an end to the conversation and began making his way toward an open desk. A blonde beauty with golden eyes waited for him with the standard customer service smile plastered on her face.

"How may I assist you?" she inquired with a professional air.

"Can I register as an adventurer?" Gohn asked, wanting to expedite the process. First Priestess, and now this receptionist; whoever designed this world had a penchant for attractive blondes, which did little to quell his goblin urges. 

Gohn seriously contemplated the idea of blinding himself, or at the very least, donning a blindfold and acquiring the blind-fighting feat to gain better control over his urges. The incessant whispers in the depths of his mind, urging him to defile anyone even remotely attractive, were enough to induce a migraine.

"Of course. Can you read?" she asked, sliding a sheet of paper, a quill, and ink toward him from below the desk.

"I can," Gohn replied, taking the quill and filling out the surprisingly brief form. The sheet requested his occupation, title, and age. It took him a moment to settle on a title, still baffled by the unconventional names in this place.

"It says here you're a Wizard, 18 years old, and go by Spellblade. Is that correct?" She read the contents aloud, confirming before filing it away and handing him a dog tag from below the desk.

"Yes," Gohn affirmed, examining the new dog tag before returning his gaze to the Guild receptionist. "What's this?" he inquired.

"This will serve as your guild identification. There are 10 adventure ranks, and you'll start at the bottom," she explained.

She pointed to a chart on the wall, portraying different-colored badges and titles. "As adventurers, your rank is crucial, not just for personal pride but also for the types of missions you can undertake."

Guild Girl explained the ranks, the colors, and the progression system, emphasizing the importance of climbing steadily and avoiding rushing.

"Any more questions?" The receptionist asked Gohn, who shook his head and turned toward the quest board. Yet, he was once again intercepted by Priestess.

"Are you going on a quest?" she asked curiously.

"Yes," he answered, walking past her.

"Can I come along?" she asked timidly.

"No, you will go home," he replied sternly, not bothering to turn around.

"But I still have a miracle left; I can still be useful," Priestess argued, attempting to evoke sympathy with puppy dog eyes.

"Still no," Gohn responded, avoiding eye contact as an unsettling urge to unsettle that adorable face overcame him. "Go home, maybe buy some mail, and come back tomorrow."

"Can I join you on a quest tomorrow?" she asked tapping by fingers together while looking down.

"Yes," Gohn replied plainly.

"Okay, then see you tomorrow, mister," Priestess said, waving as she left the guild. Gohn waved back before heading toward the quest board, selecting a task that could be swiftly completed. Opting for the sewer clearing quest, he placed it on the main desk.

Guild Girl retrieved multiple bags and a knife from below the desk, providing a briefing on the quest's basic details and what he needed to complete it: kill large rats and collect their front teeth as proof. Each rat was worth 10 copper coins, and one bag of teeth equaled one gold.

He thanked the girl after the briefing and quickly set out for the sewer entrance, having asked Guild Girl for directions.

He traveled to the outskirts of the town using the back alleys of the city to make haste.The narrow alleyway of the city twisted and turned as Gohn followed the hastily drawn map provided by the Guild receptionist .

The pungent scent of dampness and decay permeated the air, signaling the proximity of the sewer entrance. Rounding a corner, he spotted a rusted iron grate embedded in the cobblestone path, emitting a foul odor that seemed to beckon him into the depths below.

As he approached the entrance, Gohn peered down, his sharp eyes discerning the faint glow of flickering torchlight beneath the surface. The ladder descending into the darkness beckoned like a skeletal finger, promising both danger and potential reward. Adjusting his mask and securing his belongings, he descended the rungs.

The clamor of the city streets gradually faded into a distant murmur as Gohn descended further into the gloom. The air grew thicker, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of sewage. 

Finally reaching the bottom, Gohn found himself standing in a dimly lit tunnel, its walls coated with a damp film. The echoing drip of water reverberated through the passage, creating an eerie ambiance. He activated a small orb of light, casting a soft glow that revealed the path ahead.

And that's where we end our session for today


Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. Apologies for the delay; I had lots assignments of assignments due and I was also busy creating the background for my upcoming Dnd campaign, which I'll be Dming in a few daysThus I had no time to edit or write much this week but I still wanted to be consistent. I have more time free next week so I might post more I don't know,or I could spend it all reading the goblin slayer light novels.Depends really.

I appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any suggestions or criticisms to help make this chapter or story better please let me know.I don't feel this chapter was my best work,but that might just be my inner critict being an asshole because I never feel like any of my chapters are post worthy no matte how long I spend writing them.

Goodbye for now, and I look forward to seeing you next chapter

P.S. I've noticed some of you donating powerstones, and I'm grateful for your support. However, I'm unfamiliar with their purpose. If anyone could enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Total word count: 3092

From Samurai Salad

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