
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

What is your choice?

"Hey Master isnt it exciting"

I was already fed up on Paul's antics as he comment again while looking at the players around us that have green mark above their heads. He is like a child that is first time to come to an amusement park, I thought I never realize that just minutes ago I was also acting just like him.

Its been an hour as we start to walk around in the City of Diana located in Dukedom of Alexandria. Many other players also think like us as they wander around and gather informations. And what we can only say is

This Game is fucking Hardcore!!!

When we talk to an NPC just now it is like we are talking to a real person and not something made up of Data. Getting Quest looks impossible if you cant talk to the NPC well. Even the Shop owner where we bought our equipment is so realistic that you cant help but talk normally so you will not offend him. We saw many attemp to get Quest from the NPC's and saw a player that shout at the guard then was drag towards the Guard house.

Titan Corporation!!!! How can such a Game be made with just using human Brains. Its like they made their own World!!! Maybe they used Alien technology!!! Hahaha Hayyyss it looks like I have no difference than Paul that cant control his emotion and think straight I look at the newbie sword and check again my status


Lvl 1

Strength 1

Agility 1

Vitality 1

Intelligence 1

Wisdom 1

Dexterity 1

Luck 1

Leadership 1/

/Newbie Sword

Rank: Common(White)

Durability: 20/20

Attack: 0~20

Description: A Mass produced Sword for Newbies/

The 8 attribute that madeup the foundation of the avatar's strength it is said in the manual that there is still thousand's of attributes that can be unlocked but only a limit of 20 attribute can be used simultaneously. Every level up the Player will get 1 free stat point and the formula of how strength works in this game is simplistic at the same time complicated. The player level will be multiplied in each of players attribute so level and attribute is the two that will command and dictate the strongest players in the Game Descend of Heroes! All my stats is currently 1 as my level was 1 multiplied by stat that is also currently 1 but if I level up to 2 then all my stat will be 2 as it was multiplied base on my level and the attribute that I put my Free stat point will also be 2 so for example if I became level 2 and my Strength also became 2 then my final Stat for Strength will be 4. A very efficient System but also a System that will clearly show later in the Game the one with skill and talent to those who have not.

We meet again at our rendezvous point after we move around in partners. I see everyone gather around as we talk about our findings

"Vincent, Me and Ejhie saw some Quest that looks like will give some Good amount of Experience and rewards but the line for that NPC is so long it will take us time just to get a quest" Sarah state

"We also saw Some Good Quest but the same as What Sarah and Ejhie find out it was also full of players lining up" Rhea said as she kick a small pebble. She and Jasmine walk around so it is no wonder that her mood is sour. Not only her and Jasmine but also Sarah the three of them have this strange relationship like laughing just now then a moment later will stare daggers at each other. I really dont understand girls much but I think that is their way of making friends well as long that they can laugh with each other at the end of the day then its fine.

Then its my time to make a move now

"Guys I think I find a Important Quest want to try it?"

I see with my eyes that all their suprise face as they nod in affirmation.

"Ok lets go just follow me as we move and let me do all the talking"

"Hehehe that is our leader for you" Said Paul as he giggle

"Hihihi we trust you Vincent so dont worry we will follow you obediently" Jasmine comment

I walk towards the shop of an old man that I see when I explore with Paul. That NPC is also buzzed around by players but he didnt talk much and look very unapproachable. The old man sells expensive articles that looks like junk and useless as what is describe in their Description and stats like

/Bastard Sword of Cassablanca

Rank: Common

Durability: 130/130

Attack: 10~35

Description: A Sword heirloom of the fallen household of Cassablanca

Price: 1000 Gold/

See even if the sword can land us on a good quest the price is enough to made us cry tears of blood. Every New player was given 1 Gold coin and it was already sufficient to get us by till level 10 for example is the Newbie Sword that just cost 5 silver coins so in comparison a thousand of Gold coin is astronomical value in this point of the Game as Trading Platform and Coin Exchange function will only unlocked when the first player reach level 10. So that is why many players is scrambling to reach level 10 first as it will give them fame, Titles, Money, Rewards and who knows what. But according to Beta testers the fastest to reach level 1 is 2 days while level 10 is 20 days I think that player name is in the end of my tounge but I cant completely remember its name well all I know is that he/she should be Chinese, Japanese or Korean as I didnt understand the letters of the name, Well no wonder for a Asian that the only letters know is ABC.

We silently arrive at the shop. I look at the Sign board that is written in an unknown language but with the help of automatic translation I understand what is written

/Stuff and Things Store/

What a very bland name for a shop that sell expensive useless article but if I didnt see the Star that looks like it was shouting 'Hey Idiot go here it important!' then like other players we will pass by this store as the store owner is hard to talk to.

I look at my back to check everyone then we nod towards each other. I open the door wide as the sound of bells also chimed in welcome to the new customers.

I see 1 player talking towards the old man. She looks like didnt have a good time in having a conversation as she turn atound and about to leave. The moment she turn around we see her appearance and all we can say is 'Perfect!'. She looks like a Goddess that descend in the realm of mortals to bless us with her heavenly beauty. Well it was only for a second that we pause as we all know not to believe in appearance in this game as I and Paul is the living proof of unjust division of traits so we can only find salvation here in this Game.

We pass at each other as I made my way towards the counter and I cant help but shiver as a cold aura swept towards me like a cold chilly air. I look back and see the back of the lady as she made her way outside then that is where I put my attention above her head Its Gold. That means a person that have extraordinary Faith and have Great impact towards the World. Well lets put it aside for now as I dont have the energy to deal with it.

"What's the matter dont say you are captured by her avatar that she put a lot of effort into?" Said Sarah as she pinch my right arm

I really dont understand girls Sarah is Responsible and Clingy while sometimes very nagging and Childish, Jasmine in the other Hand is Independent and Sociable while sometimes being Wild and Scary, and Rhea as long I know I have many interactions with her and I know she is secretive and caring as she always know when I have trouble but sometimes she have sharp tounge and Rich lady attitude like how I was battered just now when we travel throughout NCR.


I look at Sarah that is glaring at me then I pinch her cheeks in revenge.

"Ouchh What is that for"

"Well its revenge Hehehe dont worry you are also beautiful so dont be insecure" I said

She put her hand in her cheeks as she bow down her head embarassed then I cant help but giggle as she was so cute. Then two more pairs of eyes stab towards me.

"Hehehe Rhea Jasmine you guys are also beautiful I want to say"

"Tsk what a player" Rhea said as she cursed while turning her face that now have a tint of red

"Only Idiots will fall for your stupid lines Vincent" Jasmine added as she bite her lips

Ejhie look in this party and cant help but curse why his faith is so Disastrous as he became the wingman of a Harem King while on the other hand Paul dont even put energy to care anymore as he wonder around and check the apparels in the shop.


I fake a cough as I added on

"Lets continue!"

I walk toward the counter then hear the old man said

"Welcome to Stuff and Things Store"

The old man said without much energy in his words. He looks like he was just talking without any motivation but I can see it. There is already thousand's of people I interact to and solve their problems since I get this power of mine and I know that it was not the eye of a person that lost motivation and outlook of life. He is already old enough to have white hair in his azure hair and if seen from afar it looks like it was the color of the sky. I look straight toward his eyes then peer inside his soul for 1 minute as we stare at each other I realize that his gaze is wavering.

Rhea and the others cant help but have goosebumps in their arms as the staring contest between the old man and Vincent started. They all know that Vincent is Weird very weird but different from his happy go lucky and easy to approach atmosphere they also know that in his 17 years of life he also live in his own world of solitude. And now they are witnessing Vincent with cold eyes that looks like it can pierce towards the others soul. Then he speak

"It looks like you still have motivation left into you?"

Jasmine remember what he said in the time she was already lost cause.

"Are your Dignity in your Vagina!!! Did you really want to be the loser in the end!!! In what I am seeing you are just a girl crying for help!!! If you still have will left into you climb up then I will save you!" He shout as he didnt realize he was also hanging in the thread of his life, while holding my hand with his only functioning hand and dislocated shoulder that is scary to look at In the Cliff where my faith was change and colored by him.

Sarah also remember the time she call for help. I see him running even if he dont know that what he was dealing are not simple thugs in school like what he take care earlier. He hold my hand as we run! We run and run until I hear the sirens of salvation. While we are running in the face of sure tormentation and hell I see him smiling and laughing. He look at me then shout as he laugh "Hahaha you can also be a crybaby Sarah Hahaha"

Ejhie remember the busybody with injuries over his body saying to him. "You know what is the greatest revenge Ejhie?"

I look at him as I catch my breath, He really defeated me a person that practice martial arts and study how to kill that person with just one arm and a dislocated shoulder. He is in the top of my body as he said those question then I answer

"How?????" And tears just flow down like a waterfall as I wait for that question this whole time

"Then live the longest and happiest life you can have without any regrets because survival is the sweetest victory of all and I know your Brother will also think like that. Now that you lose to me you will be my second disciple as just few days ago I became a Master you know hahaha"

"Idiot you think I will call you Master!!??"

"Then just call me What you want"

Then Paul added as he look at the staring contest

"Master is really Master"

Rhea look at the old man that change his expression as he became serious and transform into something that have an aura to rule everything.

"Hahaha that is big words for a Weak Immortal Soul like you what do you know about me?"

"I know you are lifting heavy burden alone in your own shoulder"

Because I am also once like that I want to say

"I am here to help you but if your pride cant do it then we will just quietly leave"

I see the old man stare blankly at me the golden star that is above him was still shining with golden light. He put his hands toward the reception desk then said to me

"How can you even do it? You didnt have enough strength nor Equipment with you? You and your party only scream of being an amateur. I want you to know that I can delete your soul however I want so how can you say such big words like helping me in lifting this burden I carry on huh?"

The old man glare as blue light surround him. I feel like my knees will buckle down in front of this immense pressure but I stand tall. I stand proudly as I face his wrath then said

"Didnt I said it?"

"We can help you"

"But if you dont want to then it doesnt matter as it was your own problem"

"But I want you to know, The people in front of you right now will be the strongest existence in this world in no time. Im not boasting as what I am just stating is facts"

"So what is your answer need our help or just keep the situation as they are?"

I said as I tilt my head in the old man that stare speechless towards me.