
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
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14 Chs

Strategy meeting

"Grandfather can I talk to you"

"What is it Buttercup?"

"Did you say something when Vincent visit here Grandfather?"

Alexandro Bautista was suprised by his Granddaughters question as he reply

"Nothing I just thank him Why Did you ask this question? Is something happen between the two of you"

"Ahhh no no everything is alright Ok I go to school now bye Grandpa see you later"

"Ok take care" I said while I sip my hot coffee as I gaze outside the window then I let out a tired sigh

Vincent, he is a smart kid and have a very idiotic ambition I will never be against about that kind of rare boy but he is the first to say those words. I will never talk about that thing in first place but he is the first one to bring out that subject

"I will never think of having romantic feelings so dont worry about it"

"I know you already investigate my background so I will not be suprised if you know everything about myself"

"Im just suprise that I experience it myself as I only see in the movies about this things hahaha"

The boy was unexpectedly cheery and bright than my first impression about him when he save me just a few days ago. But when I look at him I cant help but be mesmerise by his ambition and outlook of the future then after that we almost always have contact with each other for three months now. If he ask it himself I will not be against about him being part of the family because all the pieces is now set but he never brought out that topic when we talk. Hayyysss what a complicated life he is playing but, I cant help but want to see what he will do in the future. As his friend, Sponsor and Fan Hahaha well Goodluck young one. I put down my cup of coffee as I look at the steward that come to me in a panic state.

"Chief the World Fortune 300 they are drowning the Titan Corporation without care as they grab any shares they can What are we gonna do are we gonna join?"

"Hayysss so it comes to this. A new era is approaching and again Philippines will be left behind again. There is nothing we can do lets just survive for now"

"Chief..... As you wish Chief we will survive just like always"

"Hahaha right there is nothing more sweet than being alive hahaha"


"Master Help!!!!! Teach me in Trigonometry and Calculus Im gonna be a repeater if things go this way"

"You reap what you sow but what is that glasses for I thought you are smart tsktsk look at Ejhie he just breeze away the exams"

"Well this articles is easy if you just look at it I never imagine there will be students that will fail at questions like that"

"Youuuu!!!! Youuuuu!!!!! Master didnt you promise it we Will study togethe... Hmmmmphhhh"

I close the mouth of Paul that looks like he will spill some embarassing things so I think I will just suffocate him unconcious

"Waaahhhh Master are you gonna kill me Ah ah ah"

"Well yes"

"I have been betrayed by my liege but my loyalty will not waver"

"Hayyysss Ok just stay overnight later I will teach you"

"Master I love you"

"Get off me anyway lets have our strategy meeting for tomorrow"

"Ohhh Vincent you dont have a shooting or interview today?" Ejhie said as he was suprise I was free today

"Nahh they ambush me when I am going to school this morning in the streets about the granny that I saved Yesterday"

"Your excellent I dont know you can perform that kind of first aid the rescue was excellent it is currently a buzz in the internet. Well I can say out loud proudly that I have a Celebrity and an Idol as a friend hahaha"

I cant help but just smile as I cant tell him the truth that it is thanks to my peculiar power even if I dont have the power to heal I still have the power to empower people and I am sure about it as the people that surrounds me and the people I have infected they all have same things about each of them other than changing to light color stars floating above there head they are also being empowered physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally and psychologically so there impact in the outside world will be more obvious. I dont know if I can help someone to be healed if I am just near to them but in what I experiment as I hangout in the Hospital with the help of Ate Ronalyn, I may not help them be cured totally but my presence clearly improve their health in a great extent where Complete recovery is now within reach. So that is why this power of mine is really strange and special as I can infect people so if I imagine that if I infected all the people in the world then that will really be wonderful and gonna make the earth a very beautiful place. If only I am talented in acting or music it will greatly boost the rate of my power but I cant help but curse my faith because the only little things Filipinos are good at singing and acting was not within this body of mine. I may not be tone deaf but comparing myself in a passerby in the streets of Manila I will be just like a shit in the side of the road also in Acting well I cant say anything about that as in every roleplaying in our class I was unanimously voted as a tree or a rock so acting is out of the picture from the start.

"Guys what are you talking about"

Sarah came towards us as her brown curly hair sway as she walk. The men in our class follow her confident strides with there gaze as she walk toward this location. Well they cant help it as Sarah made her debut in being an idol so that is why we two become the hot topic in our school. A heroic boy that made his name in the society and a girl that dream big while she is in high school and what is more of suprise is that the two of them are friends so its no suprise that rumours and speculations are made up.

"Well we are just talking about the strategy meeting for tomorrow and also this idiot here will cram knowledge in his brain in our house tonight as he was currently in a dangerous situation"

"Hehehe It will be fine Master will teach me"

"Hahaha what is that eyegalsses for Paul hahaha"

"You just criticize me like master just now well this is for anti radiation as I immerse myself in gaming so Its a holy shield"

I cant question where Paul have been empowered by my power as his Physical, intellectual and mental capability really didnt have change maybe it was more of psychological and spiritual as I see him going to church often this three months.

After a minute we saw Jasmine with her still fresh look and her striking blond hair that is done in pony tail. The outline of her long neck with the perfectly shaped face was making my heart beat fast after remembering what happened a week ago as she talk while I pretend to sleep I cant help but blush a little.

"Haalloo guys where are we going? Cafe or to the usual place"

"Cafe" Sarah said her vote

"Jollibee" Said Paul

"Mcdonalds for change Im tired of Yum burger" said Vincent

"Ehhhmm I think Mcdonalds is fine" I said

"So then I also vote Mcdonalds" Said Rhea who appear out of nowhere

We look at her suprised as she appear like she have used teleport.

"Cant I?" She look at me cutely while tilting her neck.

"We are talking about a game maybe you will be out of place?" I said honestly as maybe she will not find the topic interesting

"Is it about Descend of Heroes?" She reply like stating something obvious

"You know?"

"Hahaha its was a craze all over the news so it was just a simple guess as you guys are game streamers right?"

I look at the others then ask them as I was not sure if they welcome a outsider even if they already plan it months ago.

"Is it alright to you guys. If we add Rhea we will have 6 in our group then it will gonna be a balanced party is it okay if she join us?"

They look at each other and they cant help but shake their heads then Paul is the one that speak up

"Well we join you Master because you are there so I think our opinion really didnt matter as we enjoy playing with you hahaha"

"Well he said the gist of it so there is nothing left for me to say" Ejhie added

"I dont mind" Sarah said as she smile at Rhea

"Well its Ok the more the better" Said Jasmine who nod her head

"Hayys then welcome to the party Rhea hahaha anyway lets go and start our strategy meeting"

And where not me noticing the three girls that is following us have a convesation that will send shiver down to my spine. Like a pizza no a Cow I was butchered and been divided in equal parts as they happily chat out of the range of our hearing. But if seen in the outside they will look like girlfriends that having a happy conversation.


Paul and Sarah who lose in rock, paper and scissor put down our order in the table then I start to speak about our agenda today. Rhea and Jasmine sat beside me while in front of me is where Sarah so I cant help but question if I am being blessed by some kind of heavenly being. Ejhie didnt take mind what is the setup while Paul is completely oblivious of what is happening as all inside his head is about gaming.

"Ahem... Well lets start Descend of Heroes as what said in the gameplay is a classic RPG Game with a mix of Real Time Strategy and Simulation. There are also one of this article from one of the Beta tester that said it was a Hard core Game that need excellent Micro management and Strategy. Our information is all that can be find in there website and in the internet so thinking of us having a head start will be very difficult so what I want to talk about today is not about this things. It was about our roles So I want to ask everyone of what role each of you want because this will be our permanent party"

Jasmine is the first one to add something

"This game will be our main priority in the future as we all know that this game will be a big hit. As the one that is in charge of finance in our organization Liga de la Esperanza all I want to say is that we are going in Redline for one and a half months now and if things go as it is then it will be very bad news. As our business is not really that highly profitable and our expenses is skyrocketing as we gain more members we need a proper source of income. Our funds is almost only coming from ours and our members own pockets but I was estrange that there is not still a single complaint from them. If I dont know what this organization is I will think that this is some pyramid scheme but what can I do I am already here So what I want to say is that we need to make it count in this game even if we not became high rankers just becoming as popular like when we stream is enough as our revinue will increase got it"

"But still we have now almost tens of business in Manila and nearby Province's and I cant imagine that us just highschoolers accomplish that hahaha when I see the paper that you print out the other day I almost got a heart attack as I never thought that much money circulate in our organization but I think we all work hard for it. Jasmine is taking modeling while Sarah is now working as a Idol, Ejhie won in amateur Mix Martial arts competition and Master is like a superhuman that didnt tire himself everyone of you guys is so amazing that I almost think of myself as useless but I am very happy when I am with you guys"

"Stop it.... Its like something is crawling in my back" Ejhie said as he eat the fries that he dip and ice cream float while scratching his back

"Yuccckkk your embarassing Paul just shutup" Jasmine glare as if she was looking at a low lifeform

"I dont know what to say but you better keep all that yourself Paul" Sarah like a death sentence said towards Paul

"Master can I die?" Paul ask me lifelessly

"Ehhhh not now" I reply with pity but I still need to work him out as he is the most techy in all of us

"Hahahahahaha" Rhea laugh out laud as she hold her tummy while one of her hand is in my shoulder

"Hahaha I never realize your group will be this funny it looks fun hahaha"

I realize something as I hear her laugh that we have forgotten that Rhea is not part of the Liga

"Ohhh that was insensitive of us as you are not part of the Liga but if you want to join as your Grandfather is our sole sponsor so you can join us if you want"

"Ehhhh Can I really?" Rhea seems suprise and happy

But the rest of the group is more suprise than her

"Ehhh Grandfather?"

"You mean that Scary old man"

"That Bautista..... Rhea Bautista..... Bautista Group of Company.....Ehhh?"

"Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They said in unison

"Hehehe I'll be on your care everyone" Rhea said as she stand up and bow to everyone just the look at their suprised face as they dont know how to properly react well its my fault that I didnt explain it to them early on as they part of the Liga teehee. Well we still have long time we can talk for all of it before dinner time hahaha.