
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Star Gazer

'While the richest 10% of adults in the world own 85% of global household wealth, the bottom half collectively owns barely 1%. Even more strikingly, the average person in the top 10% owns nearly 3,000 times the wealth of the average person in the bottom 10%' Said the Internet a disparity that is the root of all. A sytem that I want to change in this life of mine. A ambition that may only be a dream for a 17 year old boy who is facing the reality.


"Finally at Home Hayyyyysssss"

"Its tiring I dont think commuting will be this hard"

"Right hehehe here's your Milk tea"

"Ehhhh i want the mocha one"

"Hmmmm then half half"


After travelling the whole day around the NCR we are now dead tired. If there is no opening launch of the game today I will just slumber down in my bed and enjoy a nice sleep. I look at Rhea that is sipping her Milk tea who join me the whole day running around to do things. She didnt complain and just follow me

"Rhea Thank's for today"

"I am now a member of your organization so no need to be stranger anymore. You already drag me around the whole day so you should now know already that I was serious here. But how you handle a woman is really pathetic I really pity the girl that will be with you"

"Hehehe sorry someone will pick you up right?"

"Yeah in about an hour"

"I already contact everyone and we are now ready to go like what we have discussed yesterday"

"Got it here is half of Cookies and Cream I want Mocha"

"Here here ohhh also take this I buy it when we go to Cavite this afternoon and I think it will look good on you"

"Ehhhh why?"

"Do I need a reason? Also your tired because of me so I think I need to recompensate you somehow. Well I just got an impulse to buy that as I think it will suit you" I said shyly as it was the first time I will give a gift to a woman.

"Really..... Thanks"

She only reply with short word but it make me want to shout in happiness. She put the hair clip on her hair then like a transformation she glow in front of me. The hairclip that have dolphin design was very compatible on her black shiny hair. And without me noticing it the words I should just keep to myself slip out of my tounge

"That looks good in you"

Then she turn around then run towards the bathroom


"Ahhh Ok Ok"

Awww embarassing why do I say those words. I held my head as I scratch it, I was like a weirdo there tsktsk.

After a minute she come back and I cant even look at her eyes now because I was so embarassed on what I said just now.

"Thanks for this I will treasure it"

Sigh what a relief She like it

"Hehehe Thats Good" I said as I sip on the Cookies and Cream flavored Milk tea. Ehhh isnt this a Indirect kiss? No no dont think about it you will just embarrass yourself again Vincent just stay Calm and wait for her to be picked up. As the Grueling one hour passed away the ring of salvation echo to my ears as Rhea's phone vibrate.

"That's my driver"

"I'll see you outside"

"Hmm Ok"

When we walk outside I see a Rolls-Royce with a man in black suit parked outside our home. I was immune on this things about Rhea now as I wave goodbye at her.

"Bye take care Thanks again for today, See you later"

"Hmmm It was still fun even if we run around all day then I'll be going... Also Thanks... Bye" She get inside the car after she reply to me then I see the driver nod his head towards me as he drive the car away.

Hayyysss now lets prepare for the Game.


I already finish making dinner as Mother will arrive any moment from now. I made myself a cup of coffee then open the TV to get some news specially about the Launch of the Game. The first that caught my attention when I open the TV is the countdown in the right side of the screen it shows

<Descend of Heroes Official Launch Countdown>




The countdown is the same as the official launch of the game in America that will release the Game in morning from New York. So the Game will be realease this evening here in the Philippines. I watch the news that talk about how revolutionizing this Technology will become and how will it change our everyday lives. The news also talk about the rise of Titan Corporation into becoming a Mega Conglomerate. It was also said that there are now about 700 Million total Immersive helmet(Helm of Hero) sold throughout the world, I was lucky as my Mom won the helmet from a raffle as I heard that Paul lined up overnight for 3 days just to get his. The same information that we already study up was shown to the news like how a Supreme A.I control the whole Game World and How Dynamic and Free this Game was. Now that I think of it this Game is supposed to be really Big as it can house the number of our whole population plus to that the NPC's. As the Game launch is nearing on I cant help but also be excited as I thought about becoming a adventurer that was travelling a vast unknown world hehehe Im sure that Paul was so excited that he already wore his Helmet right now.


I hear the bell that is hanging by the door chim as I realize that Mom arrive Home now. I see her walk inside with her suitcase then I said

"Welcome Home Mom"

"I'm Home Son so Rhea didnt stay for dinner"

"Yeah lets eat together Mom I'll wait for you"

"Ohhh its later right The Game"

"Yes Mom this Game will be the focus of our group now"

"Hehehe Goodluck to you guys all of you are working hard"

"Well I have a very hardworking Mother so where else will I get my excellence"

"Tsk where do you learn to speak such flowery words"

"Tehee Hahaha"


"Did you take your medicine"


"It was safe right? I hear the news say that it may have some harm effect towards the body"

"Yup its safe"

"Then Goodluck"

"Thanks Mom I'll go to the bed now"

I see my Mother looking at me with worried eyes as I climb up. I turn back and walk towards her as I dont want to see her ever worry about me again. I hug her tightly as I smell the scented soap she used linger in her body then I said.

"I am alright Mom so no need to worry"

She hug me tightly like she never want to let me go then after a minute she manage to calm down as her arms relax

"Its alright now son I will not worry anymore"

I let go of her as I look towards her I see the Bright white star still shining brightly above her then I said

"Goodnight Mom"


I enter my room and put the full face helmet that look like the one used by motorcycle racers. I lay down in my bed and think of the white star above Mom's head again this thought didnt cross my mind just once as I think of the possibility that it may have a chance to happen many times. Now that I was about to see the answer I cant help but be nervous as it was the only thing I have to stand out from almost a Billion of players that will still increase every day. If what I thought is right then this Game will be a treasure trove for me but if it didnt work out I need to struggle just like anyone else to get a good footing in the Game. This Power of mine to Forsee and Change Faith If it was brought inside the Game then we dont need to Stream anymore as we can act covert to earn money. Ok I am ready, I lay down in my bed and I cover myself in blanket as I dont want to catch a cold. I look like a idiot rider right now that is about to sleep with his helmet on. I click the power button in the side of the helmet then with the power on the buzzing sound of the device echo on. I feel a cold touch in my nape it was the link or connection between the gameworld and my brain. Then when I close my eyes I was sucked into a different world. It is as what in the manual said a another dimension was in front of me as holographic screen float before me.

The Character Creation Room

This sure is amazing!!!!!

I look at my hands that was really my hands as I touch every part of my body. I feel it the pinch I do to my hand and the slap I land in my right cheek. I lick my right arm then it really taste like my skin. Wow!!! Magnificent!!! Technology is Amazing!!!!

I wander around the room as I try every move I can like walking, running, Cartwheel and Backclip that didnt end well.

Nice now that I made a idiot of myself lets finish this nonsense I look around me then I deducted that I am in a Circular realm with Holographic Screen floating in front of me. The first I go to is the Character Creation Screen I adjust my appearance to 25% more attractive. Well anyone will want to be hottie they not? After that I choose Human race as it was the only currently available race as the others is still not unlocked. I input next was my ingame name that I already think before I enter the Game


Well it comes from my surname Luna so it was really not a big suprise.

After that I choose my summoning place the placee we decided to meet up

The Dukedom of Alexandria

"Then off we go" I said as I step towards the shining circle that appear in the floor that shout that it was a portal.

Then I feel it

Air that is hitting my skin and the breeze that is unknown to me. A smell of a foreign land where I never been before and the sound of commotion in my surrounding. I hold my chest as I slowly open my eyes I already prepared myself about the outcome but I am still nervous because this will affect my plan very much. Slowly.... Slowly then I see it

The Stars

The Moon that gaze at the Stars