
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Mr. Bautista I heard a news that you almost got into a accident this morning is everything fine?"

"Thanks for being worried Mr. President but I'm healthy as 21 right now Hahaha"

*Sigh* "You dont know how worried I am when I receive the news this morning the same day we are signing this Mega contract so I cant help but be shocked Mr. Bautista"

"Hohoho Its alright no need to worry I believe in the potential of The Philippines so thats why our Business still focused here even if the foreign investment looks eye catching. And by signing this contract I believe that more jobs will be created to boost the economy because you know my faith in this land just became brighter this morning. I believe that a generation will come where they lead The Philippines to enter the world stage."

*Sigh* After sighing again The President that wore tight suit cant help but loosen his necktie and drop the formalities towards the old man. The guards and admistrators around the table have no change in expression as they continue in there jobs. The president filled up the wine glass of Mr. Bautista with Wine then he speak.

"Uncle The Philippines is a country that have been developing since Post World War 2 and now in year 2027 its like there is still no changes. The corruption practice that have been regular common practice, The divided people, The Toxic Filipino mentality and if I list out all of our fault then we will not finish till the next day. I as the President know how much work was needed to purge this country but even when I am at the end of my term I dont see the light of a Greater Philippines. I can say I have done my all but it was still not enough right uncle?"

"Hayyss I know how much you work towards a better Philippines Rolando so all I can do right now is accept this wine of yours"

"Hahaha its a forsaken place but why that even I feel extreme repulsiveness I cant still throw this love for this land..." President Rolando Cortez reply while drinking his wine

"Anyway the future is still bright"

"I dont understand what you mean uncle if you just expand more to China, Japan and America maybe the Philippines will have there own MNC (Multi National Company) but you still push to invest in this low return land"

"Yeah thats right but if I go out who will replace me here?" Mr. Bautista said while lighting a cigar in his mouth

"The foreigners..."

"Thats it I choose to defend this place and let in grow under my wings than feed other birds while my own chick cant even fly in our nest"

"Hahaha really its laughable why all Filipinos are so Patriotic, Nationalistic and Martyr at the same time being an Idiot Hahaha"

"Did you call me an Idiot Rolando"

"Nahhh we are all Idiot Uncle Hahaha Ouch that hurts Uncle"

"Nahhh you just grow the guts for calling your Uncle a idiot"

"Comeon its hyperbole uncle hyperbole"

"Tsktsk if my Sister is still alive Im sure she will sewn that mouth yours"

"Hehehe but lets change the subject I heard you was saved Uncle this morning I think the news will show a footage so lets watch"

"You thinking you can run away by changing the topic I will see you later Ok turn on the TV"

The position of President and the Guest was completely flip out as the old man command the people in the Malacañang Palace like he owns the place.

After waiting for ten minutes the report about how he was saved shown up and he cant help but be suprised as he didnt see the footage when he leave earlier.

President Rolando look at his Uncle that is still focused in the screen then he see the old man shoulder slumping down then hear him spoke tiredly.

"That is not an act of saving anymore that action was a gamble we can both die if he is late for just a milisecond"

"Nahh I still cant believe what I have just seen didnt the report say he was just a highschool student how much courage thus it need to take that kind of suicide dive. Even our special force cant do such a suicide gamble just to save a stranger"

The old man rub his forehead while thinking about something. He cant still forget the look of his granddaughter when she hug that boy first even if she know he was also there. The Protect intict as a Grandfather kicked in first so thats why he didnt meet personally with the boy and just said to come in the dinner on Saturday. And if he put all the puzzles together even a monkey can solve what is going on with his granddaughter. Being classmates with that boy from 3rd Grade to 2nd year Highschool, Hugging that boy first before his grandfather that she love so much and showing signs of being infatuated everytime they meet. Ohhh My life..... What should I do?


"Hey Potpot wanna grab something we cant find you this break so we thought you lost your way somewhere anyway my friend you gonna go right"

Paul was currently sitting in his assign sit when he was approach by 3 students. He look at his trembling palm.then remember what Vincent have just said when they return to the class he said some cheesy words like it was normal.

"Dont be afraid you now have a friend Right?"

I let out a smile while my trembling finally stop I gather all my courage then look at the ringleader of this group. If I want to have a closure then I should face this thing once and for all! We where all just the same as we are in the lower hierarchy of the class that just group up together just so that we will not be called outcast. I think of what Vincent adviced to me to overcome this situation then I cant help but make my smile wider then said in a voice where everyone in the class can hear. The cstudents that are just preparing to leave the classroom as the class have already ended stop in where they are then look at the commotion in the certain part of the room.

I was currently having a light nap while waiting for something then I let out a smile as I hear a voice that echo in the whole classroom then I said in my mind 'Go for it Idiot'

"Dont come near me I dont want to be with you guys anymore those things you always do are disgusting!!! Disgusting Phedophiles!!!!!"

"Whh...aa...Whhaatt... Are you saying men we are just trying to invite you to eat?" The boy besides the ringleader try to rebut but Paul's word was followed up again

The classroom has descended in a state of silence as they were focusing on the words coming from the mouth of the boy they have not much interaction with.

"I dont really have a permanent circle of friends to go to so that's why I try to blend with you guys but who in there right mind will have those child pornography!! That is already a crime I dont want to have anything to do with you guys anymore Im sorry I cant join you in your escapades"

"Thhh.... Thaat is not true your just spoutingg nonsense"

"Potpot did we do something to you?"

"Yoouuu dont have a proof for that"

Complete Silence.

Aaron who was the Ring leader of this makeup group look at his surroundings the two boy that is standing besides him cant also handle this situation as they stutter trying to defend themselves but what can they do they are people that try to gather around because they are all socially awkward so facing a situation where multiple judging gaze where directed to them he cant help but have his mind blankout and cant construct a proper rebuttal about those demeaning words. He glare at the boy they always push around and see him smirking towards him. You!!! You!!! You plan it!!!!!! He cant take the sounds of murmur that talk about him as he try to defend him self while stuttering then when he see those smirks wrath rush forth towards his head then he raise his fist towards the air and about to land a punch to the skinny boy sitting there while smirking at him but a voice stopped his action.

"I am part of the Diciplinary committee even if I do not look like it so I hope you put down your fist so we can settle this peacefully. And can I get the help of men of our room to search for any digital devices in those three gentleman I cant slide away the information that an illegal pornographic material was in our school is it alright to you gentleman. And Mr. John Paul Crisostomo I hope that your accusations arent baseless because you know that a heavy punishment will befall you if all you spout is just nonsense Ok?"

The classroom was suprised as they see Vincent take an initiative to step up as it was very rare. All they know is that he was smart and aloof but him being in the disciplinary committee was suprised for them as they have forgotten he was part of it since first year. But the most suprising for them is how he handle the situation and they cant help themselves but follow his command.

"And also Mr. Herera" Vincent call out the student that is near the door

"Ahhh me you know me? Ehh thats not it I mean what is it?"

The boy was flustered because he have no interaction with Vincent till now so he was suprised by him calling him

"Can I ask you to call our Adviser and the Guidance Council Im sorry for the trouble"

"Ahhhh no no its fine hehehe I'll go right away"

Aaron and the two boy beside him was scared silly because all of Paul's accusation is right. Child Pornography was a grave crime in the Philippines and they know they will spend decade no it can go to a lifetime if things go South. The trio was now having all kinds of thought when one of the boy besides Aaron rush out as if he was running for his life. And with that action Aaron cant help but think where everything goes wrong.

You!!!!!!!! This is your fault!!!!!!

Aaron let go of all his sanity then grab a pen from his bag then stab it towards the sitting duck in front of him

"Putang ina mo!!!!!! Go die!!!!!"

But he realized that his world became upside down in just moments he was about to rush


The boy that was about to run away was punch to the face by one of his classmate that is from the Karate Club called Mark While the one that intercept the stab was someone that makes everyone of them suprised including Vincent someone throw Aaron like a basketball then let him flew in the front aile as he hit the teachers table that broke upon in collision.

Ejhie Toledo!!!! With 5 piercings in his face and a vicious looks he is more like the Villain in this situation. If someone unaware of what is happening see what is going on then they will surely point there finger into one specific person.

Hahaha the situation escalate now. The girls was screaming and getting out of the room while the boys are shouting for joy as a battle was happening Hayyyssss when did I became this busybody. I look at the three people that still have black stars in there heads moving around Ejhie who is currently slapping Aaron's face, The Class President Sarah that is moving around to calm the situation and Jasmine that is laughing happily with her group of friends. I stare at Jasmine as I dont know what will be the cause of her misfortune and try to theorize what is it but I cant still find a single idea. I have a vague idea about Ejhie and Sarah but her I dont have a speculation as she was extremely cheerful and bright. She see me looking at her then she give me a bright smile while I also reply with a smile of my own. What is it? Will she gonna take her life? Are she sick the same as me? Or will she face danger? My Goddddd what happen to my life haysss from the morning accident to Paul's dilemma then now with this three Hayyysss please give me a break. Then I see Paul walking towards me I want to say to him to stop right there right now but like a dejavu from this morning someone hug me again but this time its super complicated

Not by a Family

Not by a classmate

But well what should I call him Hayssss by a Friend my first Male Friend.

As I was pushing Paul's face away from me while everyone in the room laugh at our comedic action. I dont know but all my actions was watched and observed by someone that I am to familiar of.

Authors Note:

Putang ina mo!= Mother Fucker!