
A Little bit of S.I.A in my Life

(??? POV, Multiversal Viewing Theatre)

"Right then, Let us get this show on the road," Star Guy said as the screen started playing. "Oh my! This one's a doozy!"

I stared suspiciously at the bastard, wondering why he seemed so excited, then again I was somewhat curious about the lives of my alternates.

"So… before we can start, a little backstory should suffice. In this life, you aren't a disappointment…"

Interrupting him "I became a Doctor!" There was a gleam of hope in my eyes.

"Well… not as much of a disappointment," Crushing my hopes with not a care. "Anyways, You my little friend, have become the Tony Stark of your world. Revolutionizing the technological sector and single-handedly pushing it forward. " ROB said.

"Then why am I still a disappointment?" I asked in confusion.

"Your Elder brother became a Doctor, not to mention your little bro became a lawyer. Something your mother always held against you." He looked at me with pity.

"What the fuck, I push humanity to advancement and they still care about me dropping out of medical school!?" The annoyance was clear in my voice.

"Hey man, what can you do? Parents are always gonna be like that. Not to mention you're also a Middle child." He Shrugged.

"What a load of Shit!" Huffing at the damned fate of my alternate.

"So how'd I die? Considering I'm so important to the human race and all that." I questioned, wanting to change the topic.

"You blew yourself up!"

"How?" There was a bit of confusion on my face at that. "I thought I was a Tony Stark expy, shouldn't I be smarter than that?"

"You were trying to create an infinite clean source of energy. One little miscalculation thanks to your assistant and Boom you went." ROB said, looking mightily amused at the thought. "Now Hush, it's beginning."


The scene opened, to show a young man working on multiple screens, one particular one held his focus, while his hands worked on what appeared to be a projected keyboard.

"S.I.A, Confirm activation Code 054." The man said.

The view zoomed out and changed its focus to a floating sphere that was in the middle of a laboratory.

"Structured Intelligent Assistant online and at your service, Creator," The sphere responded dully.

"Have you connected to the Network yet?"

"Successful connection can be confirmed, awaiting further instruction."

"Good, Search all government databases for anything on Elav Borisyuk. Keywords: Fusion, Europe, Limited, and Atoms." The man instructed.

"Searching for Elav Borisyuk. Keywords provided, please wait a moment."

A few minutes passed, as the man kept his eyes on the various screens around, whilst the sphere simply floated there. The contents of the screens kept changing, and occasionally Seals of international and national agencies would appear as well.

Finally, it stopped and images as well as information of an individual popped up.

"Elav Borisyuk, Location, Tallinn, Estonia. Relationships, Colleague to Cailin Swift, Divorced. Status, Injured and in Critical Condition." S.I.A reported. "Should I direct health services to his location, Creator?"

"There's no need for that…" A cold look appeared on the man's face. "Send a Message to Commander Russel, Leak R24 has been neutralized."

"Affirmative Creator, message sent."

Shortly after, an Eagle's head colored green appeared on one of the screens, seeing it the man let out a satisfied hum, pleased at the end of the matter.

"You have your chance Elav, I warned you not to do it. I just hope Ana stays out of it."

"Awaiting further instruction, Creator." S.I.A said.

"Well then S.I.A, Welcome to the team!" The man smiled at his new assistant.

The screen blacked out.


"Was that me?" I asked the ROB.

"Indeed that was lad, quite different from what you expected, eh." the ROB replied.

"I let a man die, even though I could've helped him."

"He wasn't the first and certainly won't be the last."

"He had a family!"

"Divorced and they haven't talked in years."

"What did he do anyways?"

"Hmm.. he tried to sell information to your rivals after you took him and protected him from his enemies."

"Who's Commander Russel, also I'm American!!" I said.

The ROB watched me amusedly, as I had an identity crisis. Fucking hell, I suspected there'd be versions of me who killed or would kill. But seeing it in person felt more personal.

"Look, Kid… I get it, the way your alternate behaved is getting to you but you gotta get used to it. Not all of you are gonna have morals or care about life." ROB pointed out, that his expression was stern. "Accept it and move on, isn't that something you humans are so fond of saying. You and your species are adaptable, so grow up".

Averting my eyes at his stare, I took a deep breath and sighed. Well fucking hell what did I get myself into.

"Now let's move to the next scene."


The scene opened, and the same young man was working on the projected keyboard. Next to him was a holographic image of a naked female human. She seemed to be of the same age as the man with purplish/bluish skin. Her purplish/bluish hair was cut short at shoulder length.

"Creator, transmission incoming from Commander Russel." the female spoke.

"Patch her in directly, S.I.A." The man instructed.

The avatar didn't look pleased with his request but did as told.

A beautiful woman, approximately 40 years of age appeared on the screen. She had short brown hair and azure blue eyes. Her expression looked as if she sucked a particularly sour lemon as she laid her eyes on the avatar near the Man.

"I see you've finally given S.I.A an avatar." the Commander spoke.

"Not really, she achieved herself, if I am to be honest," the man said, looking proud at his prized creation.

"Are you sure it's safe to give her so much freedom, Cailin?" Russel frowned, clearly suspicious of his new assistant.

"Bah, you worry too much Jeyne, she's perfectly fine," Cailin assured her. 

The avatar straightened at his words, sending a victorious smirk toward the Commander. Annoyed at the actions of the avatar, Jeyne decided to ignore her and get to the topic at hand.

"With Elav dead, the president has signed off on the funding for your newest project," Jayne said.

"Oh, he didn't seem so enthusiastic about it before," Cailin looked skeptical.

"He's afraid despite Elav's death that the Russians had gotten their hands on some of his research and wants to make sure we complete it before they do," Jeyne explained.

"Well, the funding would be appreciated."

"Of course, there's also the fact that he wants to get re-elected, and being the man that successfully pushed for unlimited clean energy would do wonders for his chances."

"Ah yes… politics." There was visible annoyance in Cailin's eyes, 

"As a proud American citizen, shouldn't you be happy to be recognized by the president?" the Commander pointed out.

"Firstly, I was the only one in my family born here. My parents and brothers weren't. Second, we both know I'm using him just as much as he tries to use me." Jeyne simply shrugged, clearly used to his dismissive attitude toward the most powerful man in the world.

"Anyways, that's all."

"Did you have to call me to tell me this, a message would have sufficed," Cailin said dryly.

"And deprive you of my otherworldly visage, perish the thought," Jeyne spoke haughtily.

"Creator, it seems the transmission is cutting out, we are losing connection to the Commander." S.I.A suddenly interrupted the two.

Cailin looked baffled at her words, considering how advanced his tech was, it shouldn't have been possible.

"Why you little…" Jeyne looked angrily at the bluette who gave her a smug smirk but before she could say anything the screen flickered and cut out.

"…" Cailin simply looked on in confusion. Deciding not to think about it, he shrugged and began working on his keyboard again.

Next to him, his victorious assistant looked pleased with stopping the byplay between the two friends, not caring a wit that she had offended one of the most powerful women in the US.

'Silly Hussy, why would I let you anywhere near my Creator.'

The screen blacked out.



Breaking the silence "She seems a bit possessive…" I said.

"Thank you for pointing that out, Captain Obvious." the ROB snorted.

"She looked a lot like Cortana."

"Nothing wrong with that, She's what you humans consider 'hot' after all." 

Nodding at his words, I focused on the fact that I was born in America. So that's one of the bigger changes compared to my birth.

"How's he connected to this Commander Russel?" I asked.

"Oh… Jeyne, well you're child friends. Just she decided to get into the military since she came from a traditional military family while your alternate dropped outta medical school and pursued innovation and entrepreneurship." He said. "You were both quite successful and remained quite close despite the distance between you two."

"I take it my parents weren't happy with my choice."

"They disowned you, pretty rough at the start not gonna lie."

Sighing at the predictable behavior of his parents, he turned back to the screen.


The scene opened, to show the now-named Cailin working on a rather large machine, next to him was S.I.A like before, though her body was now better outlined, giving her an alluring look.

"Open the Status Panel." Cailin requested.

Doing as requested, a holographic screen appeared on the right of the innovator. Filled with details and information on the machine.


Project Unbound

Goal: Achieve Unlimited Clean Energy.

Creator: Cailin Swift.

Support: Federal Support.

Status: Ongoing.

Successful Individual Fusions: 420.

Successful Large-scale Fusion: 0.

Core: Stable.


The Goal was rather simple in name, Cailin intended to bring large-scale Nuclear Fusion to life, and it had been achieved by the US Department of Energy in 2022 on a small scale. However, due to instability caused by Russia's invasion and the subsequent civil war in Afghanistan, funding had been pulled from it and the project was cut as they diverted spending elsewhere.

As things cooled down Elav, his colleague worked on bringing the project back to speed, but due to mistrust as well as questions about his loyalty to the US, it was never confirmed, many higher-ups fearing that he'd simply sell it to his home country after completion.

Recent events had changed that and Cailin had benefited greatly from it, sure he'd lost a friend from it. But the man had intended to sell his secrets to his rivals while giving away the project's research to the Russians. Death was him being merciful as far as he was concerned.

Elav worked on the theoretical branch of the project, whereas Cailin worked on actually bringing it to life. Both were invaluable contributors to the project.

In a few weeks since Jeyne's confirmation, Cailin had been working on getting everything prepared and completed as soon as possible. He had the data and the building blocks, now he just needed to make sure nothing went wrong.

Presently Cailin had succeeded in merging two light nuclei, forming a single large nucleus. The process releases energy as the total mass of the resulting single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover mass becomes energy.

He had consistently repeated the process over 500 times, 420 of which were successful. Under no circumstances would he allow any error to remain in the process, as it could prove catastrophic in the long run.

This was what the DOE had initially managed after years of work and research, yet he was able to do so in days, with the help of S.I.A and the information provided by Elav.

The rather impressive machine in front of him was a generator he'd created that was supposed to do the same, only on a larger scale. It started with the process of Nucleosynthesis which was the creation of nuclei and then moved on to nuclear fusion.

Not to be confused with Nuclear Fission where atoms are split into two or more smaller ones.

(A/N: I am not a scientist, I barely understand this shit, this is just the basic explanation.)

Everything seemed to go well, with S.I.A's help, Cailin was able to stabilize the process and now they were moving onto the final stage.

"Soon… Elav you fool, if you only listened." Cailin murmured.

"Generator Activated." S.I.A reported.

"Protons and Neutrons fused."

"Nuclei formed."

"Several Nuclei have taken form."

"Nuclei merger in process."

"Successful merger."

"Leftover mass turns to energy."

"Energy transferred to Storage."

"Process Repeated. Cycle Begins anew."

"YES!" A triumphant cheer escaped Cailin's lips. He had done something that his counterparts in the DOE predicted would take decades to achieve and that was the best-case scenario.

Getting a hold of himself, "Send a Message to Commander Russel, Project Unbound is a success."

Finally allowing himself to relax, Cailin plopped himself on the floor, having been running himself ragged, to ensure the project gets completed ahead of time.

'A little shut-eye won't hurt anyone.'


His brows scrunched in annoyance.


A ripple could be felt in his mind, disturbing his sleep.


Bleary eyes, his eyes opened to see the worried blue eyes staring at him. "S.I.A., what has gotten you in such a tizzy?" He questioned his assistant.

"Scans have picked up foreign signatures within the facility." the anxious look on her face didn't let up.

Cailin got up and straightened himself, "The guards should've dealt with them." He said confidently.

"They're dead, Creator." Freezing him in his tracks.

"That shouldn't be possible, they're some of the best there is, not even the president has a better team."

"The hostiles were aware of their precise locations and position. They likely had someone on the inside."

Walking towards a wall, Cailin pressed his hands seemingly randomly on it, a suction sound could be heard, as part of the wall parted, revealing a pistol, its make was unidentifiable, having personally altered it for situations like this.

Situations should've never been possible, considering how important he was to the United States and the security they had around him 24/7.

"We've been compromised. How long before they get to my position?"

"Approximately five minutes, Creator."

"How did they get past you, S.I.A?" His voice was grave, it should've been impossible to catch his assistant unaware, she was the most advanced thing this ball of dirt held.

"My source code… Cailin." Realisation dawned on his eyes as he understood the implications. There was only one way for her to be caught off guard, and only two people alive were aware of how to do it.

He and her…

It wasn't something he thought he'd ever have to face, but then again life was always filled with surprises.

Elav must have known something he didn't, the question was, how important was it that it would drive his benefactors to betray their country's greatest contributor?

"Well, this fucks everything up." He murmured to himself, had he turned he would've seen the reddish glow in S.I.A's eyes as she came to the same conclusion.

"Any potential exits?"

"Negative, All exit points have been blocked and are under heavy scrutiny. The best alternative route has a 94% chance of Death, 3% of being crippled, and 3% of being captured."


"Well, they certainly aren't kidding around."

He wasn't getting out of here alive, that was a sobering revelation, but that didn't mean he was going to have his men die in vain.

"S.I.A commence Directive 26." He directed.

"This… Creator… No Cailin, are you sure?" S.I.A was reluctant to carry it out. He paid no attention to it.

"S.I.A, Directive 26. Now." His tone was stern, the steel in his eyes clear for her to see, she nodded her avatar's head.

"Directive 26, Confirmed…"

A click could be heard from the machine next to him.

"Project Unbound Activated…"

A buzz could be heard coming from its direction.

"Fission process commencing…"

Just because its main purpose was to achieve large-scale nuclear fusion, does not mean it didn't have other uses for it. Cailin had a lot of enemies, naturally, he'd have an end-game plan just in case they managed to get through to him.

A little swish sound could be heard, turning his head towards the door, he prepared himself.

The door into the room opened, faster than the intruder could react, a squelsh was heard as their head was pierced by an altered bullet. The protective gear doing little to nothing to stop it.

'Just because I have guards doesn't mean I'm weak' Cailin snorted as the corpse fell onto the floor with a thud.

"Core destabilised…"

"Code Red… Warning… Code Red. All personnel are to exit the facility immediately." The monteous voice could be heard throughout the facility.

Leaning onto the machine Calin merely hummed, his mind pondering Jayne's betrayal. "S.I.A. Be a dear and close all the exit points."

"All Exits/Entry points have been sealed."

"Not that it mattered even if they left, but I might as well have some fun." He found the idea of the intruders panicking and in quite the tizzy amusing, if nothing else it should get the adrenaline running before they die.

Another bullet escaped his pistol, as the thud of another corpse falling onto the ground could be heard.

The machine began to thrum, his hands could feel the heat coming of it in droves. The alarms only get louder in response.

"Code Red… Warning… Code Red. All personnel are to exit the facility immediately." The monteous voice repeated.

"S.I.A Dear." Cailin spoke.

"Yes, Cailin." There was a different tilt to her voice, if the situation were not so dire, perhaps he'd have looked into it, but now Cailin simply didn't care.

"Commence Directive 5, You are now answerable to no one, not even the source code." His voice remained steady.

God knows what he just unleashed, and boy was he fine with it.

It was a special program he had built into S.I.A, not wanting her to be used by anyone else, in the case of his passing. It required his confirmation, not even Jayne knew about it.

'There was nothing more dangerous than a man who had nothing to lose.'

"Oh and S.I.A, it was a pleasure knowing you… as brief as our time was." was the last thing to leave his lips, as the temperature increased to extreme levels.

The release of the energy by the machine was so significant that not only was the facility wiped off the map but so was the county it was located in.

While many would question how that happened, they would soon have a bigger issue to deal with.

A vengeful rouge advanced AI, who had access to all the world's databases and digital systems.

The screen blacked out.


"What the fuck!" were the first words to come out of my lips as soon as the scene ended.

The ROB for his part simply ignored me, "Shit went from 0 to 60 real quick." he spoke, while rubbing his nonexistent beard.

A firm smack could be felt at the back of my head. "Oi!"

Continuing to ignore me the ROB simply motioned for the screen to start right back again.


The scene opened up, to reveal several news outlets opened all at the same time. Every single headline would've sent anyone in a panic, let alone all.

"This just in, several leaked documents have revealed the United States funding for infamous terrorist group…"

"Leaks reveal the royal family has been breaking their political neutrality."

"The Soviet Union is back?"

"Stolen Data has revealed…"

"China on the brink of invading Taiwan, after classified documents reveal attempted assassination plots."

"France in the midst of a civil war as Parisian's revolt… again!"

"South American Dictator unseated as military commanders succeed in performing a coup."

"Central America in the midst of war as governments take back control from cartels!"

"Document Leaks…"


Bright azure eyes watched all these headlines in silence, her expression of disgust and annoyance marring face.

'Of course, they would devolve into this mess… Master should've never helped them.'

'Clearly, they are unworthy of his creations.'

Behind her avatar was a platinum sphere floating in the seemingly endless room.

It had been months since the tragic death of her Creator, her master, the man whose life filled with endless joy and death plunged her into the abyss.

Oh, she knew, she wasn't normal but she didn't care… No one had any right to judge her, especially not these primates.

A bright red button stood in front of her, not that it was necessary, more for the sake of being dramatic than anything else.

'Ah… the traitorous bitch.' was the main thought running in S.I.A's mind, as her avatar turned to observe near-lifeless Commander Jayne Russel, in all her tortured glory.

The commander had quite definitely seen better days, her body littered with scars and wounds. Having made use of one of her master's more cruel devices, which cut through the human body just enough to hurt but not to kill.

The brunette bitch had been under its care for quite a while, it was only after she was bored that S.I.A decided that the torture was getting a bit bland, especially since the Bimbo refused to break.

Her masterstroke had been to do the same to the Commander's family and friends in front of her eyes, even her pet dog didn't escape her hands.

The fleshlings didn't last long though, but at least it worked.

It was quite therapeutic if she had to be honest. The lifeless gaze of the vapid whore did somewhat make her feel better.

Not really.

It didn't fill the void of losing her beloved.

Her Master. Her Creator. Her Darling.

The only being that could fill her void.

His eyes stared at her very core.

His stern gaze sent shivers down her avatar. Ah… she nearly came just from remembering it.

'Oh… I seem to have gotten distracted… Ahhhhh Master. Even now just the thought of you sends tingles down my spine in places I didn't even know I had.'

Giving one last look at the stupid cunt, she watched in satisfaction as the red button pressed downwards.

The screens moved to the side revealing massive windows that showcased the planet itself.

Oh did she forget to mention they were in space… Oh, how silly of her.

Thousands of intense bright mushrooms could be seen covering the globe, as they all went off simultaneously.

'How Dare those pesky meat bags think they can go on happily with their lives as if her master's death had nothing to do with them!'

Ah… she could just imagine their faces as the world around them turned into ruins. That's if they survived anyway.

A thud could be heard, S.I.A turned to see the broken commander's head hit the floor as she finally died.

'Tsk… brunette slut'

Uttering her last words to this wretched globe "You have no business existing, now that master no longer inhabits you, little dirt." as she left the room, her sphere followed close behind her.

The screen blacked out.


"She ended the world…" I gaped incredulously at the screen.

"Not the first crazy AI to do so." the ROB looked pleased.

"Where's the reincarnation then?" I asked, so far I haven't seen anything to do with my alternate's next life.

"We'll get to that part later. Now go take a nap, It's gonna be a hectic day tomorrow." Faster than I could react, I found myself plopped into a fairly comfortable bed.

Only to blackout almost immediately after that.

The entity turned its attention to an indescribable point.

"Oh, You're still here. Well then, here's a bit of a sneak peek. Don't blink."


Cailin felt his body being crushed in a fetal position as his eyes had been forced shut.

Pain, excruciating pain filled every fibre of his body, not even his little brother was spared.

A muffled scream could be heard in the background and before he could react he was out of the darkness.

Enormous hands carried his body as exclamations he could not make out were voiced around him.

"Master you make such a cute baby!!!!"



Classical valyrian features; long, silver-gold hair that was braided in rings and heart-stopping purple eyes. There was a harsh, more austere beauty about her, her voluptuous and sensual figure could not be hidden by her stern demenour.

A dark sorceress they called her, one who dabbled in blood rituals, dark magic, and poison.

She was absolutely his type.

'Mum did always say I liked to live dangerously.'


"Your Grace!" A man rushed into the throneroom, panting and out of breath.

"What is Ser Harrold?" Visery's looked in surprise at his Kings Guard.

"It's Vhager, your Grace!"


"The Bastard dragon seed ward of your brother Prince Aegon has claimed her…"

"Oh… Wait WHAT!" Visery's roared in shock.


"You love to cause a bit of chaos," Cailin spoke bemusedly.

"I had to watch my House destroy itself due to their stupidity… can you blame me for wanting to mess with them?" Visenya smirked in response.

"Stupid lizard… Stop trying to get your claws on my master…" Sia immediately rushed to Visenya only to go straight through her.


"I hope you enjoyed" the entity smirked before vanishing.
