

Believe it or not, I'm able to go invisible for about 30 seconds. But in order to do again I have to wait until the next day. A lot of times I go invisible to steal food, but I still eat healthy and workout everyday. But I also use my power to...steal cash BUT it's for a good cause...I think. Anyway My name is Drakiary and I'm a highschool student and I was recently kicked out of the last school I was allowed in. I would always get kicked out because the teachers catch me turning invisible. My only hope was an all girl school. This is how it started...

I opened my eyes to see my sister with a air horn. OK ok please don't push the button I begged my sister. I have very sensitive hearing so if she did that I'd probably curl in a ball for about 30 minutes. "Then get dressed." she said with haste. Since I never met or had my parents, my sister was the only one to get me on schedule. My sister had a paper and handed it to me.If I were to describe my personality what would it be? We do this everyday before school so I can get my head in the zone. I guess bland and energetic. I then gave the paper back and hurry'd to put my clothes on "Don't forget the recauculater!" my sister reminded me. The recauculater was mostly made of metal and power cells and other knick knacks. I totally forgot magic exist. In the year 2079 magic exists but scientists say magic can only work with a belt called a recauculater. To do magic, you must focus your energy and chant. Of course people can create their own magic by using a rite paper witch cost $1200 dollars...that's were my money went. I made 8 spells of my own. It works by writing the words and what it's supposed to do, but you'll have to be qualified to do that something. I then looked around, my room was a mess, cloths everywhere and my bed was very dirty. "How am I supposed to live in this hell hole." I said to myself. I buckled the recauculater and put on my school uniform. I walked over and stood in the mirror for a bit, my hair was a mess. I had Green eyes and black hair, two very rare traits. My school uniform had a red tie and black plain pants. I've never had to wear a school uniform before. I ran down stairs and headed outdoor. I started walking down the sidewalk to school. The school was basically 3 blocks away so I didn't take much time to get to the school. Then school was massive. The front had a stone path way and on the side were fences and short grass. Girls were everywhere, before I knew it, I was the center of attention. "A boy at this school,? what was the principal thinking?" whispering spread through out the front of the school. I started walking twords the school. The school had a red and white theme to it. The school was massive and mostly made of bricks. The 3 doors were already intimating. "What am I gonna do." I said to myself. I legit felt bad for myself. I pushed opened the door and steped in, it felt like I was in slow motion. The school was even bigger inside. Girls scurrying to get to class. I'm supposed to meet with the principal, room 1.