
two world

a beautiful girl her name is bai she found herself in forest she don't know where she is but suddenly some thieves want to catch her but she run and at the main while a young handsome boy wei come and save her from them bai feel frighten because she don't know why wei help her she want to go away but she doesn't know the way Wei said her that come with me but she refuse to go with stranger

bai don't have any option other than go with wei so both are walking in forest wei try to speak with her but she ignore him suddenly most beautiful and handsome boy appears in warrior costume with sword

wei is friendly but wang is serious and don't talk to much wei is agree for keeping bai with them in journey but wang not both are very brave warriors and both have opposite nature by personality Bai don't know how she come in scary forest when darkness spread wei ask a lot of questions from bai she know only her name

with passing of time bai know how to live with them and Wei teach her how to use sword and other techniques for self protection wang say to Wei that she is a person of enemy how we can believe on her bai listen their conversation and tell them that she don't know who is enemy and who is friend wang feel shy and Wei go with bai so as the time pass wei and bai become close and wang feel jealousy because you all know love start from jealousy so wei and bai become best friend and wang seem that they are in love due to this he ignore wei who is his warrior friend

as wang is serious and can't show what he feel so he kept his love for bai in his heart and show kindness to bai

one day they reach the castle where is owned by a queen jing and wei and wang are her warriors when she see the bai she feel jealousy by seeing her beauty and she don't want that bai is with wei and wang that's why jing want to harm bai time by time but wei and wang protect her

jing is trying that where bai come from so finally jing find by her devilish tricks found that bai is not from their world she belong to modern world which is future and know she is in past

jing tell all story of bai to wei and wang that bai is daughter of great enemy by wrong prove so wang and wei disappointed very much and don't talk with bai

bai want to know what happen and she know the truth that she is not this world where she is now she want to tell Wei and wang they don't believe because they think it's impossible and finally they send her to great enemy as a daughter

their enemy is very cruel he out bai in prison and punish her day to day because he want to marry with bai

when wei and wang know this news they try to escape bai from enemy's prison by follow many ways finally they got her which is full of injuries in whole body both try to cure her injuries but the game chang when they found that her injuries will be cure in her own world so wei and wang find the door between two world

now they come in modern world where they are very strange for people by dressing style people seem that they are actors of film passing by a lot of difficulties they got treatment for her injuries

when bai open her eye she found herself in her own world

by passage of time wei wang and bai live together in modern world they learn alot of things for living in her world

both are in love with bai

(what happen after this you can see in next chapter which is coming soon)