
Locked up

Remembering the stories mama told me about Repulzel; how she was locked up in a tall tower and was never allowed to leave or go anywhere, I didn't see much of a difference between that and my situation now. You could say mine was a lot worse, at least Repunzel could talk to birds and sing very beautiful songs. Who was I to talk to? Or even sing to? Mama? Mama was long dead.

Not wanting to think of mama, or how she died. My mind wandered. I imagined the stories mama told me, I would always play them in my head over and over again, think of myself as one of the characters, I especially loved the fantasies but they were no fantasies,they were mama's stories, stories no one could lock up just like I was locked up, or hide away from the world. Her stories were all I've got, all i could hold on to and call my own. I had few of mamas possessions but no one could compare to her stories. I couldn't help but imagine mama as a little girl playing those roles in those little dresses and how she fell in love, those beautiful memories she had with Papa. If she was only alive she could tell me more stories.

I looked down at my clothes, only to find it damp. I hadn't noticed I've been crying. I wondered how long I'd been crying and if Nicol saw. She wouldn't be too happy if she saw me crying again. Quickly, I wiped my eyes with the hem of my dress, walked around the room to check for the time. I looked out the window, it seemed to be getting dark. Nicol will be here to serve dinner, perhaps she would keep me company and bring some books with her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and before I could say a word, the door was flung open with Nicol shouting at the top of her voice and holding a tray of food. I guess Papa had gone out.

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