
A Girl's Tale Surviving the End

Elisabeth Marsden is born into a cruel world that leaves her little to no choice over her own life, but as things begin to change around her she is left with many choices that she never could dare dream of. Faced with magic, romance, and a changing world how will she raise to the changes around her, and how will her choices effect those who come after her? This is a tale that shows that a small handful of people truly can change the world.

Busenia_Koru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The passage of time

After that first night Bill and Elisabeth's visits became increasingly intense. They got the first positive ovulation test only a few days later and once they had that they committed to their reproductive efforts with a vigor that was as passionate as it was effective. It didn't take long to receive their first positive pregnancy test. For Bill this was a joyous time, but for Elisabeth it was something far more confusing. While she was happy for Bill and knew that a baby was something to be celebrated she couldn't help the sense of dread that crept up on her. This particular sense of dread was even more prevalent at night due to the reoccurring nightmare she had recently become subject to.

It was a simple dream, yet everytime she had it she found herself awoken in a cold sweat with tears filling her eyes. In the dream she gave birth to her baby and it was immediately taken away, not just from her but from Bill as well. The doctors laughed as they tried to touch the child saying that girls were much to precious to be held by just anyone. These dreams became more prevalent Elisabeth started trying anything to avoid them even when it meant that she was depriving herself of sleep. Of course this could not stand and she was given a mild tranquilizer to help her sleep whether she wanted it or not.

Soon the days turned to months and the happy couple grew content to rely on each other through the strenuous pregnancy. Before they knew it the day had finally come for their ultrasound and the couple found theirselves nervously clinging to one another. Elisabeth's breath caught in her throat as they refused to even glance at the screen for nervousness. Until the ultrasound technician let out a gasp.

"Oh." He said, his blue eyes fixed on the screen. " This is unusual."

With this Bill turned his attention away from Elisabeth and to the screen for the first time since they had entered the room. What he saw before him was enough to take even him by surprise. Twins! He couldn't believe it. Twin pregnancies were rare even before the fall of women, but now they were almost never seen, still there is no denying that what he was looking at was certainly two babies. Looking at this his heart sank and became overjoyed at once. He couldn't help the joy he felt knowing that the chances of him bringing home a child of his own had essentially doubled anymore than he could help but dread the reality that Elisabeth's fears of having a girl who would be taken at birth had also doubled. Perhaps it was because of this confusing mix of emotions, but what Bill did next was unpresidented and would change all of their lives in ways that none of them could predict.

Taking a deep breathe, Bill looked at the technician and said "Stop. You can't continue with out a specialist present. " The tech looked baffled at this sudden outburst, after all wasn't the leading specialist precisely the man who was presently speaking. This didn't deter Bill at all. Instead, he continued in a flat even tone, careful not to betray any of the emotion that he was feeling. "I can handle the scan while you get the doctor in question, but as the father it would be highly inappropriate to handle prenatal care or the birth of my own children. With that in mind I need you to go get doctor James Burstar. He's the only other doctor in the country I believe could reasonably believe capable of handling such a delicate matter."

As he spoke Bill was careful to emphasize that Dr. Burstar was the only doctor who could be present, and thankfully the Tech did believe his words. Who was he to question the renown Dr. Thompson afterall. "Ok." He said, determinedly, as he laid the wand down and began to retreat from the room. "I'll fetch him at once."

As soon as he left the room Elisabeth, who had remained silent through this entire conversation looked up at Bill like a dear in headlights and asked. "Bill what's going on?" Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke.

Bill, however, didn't respond. Instead he moved the wand around on her stomach carfully taking images of the fetuses until finally uttering "fuck." under his breathe. No sooner than he did this did he move back to the first baby and take a second photo of it's genitals.

Elisabeth's eyes went wide as she realized what he was doing. The second baby had three small lines where the first baby's penis could be seen, yet based on the images that Bill had just taken it would appear that both babies were male. "What are you doing?" She questioned, still not fully sure of how to feel about this. "If you get caught" she paused, emotion thick in her voice.

"I won't get caught." Bill assured. "The doctor they're bringing in is a friend. He won't betray me. I promise. It's going to be fine."

While Elisabeth still felt uneasy she also desperately hoped that Bill's words would ring true, so she simply nodded her head and said ok in response. Once she had Bill walked her through what all they were looking at in an attempt to calm her nerves. Above all he wanted her to know that the babies she was carrying were in fact healthy.

Meanwhile the tech who had been sent out finally arrived at the clinic where Dr. Burstar was working. It took him a few minutes to find the doctor in question, but once he did he wasted no time in flagging him down. "Doctor Burstar." He cried out. "Your expertise is presently needed."

James was rather busy that day, and quickly dismissed the man with a wave of his hand. "Go find Doctor Thompson. Any expertise I have he has in abundance."

The tech stood firm, however. Much to James's surprise he said. "I can't do that." He proclaimed. "It's Doctor Thompson who has sent me to retrieve you."

James paused at these words. He knew very well that Bill wasn't taking any patients that day so that he could see to the ultrasound of his own child. This was the very reason that his own schedule was so over packed. This meant that if Bill was calling upon him there was something seriously wrong with this particular ultrasound. "What's wrong." He asked, trying to conceal the panic growing in his own mind.

"Nothing sir" the tech ensured. "It's just that the scan has revealed twins. As I'm sure you're aware twin pregnancies require special care."

Without skipping a beat James passed his patient chart off to another doctor and readied himself to go. He chuckled slightly as he thought about the irony that the doctor most capable of handling such a situation was instead the father struggling to deal with it. As he grabbed his jacket he said "let's go." And hurried out the door. Never would he have guessed that the complications he was about to face were far more dire than a twin pregnancy, but instead could see him tried for treason or betraying his friend and mentor.