
Unhealthy betrayal


We have a war to fight and we need trusted men. You where trying to bring yourself close to us so we decided to just give you one test to see if you where what the shot to be promoted to be something greater. But here you are - you failed in just one test." Felix stated, making a mockery of a face with pity.

"So I ask for the last time, who sent you?" He added.

Klaus shook in fear. As he knelt down on the floor. "Forgive me please, I promise to tell you everything you need to know. Just promise to spare my life." 

Lucifer stood up from the sofa where he sat, watching the events that where unfolding. He did not know what to do next, he did not want Klaus to die but at the same time, he did not also want the news of his resurrection to be released yet, if so, Felix would be prepared for what was coming to him. And he did not want that to happen.

"Okay then. I give you my word. If you tell me who sent you, I will spare your life " dmFekix stated.

Klaus sighed in relief. "Thank you, thank you so much I will tell you who sent me, I was sent to spy on you by Luci...."

Klaus had not completed his statement when he turned in to ashes right in front of Felix and  Victoria.

"Holy shit!! What is this?" Felix asked.

"Did he swear to whoever he was working with, with the knife of truth?" Victoria asked watching as Felix bent down to touch Klaus's ashes.

"No, that's not the case, whoever breaks an oat with made with the knife of truth will not even have an Ash to be remembered with. This one is really strange, I have never seen something like this in my life." Felix stated, then he sighed.

"This guy was a very promising young lad. You said that you were always serious with vampire classes come take a look at the ashes and see if you could figure something out." He added 

"I did not say that I 'was serious about the vampire classes' I said that I paid attention to the white oak sti..." Victoria had started to say before pausing briefly as she took a closer look at the ashes then she bent down.

"This indeed looks like a death caused by the white oak stick., " She observed as she rubbed the ashes between her thumb and index finger.

Felix giggled. "but that's Impossible. He was right in front of us and I did not see anyone sneak up in here to stab him with the white oak stick."

"The person does not need to be around to cause this kind of instant ashing, he must have taken an oat with it or something I cannot tell. But only someone extremely powerful can pull such a string." Victoria replied.

Felix paused thinking deeply. "Wait.... Before he died he had almost called the name of the person that sent him, he said Luci... What if he wanted to say Luciana... These two things where also linked to Tracy's death remember? There was Luciana on the scene and there was also the white oak stick... Think about it."

"Wait, so Luciana wasn't the one who stabbed Tracy with the white oak stick why did you not say this since? She's probably working with someone powerful, someone powerful enough to cast strong spells. I'd have fun an I.D then to find out who it was, your anger towards Luciana just made is assume that she was the one who pulled the hit." Victoria stated with a sigh.

"I think I know who the person is  it's Divina. But the thing is she was not this powerful in the past, it seems as though she is becoming stronger as the day goes by." Felix mentioned.

"Perhaps her strength started to grow after Lucifer's death. Remember Lucifer used to give her and the witches more power in the past." Victoria suggested.

Felix laughed. "That doesn't even make any sense."

"Well it does now. Lucifer's body is no longer in the grave." A voice sounded from behind them and they turned to see who it was that had made such a statement.

"Michael?!, What do you mean?" Felix and Victoria asked in unison.

"Well I'm just coming back from where Lucifer was burried, I decided to go check on the guards and his body, but to my greatest surprise neither Lucifer, nor the demons where there." Michael replied.

Felix sat on the floor. "This shit is all fucked up." He said.

He could not help but wonder what was really going on, he did not know if Magedon and those demons that had been asked to burry Lucifer and his sword where now working with Luciana and Divina to try to raise Lucifer in order to gain his forgiveness.

Or if the whole demons where working together and the whole pretence to make max send them out to go and bring Magedon's head (as his sister had explained to him when she returned) was actually to let them go and Be with magedon. 

"No wonder they where so eager to go to earth in search of Magedon." Victoria stated after Felix Narrated his thoughts to them.

"Well then there is no time to waste, I came here with my angels as I promised and they are waiting outside the palace, let's start the war immediately and claim the throne of hell. Before things get messier than they already are." Michael suggested.

"I'd like that too, but the thing is that I got some more men on the way, werewolf soldiers we need to win this war as easily as possible. Without much losses on our side." Lucifer replied.

"Forget about them for now when they arrive, they can join us in the battle field if they want. For now we need to take Max unawares, the more time we waste, the more Losses we incur on our team."  Michael replied.

Felix thought for a moment, then he sighed deeply. "You are right." 

Then he turned to the head of the palace guards. "Sound the alarm, gather the soldiers, we match for war together with the Angels outside immediately." Felix stated .

The guard bowed  and went away to do as instructed....


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