

Momentarily, a crazy idea, came to his mind and he prayed silently that it would work. As he stood up from his sit with the other vampires, he knowingly made himself to fall sidewards, in a way that his knee bone got dislocated.

"Ahh!," He shouted as he fell to the ground holding his dislocated joint.

Everyone turned to him to see what it was that had happened.

"He broke his knee." Tracy stated as she felt the dislocated joint with her palm.

"Carry him out, he'd heal shortly, after all he is a vampire." Felix stated.

Klaus' heart skipped a beat when Felix made this statement, it seemed as though his planned had  failed. He rolled his eyes as Tracy and Linder tried to lift him up and take him away.

"Leave this one, he is trust worthy, we can trust him." Victoria stated, causing Klaus to hieve heavily in relief.

"Are you sure about that?" Felix asked, not quite convinced if it was right to let Klaus hear what he was about to say. But Victoria nodded in the affirmative which made him signal Tracy and Linder to free him.

So they let him sit, while the rest of the Vampires moved away with them.


Gabriel Sat Idly in one of the mansions in the golden City going through some old journals. He did not have much work to do lately, because he was more like a direct messenger for Go, and since God was not on the throne anymore - or atleast for now - he had little or no duty to carry out.

He laughed loudly as he turned to the next page of the journal that he was reading. The journal was about last events that had occured all over the universe in strategic places.  He was about to turn yet to another page when he heard a knock on his door.

He paused briefly as he raised his head up to be sure if he had really heard the knock. It was really unusual because he had not gotten any visitors before.

And  all the angels that needed his attention usually communicated with him through their thoughts when they arrived at the door instead of knocking.

His thoughts where interrupted by yet another knock on the door.

 "I'm coming." He stated as he dropped the paper that he was holding in his hands, grabbed his sword and kept his wings ready incase they where needed in combat.

He walked slowly and carefully to the door post, when he was finally there he opened it slowly and then stretched forth his sword towards the four strangers that stood in front of him.

He would have slain them instantly, but for the fact that they where unarmed he gave them a chance to explain themselves. 

Lucifer, Azrael, Luciana and Divina Looked at themselves confused. They could not help but wonder why Michael was pointing a weapon at them. The truth was that, they had been away from heaven for quite a while, and a lot of things had really changed.

Although they might not be the obvious things like the mansions, or the roads and gates but certainly the code of conduct and certain communication had greatly changed. 

For example they had stopped knocking on doors since several years ago when God had taught them how to communicate with their heart. That knowledge was far too advanced for the team who had been away for this long.

At first they thought that their camouflage had failed them, not knowing that Gabriel had suspected two things; it was either that they where not angels or they had been away for so long - too long to be recognized as a loyal soldier.

"Identify yourselves." Gabriel stated making Lucifer and the rest to recognize that their camouflage were actually still functional. 

"Can we atleast come inside?" Lucifer asked. 

Gabriel giggled; "and what do you take me for? A fool? This is your last chance for you to tell me who you guys are, otherwise I'd alert the others, or better still take you guys down by myself."

Lucifer sighed and stepped aside for Azrael to reveal himself first to Gabriel. He knew that if he did so first, Gabriel might read another meaning to everything, so he let Azrael start the introduction.

When Azrael stepped forward, he changed only his face, to his real angelic face. This made Gabriel to stagger backwards in shock.

"Azrael? How is this possible, where the hell is dad? And why where you on camouflage?" Gabriel asked as he tried to control his shock which had turned to excitement at the realization that God might have returned and successfully brought Azrael back from existence.

"Relax it's not as easy as you think. Things are really complicated right now and trust me, you don't want the whole of heaven to know that I am back just yet." Azrael answered.

"That's nonsense, come on the whole of heaven needs to know that you and Dad are back, so that this would stop the useless election would stop and everything will return to normal. I need to sound the alerm to gather all the angels." Gabriel stated as he turned to go inside the house.

Everyone of them followed him inside and locked the door in order to prevent evesdroplers from hearing the conversation that they where  having. then azraal held him to stop him from going where he wanted to go.

"Dad is not back yet, I came out alone." 

"What?!, You are kidding right?" Gabriel asked, looking from Azrael's face to the faces of the strange angels behind him.

"I'm serious, This is Lucifer, Luciana and Divina." Azrael stated as they all removed their camouflage.

"We are all here for the same reason. To prevent Michael from winning the election." He added.

"This is unbelievable." Gabriel muttered itwas a lot for him to take in all at once but he tried as much as he could to handle it as best as he could.

"Good, I believe all proper introductions have been made, now let's all sit down and have this discussion." Lucifer stated as he took his sit in one of the chairs around, he watched patiently as every one did same.


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