
The whole truth

But the only thing that confused her was that these where not Felix's men and she definitely knew that they where not his converts either because the sun was high up in the sky, and human vampires cannot survive under it.

Detective James and Tiffany saw the Look on Sia's face and knew that she had an idea on what the creatures that they had encountered earlier where. So they stared at her expecting.

Sia sighed when she saw them looking at her. "Those are vampires." She stated thinking of a way to explain things to them, she knew she had to come out plainly.

"And these are not the only ones on earth, infact I have encountered some of them in the hotel room where I stayed with Lucifer, that was why I said that the hotel room is no longer safe - they have taken over the whole place." Sia stated.

She saw the look of confusion on their faces so she said;  "let's go to Tiffany's house, I'd explain everything there, it's not something I can say in the middle of the road."

Tiffany and detective James nodded in agreement, they really needed to hear the whole story and they needed to understand too.

Soon enough, they arrived at Tiffany's house and Sia wasted no time in proceeding to the narration of the story. She told them everything about Lucifer and the whole war that was going on leaving out the part where Lucifer was killed because she hoped he'd arrive soon.

"So you are saying that Lucifer is really Satan - the Devil?" Tiffany asked with her eyes wide open in shock.

Sia rolled her eyes "when you put it that way.. - He isn't really that bad, atleast you know that he is a good person or atleast trying to be a better person." She stated.

"That's right he's really a nice guy after all I wonder who gave us the first narrative of him." Tiffany asked.

Detective James sighed briefly before stepping into their discussion. "Guys I don't mean to interrupt, but Tiffany don't tell me that you believe everything that Sia had just said.. I mean we could believe that those beigns where vampires although we do not have any proof yet but come on... How can we start to think that Lucifer is really Lucifer no offense tho but Lucifer had told me this several times in the past and I still stand in the unbelieving part... I'd never believed such trash."

"Believe what trash?!" They heard Lucifer ask as he walked into the room with Luciana, Divina and the rest of the team.

Sia, James and Tiffany turned around unanimously to see Lucifer walk in with the teammates.

"Oh thank Goodness atleast you are here. She just told me the same lies you told me earlier before you took your unexpected Leave which I doubt was approved my any of our superiors." James said.

"She told us that you are the devil." Tiffany added smiling as though she now needed proof to believe what Sia had told them earlier.

"Well I am, and I have never denied myself. Just not shown it to anyone yet, except my lovely Sia." Lucifer said as he turned to his real Fallen angel state.

The glass cup that detective James held in his hands fell off and shattered immediately on the floor due to the unbearable shock that he experienced when he saw Lucifer's true nature.

"This is sooo cool." Tiffany shouted as she brought out her phone.

 "Can I take a selfie with him please, I want to tag it - chilling with the devil himself - my followers are going to be so thrilled" she added.

"No!!" Everyone in the room thundered in unison causing her to sigh and put her phone back inside her bag.

Suddenly Sia did something that nobody in the room was expecting. She walked up to Lucifer and slapped him hard on his face.

"Why did you die. Why did you live me alone in his boring world...." Sia thundered after slapping Lucifer.

Every one in the Room gasped in shock.

Luciana and the rest of the team gasped because they thought that Sia never believed that Lucifer actually died unknown to them, she had been hiding how she really felt waiting for the day that she would see him again so that she would vent all her anger on her.

Tiffany and James on the other hand where doubly shocked because they did not know that Lucifer died.

"Wait! Lucifer died? You skipped that part of the story." Tiffany shouted with her eyes wide open.

Sia ignored her as she continued to rain series of slaps on Lucifer's Face, she let the hot tears drop freely from her eyes as she could not stop them from coming out. Lucifer just stood for a few moments Letting Sia express her full emotions, when he thought that it was enough he grabbed her and started to kiss her lips.

The feeling of Lucifer's lips up against her's, made Sia's heart melt like an ice that had been kept under the hot sun. She felt tingles run down her spine, tingles that she had not felt for a while, a lot of feelings that she had not felt for a while started to emanate all through her whole body.

Lucifer noticed the way she was feeling and pulled away from the kids to a tight hug in order to prevent the temptation to do what they where not supposed to do in front of their friends. 

Momentarily James was able to come out from his shock, he bypassed the pieces of broken glass that he had shattered on the floor and walked straight to where Lucifer stood. He touched Lucifer with his right hand, sighing deeply.

"This is impossible." He muttered as he continued to touch Lucifer's back.

"There's nothing impossible under the sun, detective." Lucifer replied as he turned back to his human form, before freeing himself from Sia's grip.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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