
The Silver Forest

The Vampires bursted out of the other part of the Portal and landed in the SILVER FOREST.  They where fully Claded with their Silver proof when she landed. But contrary to their expectations the forest was not raining  with silver and there where no silver arrows flying around. Instead everything seemed to be normal. There where healthy trees growing all over the forest with good tasty looking fruits growing from them. 

 All the tall trees provided a thick cover at the top of the forest, such that one could not tell between day and night because the thick végétation  covered the sky. This was a bit of a relief to the human vampures, at least they needed not bother about getting burnt by sun rays.

"Woa, the Forest is not really as bad as it sounds." Tracy joked. Everyone laughed at her joke, except Victoria who thought something was fishy and was bent on finding it out. Tracy on the other hand could not help but wonder why they took everything so seriously. It was more like a fun adventure for her than a mission.

"Let's go south" Felix suggested as they moved on.  But Elijah, one of the vampires stopped for a while saying he was hungry and needed to try some of the fruits. All the other vampires agreed with him, adding that they could not just go through the forest without trying out some of its goodness. Since there was obviously nothing wrong with the forest. "Fine." Felix sighed. "Let's take a 5 minutes stop, you can eat what ever you want."

The vampires leaped in joy as they spread to different parts of the Forest Plugging and eating the fruits. Tracy walked towards Felix with one of the fruits in her hand. She gave it to him but he turned down the offer politely. "No, I'm okay, thanks a lot." 

"Alright." Tracy said as she took a bite from the fruit, it tasted really weird. "Hmm". She wondered what kind of fruit it was. Just then. Elijah started shouting and holding his Tommy,  he was the first Vampire to taste the fruit. He  fell to the floor and started to roll from side to side. Everyone gathered around him wondering what was going on.

Tracy took a second look at the fruit she was holding. "Holy shit this is silver coated covered in soft flesh." She shouted as they all cooked at the fruit and confirmed it. Panic and pandemonium spread among the vampires as the pain started to hit everyone that tasted the fruit, one after the other.


Lucifer got back to the hotel room exhausted from the day's work. He layed on his bed briefly after taking his bath. He had two important things to do that night. Firstly he had a meeting with the witches and then he was going on a Halloween date with Sia, where they where going to see a movie. He walked up to the refrigerator and brought out a chilled bottle of soft drink and took a sip from it. Then he received a text message on his phone . When he opened it, he saw that it was From Divina Reminding him about the meeting, and telling him that the venue was at the top floor .


Felix's eyes widened in shock. He panicked as he scratched his head with his fingers trying to think of what to do.  He searched through the equipment in the bag they had carried but could not find anything helpful.  He looked at Tracy and she smiled at him. She looked fine at the moment but he knew she was not. She had also eaten the fruit and within a short time, she would also start showing similar symotoms as the other vampires.

"I can't find anything here, we need to keep moving forward, hopefully we would find someone, or something that could help."  Felix stared.

Sam sighed. "I was about to suggest the same thing ." The vampires who did not eat the fruits and the ones who had eaten the fruit but had  not yet started to feel the effect. Helped the ones who had started to choke on the fruit, as. They all forged forward.


Luciana got bored of staying at a place for long. She was becoming broke and really needed a job. She was the greatest bounty Hunter in the whole universe and could really use a job in bounty hunting where she knew that she would do perfectly well.   But she did not want to work for the police department because she did not want Lucifer to know her where about for now.

"I really  need to go out." She thought as the feeling of absolute boredom ate deep into her body like several locusts ravaging through a big farm land. She got up from the sofa where she sat watching the television, took the remote and switched it off. Before diving into some clothes and stepping out of the house. In search of anything at all that could help.


The vampires seemed to be moving in circles as they had not gotten to any tangible land mark. "Arrrg." Elijah groaned in pain as he fell on the floor, Joe rushed towards him. "Are you okay bro?."  

Elijah muttered some inaudible words as he tried to reply to Joe in vain. Sharp screams suddenly filled the air as they drew Felix's attention to Elijah's body. Felix looked and saw as Elijah's belly turned to ashes which spread like wild fire to the other part of his body, and within split seconds his whole body turned to ashes. 

"Is he really gone?" Lydia asked as she he covered her mouth with her hands.

Felix sighed. Then he shouted. "Shit!! We shouldn't have stopped!!"  

Sam held his shoulders "there's not time for blame games, right now we need to figure out a way to stop this death from spreading..."  He was interrupted by a sharp scream from behind. And when he turned around he saw Tracy holding her stomach as she fell to the ground.


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