

Luciana paced  up and down around her house, still thinking about the case, she had not gotten any sleep through out the night, she could not help but wonder who could have taken him, she knew that the person had to be aware of the letter and also about Josh. And since it was not the priest, then who else could no about it. "The chief whip?"  She wondered, he could be the one, he had acted suspiciously the night before, but she did not bother to ask about him, because she was too busy with the priest. Maybe she needed to question him too, she thought. 

She rushed to the bathroom and took a swift bath, before running back to the Church of Michael. When she got in, she saw the priest on the floor, holding his belly, as his blood poured freely on the floor. She rushed towards him and held him up. "It's my chief whip, he is the one who took your fiancee" the priest struggled to say amidst the pain he felt......

Just then she heard a sound from behind her. "freeze, it's the Police, whatever you do or say would be used against you in the court of law."... What the police had said interrupted her from hearing what the priest was saying next. She stood up and turned around only to see detective James pointing a gun at her and asking her to raise her hands up for him to hand cuff her. 

"I did not do anything, she said angrily, the guy is still alive, ask him * she said . Detective James walked briskly towards the  leader. But before he got to where he Layed, he had already passed out. Detective James turned to Luciana as quickly as he could, asking her to surrender freely or he was going to shoot. She stood there with a smirk on her face, not knowing if she should snap his neck out of his head before running away, or she should just walk out. She sighed as she did not have time to waste, she needed to find the chief whip as soon as possible.

She turned around and started to walk off. Detective James had no other choice but to shoot at her. He shot three bullets at her and was shocked to see the bullets hit her at the back and fall freely on the floor like tennis balls that where thrown against a wall. He stood there in shock as she walked out and went to look for the chief whip.


"Ghaul told me that the war is going to be a though one, contrary to what we all thought in the past." Lucifer stated. "He also said that we need to be careful or else, the unexpected could happen." He paused as he observed all the Witches present and they all listened to him carefully to hear what he had to say.  When he was sure that they where all paying attention, he continued.  "I want you all witches to take turns in watching every activity that goes on in this hotel. And I need you to keep an eye out on any sign of vampires around."

"How do we know when the vampires  get in. What if they send vampires that we are not familiar with, how do we spot them out." Selena asked. Lucifer nodded. "that is a very tactical question. And I like the way, you guys are thinking now. You now think like warriors."  He said. "I thought about this earlier and that was why I brought this." He brought out a thick material and gave out to one of them, to pass it round as they all perceived it. "vampires have that strong smell of sour wine, and no matter how they try to hide it, it always suffices." 

"And if they are afar off, to the extent that you cannot perceive their odour Divina would show you how to spot them with your witch's eyes" he concluded.

Divina nodded. "Lucifer would excuse us now, while we proceed with our training." She said it was an old trick that she had developed on her own, but she was willing to teach them anyway, as it was for the betterment of the group or should she say family . Lucifer stood up and walked out of the hall. Immediately he got out, his phone rang, and it was a call from Detective James. He sighed briefly before taking the call. "You need to come down to the outskirts of Scotland right now, it is really important." His voice sounded at the other side of the phone . 

Lucifer could not help wondering what he was doing at the outskirts of Scotland by that time of the day, but he sounded scared and frustrated on the phone and like someone who needed help. Lucifer have never heard  detective James sound so frightened. He sighed as he went into the room and collected his car key. Sia still Layed on the bed sleeping. He wanted to tell her about it, but he did not want to disturb her sleep, so he left her there and walked away .


Luciana walked out of Michael's church in search of the chief weep, she knew that she might have scared the detective to death, but she did not care, all she wanted was to find her fiancee, damn the consequences she was willing to trample upon everything that stood on her way, atleast Lucifer was not around to boss her around  even if he was around, she doubted if he would do anything, because as far as she remembers, she was free.

She thought about the first place she could check for her search. And since he was not in the church, the next place that came to her mind was Michael's house. She sighed as she turned towards that direction and stormed the place .

When she got there, she marched the door open. And entered into the house, the place seemed quiet, but it felt like someone was there recently, because there was water on the gas, and the oven was on. She smiled as she slid in slowly to avoid making a noise .


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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