

"Oh you have no Idea what I am going to do to you if you do not tell me what I want to know right now and fight here." Felix thundered.

Luciana got pissed as she raised one of the bottles of wine that she was holding on her hands and landed it heavily on Felix's head. She could feel his grip on her neck slowly weakening until he eventually passed out.

Luciana stood where she was coughing  vigorously. Tracy saw this as an opportunity and ran towards Luciana with one of the demon knives in her hand. 

"This is where you die b*tch" she shouted as she raised the knife up to stab Luciana. Luciana raised her head up in shock to see Tracy raising a demon knife at her. But she was relieved when she saw that  Tracy's hands remained hanging on the air as she started gasping for breath.

She looked at Tracy's chest to see a white oak stick bursting through her 

"I had to come out with one of these, just in case.." she heard Azrael's voice talking from behind Tracy.

"Run!!!" He added as he removed the white oak stick from Tracy's chest and joined Luciana to run away. Tracy fell headlong to the ground... Gasping for Air....


Felix felt a sharp pain on his head. "Ahh!" He groaned as he placed his right hand on his forehead, there was no physical mark on his head as it had sealed up, but he could still feel the effect of the bottle of wine that had landed on his head.

He looked up from where he lay and saw Tracy almost giving up on the struggle to breath. At first he wasn't sure that she was the one, but when the turning in his eyes had siezed he recognized her.

"Tracy!? What the fuck  is she doing here?" He wondered as he managed to stand up from where he lay and ran towards her.

"What the hell did you come here for?" He asked, when he got to where she was laying.

She ignored him as she tried to mutter some words.

"I... Lo..ve... You Felix. Even until death.  I wish we had enough.. Ti..." That was all he heard her say before she stopped talking.  He touched her head and noticed that it had already started turning into ashes.

He raised his head up and saw Victoria running towards them with the rest of the vampires.

"Somebody help me?" He said as he lifted her from the ground, particles of ashes dropping from her head.

Victoria sighed.. "help you do what?" She asked as she touched the hole that the white oak stick had made in Tracy's chest and observed it for a while.

"What do you mean by 'help me do what?' can't you see that she is dying? We need to take her to the hospital." Felix shouted, obviously frustrated.

"Take a vampire to the hospital?. What are you going to tell the nurses?. And besides she is already dead as you can see, she is already turning into ashes and she doesn't have any pulse on her. And if the weapon that they used in stabbing her, is actually the weapon that I am thinking, then trust me nothing could have even saved her earlier." Victoria tried to explain to a perplexed Felix.

"Hurry! Take some samples from the stabbed region before all the part of her body turns into ashes and there is a mix up. I need to confirm my suspicion." She added, comanding the vampires with her.

Felix just stood at a point watching. He could not believe his eyes... He watched as they took the amount of sample that they needed and placed it in a spacimen bag, it turned into ashes there and her whole body turned into ashes as well in his hands.

That was when it dawned on Felix that she was really dead. Hot tears ran down his eyes as he shouted in pain... He had been so busy chasing the shadows of a failed Relationship,  that he had not given the one that really loved him ample amount of time - the kind of time  that he thought she deserved.

This - to Felix - was the straw that broke the camel's back, he was not sure that he would be able to look at Luciana again if he ever sees her again. He had to even Kill her before she notices his presence, he thought.

As he stood at the spot where he was, the only thing that he could think about was vengeance and how stupid he had been. He saw Victoria's mouth moving spontaneously but he did not hear a word that she was saying.

It was when one of her vampires came to tap him on his shoulders that he angrily turned and pulled the Vampire's head out of his neck. At this point Victoria knew that Felix was uncontrollably angry so she had to go by herself to stop him.

When she got to him he felt like doing the same thing to her but she was his lovely sister.

"Let go of me!! We are not going back to the hotel, we need to find Luciana and her team right now, this search must continue." Felix thundered.

"We cannot do that. The weapon that they used on her, I suspect that it is the white oak stick.." Victoria stated.

"And if my suspicion is right, I don't think we can win them like this, we need to go back and restrategise. Then we'd have enough strength to conquer." She added.

Felix hieved a deep sigh of sorrow, as he gathered Tracy's ashes and put them in an empty container that he found by the road side. "I promise that I would never did get this day, Luciana.. I Must avenge Tracy's death.." he muttered as he wept bitterly.

Victoria and the rest of the Vampires watched him until he wept to his satisfaction... When he was finally okay.. they followed him back to the hotel.


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