
Someone more dreaded

"You all should be ashamed of yourself. I still stand my ground to say that Dad would be disappointed in all of you when he returns his rulership is for eternity, you all should prepare to face his wrath when he returns." Gabriel stated as murmurings spread like wild fire among all the angels present.

"This is nonsense, we already scheduled an election and that we must do. " Michael protested, when he saw the look on the faces of the Arch angels conducting the election.

"It's Enough, we have one more contestant, let's hear from him." The arch angel stated adjusting his siting position.

Lucifer smiled. "Thank you all. Do you guys remember when Lucifer tried to Take the throne?.. you saw how dad angrily flung him out of the Golden City to suffer in hell. He did not succeed in sitting on the throne, yet look how grievous his punishment was,  Imagine how horrible ours would be if we successfully conduct this election. I stand with Gabriel, this election is trash." He stated.

Michael frowned. This was absolutely out of place. He turned to look at the arch angel. And was shocked to see the arch angel in charge standing up from where he sat.

"I'm sorry guys, but I can no longer  conduct this election." He stated.

"Then you are calling for war!!." Michael stated angrily bringing out his deadly bow and arrow... And stretching it towards the Arch angel that was to coordinate the whole election.

The Arch angel froze at the spot where he was, looking at every other angel present.

Michael smiled, still holding forth his bow and arrow against the Arch angel. He had imagined that Gabriel would come with this type of plan, but he did not think that He would have the impetus to carry out such a plan.

Knowing fully well that Michael was the most feared angel amongst the other angels due to the fact that he was the leader of the military of the Golden City and he had never lost a war in his entire existence. Now he was shocked that Gabriel had the guts to resort to violence despite all these facts.

He wondered what kind of backing that Gabriel had. Whatever it was he was going to see if here and now.

"How dare you try to come up with this nonsense?" Michael thundered, as even some of the angels that where not on his side started to shake in fear.

"Infact! For pissing me off, there would be no more election, I am going to ascend to the throne and sit on it, claiming the full authority as God..." Michael added in furry as everyone turned towards Gabriel wondering if he had any more trick up his sleeves.

Surprisingly, Gabriel did not Fret, he just stood at a spot watching at Michael as he ranted. Sincerely, this act bothered Michael a little, but he did not want to show any atom of fear.

"You would not sit on that throne as far as I am here, infact no one would, except Dad himself returns." Gabriel stated cooly.

Michael wondered at Gabriel's audacity. He lowered his bow and arrow and looked around, before scuffling out a mock laughter.

"And who amongst you is going to stop me?. You?, Well try it and see..."  He thundered as he dared to move towards the throne with the Angels that where on his side when suddenly the unexpected hapoened - well, unexpected to Michael and the other angels and not so unexpected for Gabriel, Lucifer and the rest of their team. Because they had all planned it.

"Not so fast." A voice sounded.  Everyone turned to look at the direction of the farmiliar voice that they had not heard in ages and they where shocked to see who it was - even Michael was shocked the most.

They saw that it was Azrael who had totally removed all forms of camouflage from himself and he was now in he's full Angelic form... Now a new wave of terror spread like wild fire through the hearts of all the onlookers. Michael was no longer the most feared person in the place, as a matter of fact they where now staring at the angel of death, whom they knew that God himself had gone into existence to bring back.

"This is unbelievable!!!" Michael stated as he withdrew his footsteps moving a few meters backwards. He could not believe his sight, infact he could not believe anything that was happening anymore. He could not even think straight at the moment.

If Gabriel could pull this kind of stunt on him without him being able to even guess at it, who knew what other kind of tricks that he had up his sleeves.

'if Azael is really the one standing in front of me, that means God could be anywhere around too, I need to retreat.' Michael thought to himself as he wondered if the remaining three angels that where still in disguise was God himself and probably the Goddess of creation who God had also banned out of existence a few millenniums before he barnished Azrael.

Gabriel watched in delight as Michael and the angels that where on his side fled for their lives.

"Wow, the plan actually worked. Let's chase after them and slaughter all of them.." Gabriel said to Lucifer with joy in his heart. For once he had never thought that such a crazy plan as it sounded she Lucifer told him about it the day before would work. But here he was watching Michael run away from the throne that he had so greatly desired.

"No. If we go after them, he would have no other choice but to stand and Defend himself. And we know we are not quite ready to win this war yet. I don't have my sword and Azrael doesn't have his blade let them go." Lucifer replied.

"But you know that it will not take them too long to Discover that Dad did not return with Azrael, you know right?" Gabriel asked..


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