

Lucifer walked briskly to the entrance of the hotel,  he wanted to know what was causing such darkness surge around the area,  or had anyone escaped hell?

Oh no they wouldn't dare, who would even think of that? .... he continued walking and was about to go in when Luciana shouted "Lucifer!!". He turned angrily to look at her "what is it?? You wouldn't let me....." . 

He did not complete his statement because he saw Luciana being taken away by the police, they walked with her  towards their car, her hands behind her back held together  by handcuffs.  He heaved a sigh of relief because she hadn't killed any of them yet, he had told her  before they got to earth not to hurt any human except he gave the order, and he knew how short tempered she was, "Don't do anything I would come and get you out myself", he shouted while running behind the car as the police went away with her . "Damn it, what did she do" he thought to himself, then he paused and looked up with a smile on his face, "is this your plan Father?", he looked down again, "maybe he must have seen me here and wants to ruin my plan".. "well I better go get her before she blows my cover on this Earth, I'd deal with this evil presence some other time" he said as He stopped a taxi,

"Where to sir?.." the taxi man asked,  "take me to the police station" Lucifer answered with a smirk on his face...


Felix ran into the Bank of Scotland with full speed no body saw him get in and out of the bank, he went straight to the volt, and punched it really hard until it broke, then he went in and took as much money as the wanted before leaving the bank, he ran straight to the bar and threw the money at Sam and Victoria. " There is the money we need, now go and get everything we need to make this place one of the best night clubs in this area", "we should be set before night fall". 

Felix, Sam and Victoria could go out during the day and the sun would not have any effect on them because they where, Celestial Vampires, more like the Originals.. only humans who where turned to vampires can be burnt by the sun, hence they needed the night club as a secret cover, their shed and training ground. So Sam and Victoria went out to get Drinks and some builders to build a camp behind the bar where there was a lot of land space, while she and her brothers changed the place to a night club.

While the renovation was going on at the bar a Reverend Father, who passed by, felt a strong urge to enter the bar. When he did, he looked around with disgust, "who's in charge here?", He asked,  "I am," Felix said as he walked towards the father..  "oh I see", The father said as he walked closer to felix and smelled his neck,  "what? Vampires in town?, I suspected this"..  The father whispered to himself, then he looked up to Felix who looked back at him in surprise, "well don't mind me, that's how we welcome new people to town" Father said with a smile on his face.. "when did you guys move in?" He asked.

"Well just today". Felix answered,   "my name is Father Friday" the Reverend said, as Felix introduced himself and his siblings to him, as strangers who just came to town and needed something to do, Father Friday smiled and welcomed them once again.. "nice to meet you once again", He said as he walked out of the bar. When he was sure that he was out of sight, he muttered to himself, "I can't let this grave evil stay in this Town. I must find a way to kill them or send them back to hell before they multiply, but first, I think I need to go to the police and alert them", he said as he Ran towards the station.