
Ready for a fight

“I hope you are preparing for tonight?” Leo asked Sam.

“If I am Preparing for tonight? What is happening tonight?” Sam replied. Obviously confused.

Leo saw the confusion on Sam’s face and smiled. “I knew that you might have forgotten since your clan have been away for so long that I cannot even remember any of your faces” he chuckled, Sam also forced a fake chuckle.  “well tonight is the howling festival.”

Sam’s mouth widened in shock. “ Howling what?”. He asked.

"Howling festival." Leo replied. "There is going to be a full moon tonight. And full moon comes out in this place, once in every 10 years hence it's a celebration for us all. You guys are really lucky to have returned on the full moon day."

Sam smiled. "We must be really lucky indeed.*

"Tell your alpha to get prepared as the clan with the best howls would go home with a gift from the moon goddess. I can't wait to bear you at the contest. See ya." Leo said as he waved and walked away.

Sam paused for a moment thinking about everything that Leo had said. "Shit. We have to find Azrael's blade before then." He muttered to himself. "I better go and inform Felix, we need to be prepared for anything.


Michael stood at the sure of the river where Lucifer had entered. Wondering if what he was about to do was the right thing or not. He did not know if God wanted him to do it or not.  "Well I know that my Dad is going to appreciate me for closing the gateway where Lucifer Uses to come to earth, because afterall he does not like Lucifer coming to the earth." He said to himself.

Then he dived into the river. And waited for the demons watching the gate to move away from where they could see him. When the finally moved to the other side of the  gate where they could not really see him. He moved towards the gate to shut it off . But then something seemed to tie him down. He looked to check what it was and gasped when he saw that it was demon ropes. 

At first he thought that the demons had seen him and tried to hold him down, but he noticed that the told came from outside of the water. He wondered if hey where other demons on guard outside the water, but he did not see any when he was at the river bank. he thought. "Well I have to check it out."

He brought out his arrow abd shot at the rope and the cut made a loud ripple in the water that made the demons at the gate to turn and see him. "Now you made them notice me, I should make you pay, who ever you are " Michael whispered to himself as he brought out his wings and flew out of the river. To see who was trying to stop him. And to his greatest surprise he saw Luciana staring at him coldly with a smirk on her face.

"Surprised?" Luciana asked.

 Michael sighed putting his wings back in place. "Hello Luciana, I did not expect you to come here so soon, because I paid someone very well to keep you busy until I am done." This statement pissed Luciana off and she swallowed herd trying to control her pain and face what was at hand. Michael smiled as he saw that what he said got to her. Maybe love was her weak point and he was surely going to use it against her. he thought.  " But  since you are already here, I would say that we need to get this party ended before it even starts ." He added as he brought out his bow and arrow.


"Would you like us to follow you back to earth give Felix and his siblings the kind of punishment that they deserve?" Amazon asked after Lucifer had narrated the fact Felix and his siblings where no longer in hell, and that they had escaped hell planning a coup against him. He also told them how he needed to find out how they escaped hell and where they escaped from. 

Lucifer saw the Passion and anger on Amazon's face as he asked to go back to earth with him. "I already have human soldiers that a ready to fight for me till the death. So you stay here and take care of hell while I go alone."

Amazon sighed. "Speaking of staying behind to handle things, you know you can handle the vampires from here with ease right?. And speaking of the human army, how are you sure that they would be loyal?.

"I want to give the human army a chance to prove themselves, they must really be valuable for my father to put all his care and attention on them ever since he created them. I would like to try out on his experiment." Lucifer replied, the he sighed. "as for Felix and the vampires I would like to play on their own game, they want to fight on earth, I will fight them on earth." Lucifer said with finality .

Amazon waved his hand in surrender. "okay atleast why not go with your sword."

Lucifer nodded. "About that, the sword is too powerful to be on earth and besides  the vampires are too small to make me take my sword to earth." He sounded confident.

As they where talking, four demons rushed in and bowed. "Speak" Lucifer commanded.  "Luciana is in trouble, Michael tried to shut the gate of hell and she stopped him, he did not seem so happy and I doubt if she can last up to one minute in their fight."

"Now doesn't this warrant you going to earth with your sword?." Amazon asked as he saw the anger on Lucifer's face . 

"I warned him not to return." Lucifer said as his wrath increased.  "Get me my sword".  Two fallen angels bowed and went to root out Lucifer's sword.

Amazon smiled broadly. "now you are talking. Can I come with you?." He asked.

Lucifer smirked. "Let's Go."


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