
Not Again?!!


The thought of this alone made Felix more angry and also increase the drive for him to find where Luciana and her team were by all means, hence he was interrogating Leo trying to find out if he knew anything about Luciana and her team's whereabouts. This was because Linder had told Felix that Luciana and Divina had gone to see Leo earlier in the day before they left.

At first, Linder did not want to say anything about it but because of the way that Felix had stressed the importance of finding them urgently in order to retrieve Leo's ashes, she had to tell him everything she knew.

"I ask you for the last time, where did Luciana and the rest of her team go to? Huh? Back to Africa!?"  Felix thundered at Leo who was still tied to a chair, staring pitifully at the vampires that surrounded him. Linder Instantly regretted why she told Felix about Luciana and Divina's meeting with Leo in the first place.

"I swear, I don't know, they did not say...." Leo managed to say. But he was not able to complete his statement before Felix's hand landed heavily on Leo's left ribs breaking one of his ribs.

"Stop it!! Please, that's enough!." Linder heard herself saying out loudly, she could no longer bare what she was seeing. But then she realized that Felix wasn't going to take it lightly but the words had already escaped from her mouth and she could not take it back.

"I'm sorry, I meant that he could still Be an asset to us, remember we have a war to win and we need him to get bring his people here for us. You know?" She quickly added when Felix turned around to look at her in furry.

Felix hieved a sigh in order to calm his nerves down. Limder was actually right, although he was still pissed about the way she presented the matter to him. He was going to punish her for it, but that would be latter, right now he needed to concentrate on the current situation on ground.

"I'm going to let you go on one condition, and make sure you do not fail me otherwise, you and your entire Face would be wiped out of existence, to matter the universe they may be in." Felix stated to Leo sounding sternly serious.

Leo knew that Felix meant every word that he had just said - the seriousness on his face confirmed his willingness to carry out all the treats that he had just spouted out. He also knew what it was that Felix wanted him to do, but he could not betray his friends neither could he let his Pack and the rest of his werewolf specie go into extinction.

"Are you ready to do what I want you to do?" Felix asked.

Leo sighed deeply, he had no other option to stay alive. "Yes, I would do whatever you want me to do." He stated.

Felix smiled, and nodded briefly. "Good, I want you to go to your clan and tell your Alpha 1 that his old friend Felix needs his assistant with immediate alacrity. Tell him that we have a war to fight and that we need him In our universe as soon as possible." 

Leo nodded. "I will do just that, do I have any other choice?."

"Yes you are right, you don't have any other choice, so you had better get going." Felix said smiling. As he loosened Leo from his handcuffs and softly helped him wipe off the blood stain from his face and mouth.

Leo groaned in pain as he tried to stand up from where he sat, his ribs hurt. 

"Uhm and one more thing, whatever you do don't forget that I still have that blazing sword that I took from your universe.." Felix Lied I order to put Leo in check just in case he was planning to do something else order than what he had asked him to do.

Leo nodded his head, to show that he had understood everything that Felix had told him. He struggled to walk out if the hotel unaided, Felix just stood smiling as he watched Leo leave.

Momentarily Michael walked into the hotel.

"Who was that battered soul?" Michael asked giggling as he walked towards Felix referring to Leo who had just left.

"That was my old werewolf friend, I'm surprised you didn't recognize him after just a few days since u saw him last." Felix replied as he walked to the bar and sat down to open a glass of wine.


"This wasn't what you promised us, if you are not capable of bringing enough food for us, you had better make it known now unto everyone so that we can send someone else that will deliver as we have talked about" one of the senior ranked vampires in hell thundered at Mark.

Mark murmured to himself about how ungrateful his fellow vampires could be, despite the fact that he had thought that his team was doing a good job in bringing human blood from earth, he was still shocked to find out that some of not most of the Vampires where not still contented.

"I'm sorry sir, I thought we where bringing enough food. But now that I know that it's not to your satisfaction, I and my team would make sure we bring double of what we normally bring this time around." Mark stated.

"You better do!" The senior vampire thundered.

Mark rolled his eyes as he walked out with his two of his vampires that had always gone hunting with him but this time three other new vampires tagged along, making them 6 in total.

"I told you that we needed to expand our hunting territory but you shut me up!" One of the Vampires stated.

"You don't need to stress on it, the other vampires already made it clear to me, I just hope we don't do what would expose us in the future. But first if all we need to check on our old hunting spot" Mark said as they walked into earth.

The vampire that had talked earlier could not help but wonder why Max was scared of being exposed, for all he knew humans could do them nothing... His thought was interrupted by what he was staring at. The humans that he saw now patrolling in their former hunting space where the least that he was expecting to see.


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