


Linder had listened to the call  that Wendy had made, and when she found out that it was Luciana that he was talking with. She was left with a though call she didn't know if it was best to stop him from carrying out the operation or if she should just track him down until she found out where Luciana was. She sighed briefly, then she decided to talk with Felix first, to know what he was going to decision on. Immediately she saw Wendy enter into the room, she dashed through to the top of the stairs where Felix's room was. 

When she got there she knocked severally but there was no answer, she was about to knock again when she realized that the loud moanings that she had been hearing since when she got to that floor, was coming from that room. She paused bmas she listened carefully and heard what seemed to be Tracy's voice. "Damn your so huge, and it feels so warm inside of me, faster baby faster ?" The voice sounded, amidst sounds from other broken objects that where falling to the floor as their bodies landed on them. The moanings where so passionate to the extent that Linder felt a throbbing between her thighs. "Shit" she muttered as she ran back downstairs.

 On her way down, she branched back to the room where Josh was supposed to be, but they had already left the room, so she sped down the stairs and when she got down she saw Wendy put him in a car and started it to drive. She sighed as she thought of running behind them. But she did not know how long the journey was going to take, so she went to where divina's car was parked and broke into it. Then she started it by connecting two inner wires before following swiftly behind them from a safe distance away.


(In hell) 

"Keep trying to break through the gates, I need to pay someone a visit." Max said as he  secretly left the war front with some of his soldiers. He put Victoria in charge of the army in the war front as he sneaked out.


Lucifer sat on his throne not in a comfortable way, but rather in a way that showed that he was in great distress and worry,  He was aware that The human souls had decided to fight beside Max,  and that bothered him, but what bothered him more was that he had heard that Max and his vampire soldiers where having a serious confrontation with Max and his vampire soldiers but he did not know what to do, because he couldn't leave the throne empty and unprotected to go to the South. "I need to meet with you and the other fallen angels in the next few minutes" Lucifer said to Amazon as he nodded. "Here?". He asked .

"No , not here at the palace, ask them to wait for me at the conference room. Keep them busy with your boring speeches I'd be there shortly." Lucifer replied, causing Amazon to chuckle hard before going away.  

Immediately Amazon walked away some one walked into Lucifer's palace,  Lucifer froze as he stared at the person that just entered in shock. He rushed to get his sword and stretched it towards the person "don't Fucking move, or I swear I am going to run my Sword through your torso." He said.

Michael who had just walked in giggled. "Relax, I'm not here to fight you, I'd let max have the honour of killing you himself."  He said as he walked completely into the palace.

Lucifer stared at him confusedly. "You know about the war? Heaven knows about the war?.".  

Michael giggled, "who do you think masterminded it?" He asked. As he brought out a piece of bubble gum from his pocket and began to chew on it.  

"If heaven is aware of this war that means dad is aware, I know he's aware of everything that happens in the universe but he might be the one that masterminded all this." Lucifer thought aloud. 

Micheal sighed deeply. "No, no you are not listening, dad did not Mastermind anything, I did. You will not believe this, a few days  after dad banned me from stepping my feet on earth, he must have seen that Something bad was going to come from the discovery of Azrael's blade, so he secretly left his throne, and went to bring Azrael back in time."

"Why will dad do that?" Lucifer asked. Finding it hard to believe anything that Michael was saying.

"Because he loves you dummy, you are probably his favorite son and he is obviously doing this to protect you. But I am going to stop him, because Azrael is the only one that can be able to take his blade from Max's hand and I do not want that to happen." Michael stated 

"Now you are getting me all the more confused." Lucifer said as he sunk into his throne.

Michael chuckled. "Relax, I will fill you in with the details. Slot had happened within the time dad sent me back to heaven while he left you to keep galivanting on earth and now " he started. "When I went to heaven, I had lived a miserably boring life because I was missing out the fun of freely moving to earth and back, plus I did not have much friends to talk with in there as most of them where either below my rank or far below my rank. So one day, I decided to go and have a chit chat with dad, and imagine my surprise when I got in and saw his sit empty."

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock but he did not say anything so as not to distract Michael from telling his story. "So the first thing I did was to sit on his throne, that was what I had always wanted to do.  When I sat there, I felt real power surge through me,  I could see everything that had happened in the past, happening in the present and that would happen in the future. The first thing I did was to raise max from the dead. I had to give you something for Christmas." Michael giggled. 

"You bastard" Lucifer said as he stood up from his throne.


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( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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