
Found Him

Luciana smiled as she cleaned the water that dropped from her skin with her white towel. She hung it back at it's normal position as she got dressed in preparation to go and tell Felix about her wedding, she was planning  to go and visit him at the club house,  Which she did not know had been burnt down by Divina, well how could she have known, when she was not in town, when she had left everyone to be with her new found love at the outskirts of Scotland.

She could not help but wonder how Felix was going to react when she tells him about the wedding. Not just an ordinary wedding but her wedding with a mortal human. She knew he'd be shocked, because no one would expect any celestial beign to recover so quickly from an ex lover, how much more She herself. The look on his face was going to be epic, and she could not wait to see it. She chuckled. "Alright, I am off." She whispered to herself as she checked her self on the mirror over again to be sure she was not overdressed. "It's good to go." She muttered before stepping out of the house.


"The witches have really improved in their fastness and agility must say." Lucifer stated after he watched the witches demonstrate how fast they had become, and how ready they where for the war that lay ahead.  Divina smiled, taking note of what Lucifer had just said."I told you my soldiers where good."

"And I told you yesterday that they would improve, all they just needed was time." Sia added.  Lucifer chuckled, "indeed I can see  how good they have become in such a short while, I am certain that if the vampires delay any longer, that we are going to be ready to even launch the attack on them."  Sia and Divina Laughed for a while, but Divina stopped suddenly, as if she had remembered something. Lucifer also noticed he abrupt stoppage that he had to ask. "Is anything the matter Divina?"

Divina sighed softly, she had had some gruisome doubtful questions  about the forth coming war, although she was certain that her witches where equal to the task as to help protect Lucifer and his throne here on earth, but what she was not sure of was if Lucifer was also preparing his army  in hell the same way he was preparing them here on earth. "I have been thinking, for a while now Lucifer, and I am sure that we are strong enough to defeat Felix and his vampires here on earth. But what if, when they find out that the war on earth is too strong for them, they decide to go back to hell and restrategise?  How are you going to handle that."

Lucifer chuckled. "If they run down to hell, it means victory on our side because I am sure that my demons and the fallen angels in hell will keep them at Bay. The only way they can win this war is by conquering me here on earth and that is why I need you and your witches ."  Divina nodded and then bowed slightly. "And we are yours Lucifer. We are ready for whenever."

"Good to know" Lucifer sighed. "Now let's have one more round of training shall we?."


"I think I found the underground safe." Victoria said while trying to remove the ashes off something that seemed to be solid under the ground. Felix walked towards where she was and when he confirmed that it was the safe that she was bending over, he sighed deeply in relief. "I don't think the buttons to press in order to unlock the safe are working"  Sam said trying in vain to unlock the safe. "I guess who ever burnt down the place must have accidentally burnt something in it.

"Alright then, we are going to have to punch through it until it is broken" Felix commanded.  Victoria and Sam took their positions as they began to punch the safe at the same time with their vampire strength.  At first it seemed as though their punches where not having any effect on the safe, but after about two minutes, it started to crack, and before they knew what was going on the safe burst open. Felix smiled as he tore off the iron sheeting that formarlly searved as the covering to the safe. Then he brought out all the money that was inside. They sighed happily as they filled their pockets with the money and fixed the remaining one in a nylon that was there, before they walked out of the place.


Luciana walked out of the taxi that she had boarded, she smiled as she paid the cab driver his fare and came down from the cab. She looked around the place but she could not find the Clubhouse anywhere around. "what is really happening?" She wondered aloud, she was sure that she stopped at the right place but not seeing the Building was what confused her. She could not imagine that the place would change so rapidly within the few days that she had been away. She sighed disappointedly as she did not succeed in what she came for, so she turned to go. But to her greatest surprise she saw Felix coming out of what seemed like a burnt incomplete building. She froze on her path.


Sia laughed loudly at the joke that Lucifer had cracked when they came out of the car and walked inside the hotel. She smiled as she looked at him, he was such a funny being and contrary to what the whole world thought about him, he was not realy as bad as the world thought, if only they would get to know him the way she did.

As they got to the door of Lucifer's room he received a phone call from Detective James. He sighed briefly before taking the call . "Hey, Lucifer I need you at the office right now, for a very crucial case. And please do not tell Sia that I called you. It could be dangerous for her to know." Sounded the voice from the callers end before the call went into an abrupt end, not even given Lucifer the chance to say a word. Lucifer just stood at a fixed point staring at the door.


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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