
Forgiveness and Anger?

Felix snapped himself out of his wild imaginations about being king in hell. "I have to concentrate on the needful which is finding Luciana." He sighed and looked at both sides of the road to see if anyone was looking . "Maybe I should try the old fashioned way" . He brought out a piece of the material that he had cut from Luciana's cloth the last time she visited the club house. Then he sniffed it to get her scent. "Luciana here I come" he said as he tried to track  her down..


"Listen Sia I would never bail on you, I promise."  Lucifer started . She looked at his eyes but could not really tell if he was saying the truth or not, because they where slightly different from normal human eyes, tho he was in a human form. But like they say, the eyes are a reflection of the individual's Soul. "What happened last night?". She managed to ask. 

Lucifer sighed. Then he narrated his experience with Michael and how Luciana had come to his rescue.. "why does your Guardian angel have to be a female". Sia joked as Lucifer laughed but when she frowned at him he had to curtail his laughter. He needed some actual proof to back up his claims she knew she would not just believe him like that. 

 "I came over to your place after the whole scenero but you where already fast asleep." Sia lowered her eye leads as she listened for any actual fact. "So?...."

"Well, i did not want to wake you up so I covered you up with a blanket and kept your alarm close to you to enable come to work early today. And the latter obviously did not work out."

"Wait how did you get into my house my doors where locked". Sia raised an eyebrow . Lucifer smirked, "well I'm the devil remember?." 

"What?" Sia winced as she began to hit her hands on his chest continually . "Don't you ever invade my privacy again, Never.."  Lucifer held her hands and hugged her, she could feel him breathing on her face and he felt her deep breathing on his chest. This made him feel butterflies run around his tummy but he did not really know what it meant. "I will not do it again, I promise." 

Sia sighed deeply hugging him. "Does this mean that you have forgiven me?" . He asked skeptically .  She smiled. "It would take more than this to make me forget about it. We need to go on that date tonight " . Lucifer nodded his acceptance, "tonight it is.." 


Luciana's scent was thicker when Felix got to Divina's Hotel. He read the Name of the hotel aloud, wondering why it sounded so familiar. But then it did not really matter because he knew Luciana must be inside. He followed the scent and he saw Luciana at the bar of the hotel. He walked to where she was and stood behind her. "Hi Lucie..."  Luciana froze at the sound of the familiar voice behind her.

"How did you find me?!". She turned to look at him angrily. Felix paused for a while pondering on what to say. He did not want her to know that he had her cent. "I just came here to get a drink and clear my head, but I happened to bump into you, good riddance.".

"Good riddance?" Luciana stared at him as tho she was going to strangle him. "Don't you lie to me again  Felix? How did you find me?".

  Felix sighed and tried to remain as calm as possible. "I've told you already".  Luciana smiled as she held his neck tightly and searched his pockets, while he tried to free himself from her grip. She felt something and brought it out. "Shit you had my scent."

 Felix sighed, "look I can explain everything. I didn't mean for things to happen this way..."

"Keep your explanations to yourself." Luciana stared at him furiously, the she shook her head. "I never want to see you any where around this hotel or me ever again. Now leave.."

"Lucie, please just let me explain .". Felix felt something burning in he chest, it felt hotter than the fire in hell, which do not even. Affect him but this one did, his eyes also felt hot and wet.

"I said leave Now!!!". Luciana shouted with a note of finality.  Which attracted stares from other people in the bar. Felix dashed out of the hotel in tears wishing he had never stepped his foot there. But more determined to take over hell now, than ever.


Felix stormed into the clubhouse with anger and rage. He went straight to the bar and started drinking as many Liquor as he could pay his hands on. All the vampires present could not help but wonder what was  wrong with him.

"Are these all the drinks we got Lyndia? Give me more.." he thundered. Lydia nodded as she handed him some bottles of Champagne which he emptied in his stomach between split seconds. "Is everything okay?" She managed to ask.

Felix stared at her." Does everything look okay?." Lydia could see the pain and frustration in his eyes. They where thick red and had veins running through them.

Lydia was about to say another word when Victoria signaled her to  stay cool. She knew how furious her brother could get, and how he could transfer the aggression if not properly questioned. So she walked up to him and touched his shoulders. "bro, you remember how we've been through everything together right? And you know that Sam and I would always be here for you, so please whatever is bothering you, you know you could tell us, we are your family, we are all your family."

Felix sighed deeply, putting himself together, he looked at Victoria, then at Lydia and at every vampire present. "Guys I'm so sorry for acting out of place. It's just that a lot of things have happened within this short period." He sighed again. "But right now I want us to concentrate on the goal at hand, I promise that when we are done I would tell you guys everything that happened ."

Victoria hieved a sigh of relief. "That's fine by us. So we are already to go to Rome."

Felix smiled a bit. "Fine, tonight all routes leads to Rome to get the map to Azrael's blade." 🤝🤝🤝


(Writers note:.  08172693022 you can chat me up on WhatsApp to talk about the book. Your  opinions would really go a long way. And  Please don't  forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️)