
Forest of Dilemma

~ 543BC ~ (Origin Of The Forest).

At about that  time, there lived a very powerful king known as King Alexanander, he had conquered hundreds of kingdoms at the far East  and had ruled them with power and might. This king was very wealthy, he had money, women, horses, servants, mansions and every other thing any man on Earth at that time could wish for, and even more. But there was one thing he lacked, He did not have a son, and this really bothered him. 

He had married alot of wives hoping that one of them would conceive but none did.  Being too proud to accept the fact that he could be the one at fault, He gathered everyone in his kingdom and made an announcement.

"I hereby make this declaration as king of the Land, that any woman that can conceive a child for me, would have half of my kingdom as an inheritance together with her household for all eternity. But beware that any one who I lay with from hence forth that does not conceive shall be executed."  This pronouncement brought pandemonium to the entire kingdom. 

As time passed by  the king's last wife eventually conceived and bore him a son. The king was so happy that he threw a very big party. On the day of the party he wore his golden pendant on the little baby's neck. And everyone present in the party shouted in joy as they continued to celebrate., The celebration was cut short by a sorcerer who walked in and gave a prophecy that the king's son will bring about his end and the end of his kingdom.

The king was wrath, he ordered that the sorcerer be executed, And  his body thrown into the forest. When the did was done, the king decided to go back to his celebration but, on his return to the party he  met  the bad new that his son was missing. The king moaned and cried allowed but no one knew who took his son, this day marked a great change in the king's behavior as he became a very wicked and heartless Ruler.

He started attacking and conquering innocent kingdoms. Punishing everyone with starvation and hunger. Years passed and things seemed to grow worse.

One day his kingdom came under gruesome attack by another kingdom, they fought fiercely for a long time. When the king saw that he was loosing alot of men, he asked the opposing kingdom to bring out the strongest man among them to challange him, and the winner would take over all the kingdoms. The deal sounded fair to the opposing kingdom and they brought out their champion to battle king Alexander, the fight was to the death.

They fought really hard for some  time and when the champion saw that he was no match for king Alexander, he fled with his soldiers into the forest where king Alexander had once thrown the body of the sorcerer that  gave the prophecy about his missing son.  King Alexander and his men chased after them and eventually  over took them.  "Only a coward runs away from a fight to the death . Surrender yourself now,"  Alexander thundered .

The champion came down from his horse and knelt down before king Alexander .  The king smiled as he removed the Champion's helmet in order to slay him easily. But he froze when he saw his golden pendant on the Champion's neck. Everyone was surprised to see Alexander hesitate for the first time in a battle. "This is my son.." the king shouted. "You are my long lost son". 

"One of us has to die, and you are the one with the weapon " the Champion said.  Alexander withdrew his sword and  raised it up faced between two options to either kill his son, or himself. He then drove the sword into his own belle to the surprise of everyone present.  Alexander's men ran away from the forest as the champion and his shoulders ran after them. Alexander's body was never seen again.

Similar  events occured severely in that same forest after Alexander's demise . 200 years later, the forest was named THE FOREST OF DILEMMA and had remained so till this day...



The vampires has gotten to the next place in their map, which was the forest of dilemma . Everything seemed normal, but they where a more careful so as not to make the same mistake that they made in the Silver Forest. They tried as much as possible not to touch any of the trees in the forest as they had no idea as to what was dangerous or normal. 

Just like the Silver forest, the forest of dilemma also had tall trees that covered the sky, preventing the sun from getting to them. 

"Hey guys I think I see someone". Lydia said pointing towards a particular direction. All the vampires turned that way and saw an old man who seemed like a sorcerer, he wore a long white garment and half a long staff. When he was sure that all the vampires had seen him he started moving away. 

"What do we do now?" Sam asked."should we follow him?".

Felix nodded. As all the vampires started going towards where the Sorcerer was heading to. As tho they where under a spell.


Lucifer sat on his desk in his office thinking about what he was going to do next. Luciana had turned down his request for her to go back to hell and spy on Amazon. And Sia was about to be caught in the web of everything. He didn't want her to know any other person from hell or about the impending war. Because he felt that the less she knew the safer she was. But hiding things from her was weighing on their relationship as much as he wanted her to be safe, he also wanted to be with her and he felt like he did not know how to balance the two.

Sia was busy on her duty post at the police counter, he had not really talked to her after bumping into Luciana at the  Halloween movie night.  She wanted to be friends with his friends and know more about what he was up to. But he seemed to have avoided the discussion when they talked earlier in the day. Now she felt like she needed to ask him right away, and if he tried to avoid it again, she would know that he was deliberately trying to hide things.

She finished with the complainer that she was attending to and stood up to go talk with Lucifer. When Lucifer saw her coming, he prayed in his heart that she was not going to ask him about Luciana .


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