
First time in hell


Felix smiled as he layed on Divina's master bedroom in her hotel, everything seemed to be going on well with the vampires, who would have thought that they could chase Lucifer back to hell even with his sword, and have the whole of earth to toy with all to themselves, without any restrictions. they now had a big conference Hall, at the top of the hotel where they could now carry out their meetings without any disturbance. And they each had one comfortable room all to themselves. He got up from his bed as he remembered that he was suppose to meet with Tracy, Linder, and Joe In the conference at about that time. He sighed as he thought that he must have gotten carried away with all the luxury that he was now enjoying.

He rushed into the bathroom, washed his face and then moved down to the Conference room. Where the others where already waiting for him. "This place is kinda big, we should be having our meetings in you room, it's smaller and more comfy." Tracy said as Felix walked into the Hall. 

He chuckled briefly before taking his sit in his part of the table. "It feels good to have the meetings here, atleast it makes it look like something cool".  Felix sighed briefly as he was about to go into the topic of discussion for the day. They where going to talk about how to capture Josh and get Luciana to come back. Felix knew that she cared a lot about Josh and would not just leave him behind. So this seemed like a perfect tactics to get to her. 

There was something that was bothering Felix that he had not yet gotten off his chest, he had always wanted to be ruler of hell ever since his father died, He had worked really hard to  get there, but things did not seem to go according to what he had planned. First of all, Azrael's blade did not  produce it's full power in his hand, and worst of all, his father was back to life and it flamed up without stress. It was not that he was not happy about his father's return, the issue was that things where happening very fast and unexpectedly. He did not think that anybody would just come and take over the leadership that he had worked so hard to achieve. He was grateful for the fact that his father was helping him to win the war, but he still needed the Crown. I mean its been thousands of years since Max died, and he could not just come out of no where and become king again.

All those issues where part of the reason why he chose to stay on earth in the pretence of going after Luciana, he still loved her and was not willing to hurt her, and she could also be a vital tool in helping him to get the throne....  And that was one of the reasons for this meeting,  his father could be talked about some other time. Although He was not going to tell them everything about his plan with Luciana just yet, he needed them to help him catch Josh.

"I called this meeting for us to discuss on how to get Luciana's Fiancee, His name is Josh. And I know where he stays. Once we have him, getting Luciana will not be a problem." Felix stated. Joe nodded. "Alright, so where exactly does he stay? And when do we go get him?"  He asked.

"We go tonight, delay could be dangerous and we cannot Let her get to him before us." Felix replied. And they all agreed to that. "Good, now that we have settled that, let us go to other issues of discussion." He added.


Max led the human vampires to the Eastern gate, he laughed  wildly when he thought about how distraught Lucifer might be about the whole thing. He enjoyed every bit of what he was doing and he wanted to make every bit of time that it will take him to take back his kingdom last. "I know that you guys have not been to hell before, but there's a first time for everything isn't there." Max asked the human vampires that stood with him. "Just a little preparation before the time, hell is going to sting a little when we go in, but because you are one of us now you will get used to it." He said to them before speeding into the gate.

Max return into the Eastern region of hell was greeted with a lot of cheerings and loud aplauds. All the vampires shouted in joy when they saw him come in with the human vampires. He went to the watch tower of the Eastern region and pulled down the flag of skull that Lucifer had placed there as a sign of his rulership and replaced it with their Red flag. "We are now independent." He declared. "this is where the revolution starts" the vampires shouted and chanted in joy as they where pleased to see Max return and lead them forth to victory. "Prepare for war, for very soon we are going to take the other three regions of hell and also the Central City. He announced. Attracting more cheers from the vampires present.


It was late at night and Josh was at home not sleeping actually, he could not really stay at home for much longer he thought about going out to get some drink to get his mind off Luciana and what she had done. He took one of his shirt from the wardrobe and slipped into it. Then he stepped out of the house. He walked a few distance to the bar along the road.  The feeling of being followed that he had had earlier during the day returned. He turn around and could not find anyone behind him he increased his footstep and entered into the bar.  "Can I get two shots please" he said to the bartender as he sat down uncomfortably. Looking behind his shoulders to check if anyone was coming in behind him.

And as he had suspected, someone came in and sat beside him. "Hello!!" The person greeded with a smirk on his face.


°°°°° I am beginning to see some reviews about the book and it is really encouraging, please keep it up I really appreciate.. for those that have not done their's yet, do not forget  to Pleasethe book and drop a Review today .. 🤒🤒  I Love you guys 🤾❤️❤️❤️°°°°°°°

( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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