
False alarm

"You can go back to hell now, your work is done, thank you so much." Lucifer told Amazon."and take my sword back with you.."

Amazon chuckle thinking that it was a joke, because after Lucifer's encounter with Michael, it would have  been normal if he had held the sword for a little longer to see if Michael would return. So he thought it was madness for Lucifer to ask him to return the sword. But when he saw that Lucifer was serious he said; but you know it could be dangerous to let go of the sword. "

"And you know that it is dangerrous to hold on to the sword" Lucifer countered. "So I would like you to take it back to hell, while I take Luciana to the hospital.." 

When Amazon saw that there was nothing else that he could do to convince Lucifer otherwise,  he bowed and collected The  sword before jumping into the river.

Lucifer walked up to Luciana and squatted beside her. "It's going to be fine" he whispered as he lifted her off the ground and flew  her to the nearest hospital.

"You can go back to hell now, your work is done, thank you so much." Lucifer told Amazon."and take my sword back with you.."

Amazon chuckle thinking that it was a joke, because after Lucifer's encounter with Michael, it would have  been normal if he had held the sword for a little longer to see if Michael would return. So he thought it was madness for Lucifer to ask him to return the sword. But when he saw that Lucifer was serious he said; but you know it could be dangerous to let go of the sword. "

"And you know that it is dangerrous to hold on to the sword" Lucifer countered. "So I would like you to take it back to hell, while I take Luciana to the hospital.." 

When Amazon saw that there was nothing else that he could do to convince Lucifer otherwise,  he bowed and collected The  sword before jumping into the river.

Lucifer walked up to Luciana and squatted beside her. "It's going to be fine" he whispered as he lifted her off the ground and flew  her to the nearest hospital.


Unlike the morning time,  the moonlight normally comes out at night in the Kennel. The moon had already started to form in the sky, it was a bit cloudy and the cloud covered some part of the moon, making it look like it was half it's size and felix had gathered all the vampires outside the compound that had been allocated to him. He sighed as he looked up, the wolf scent they had bought was barely enough to last through out the night.  If it was going to last then some vampires where not going to partake  in it. And that meant that he was invariably sacrificing them to the werewolves. But he was not willing to let any  more of his army to die. He was going to stand everyone would fight together until the archieved victory.

Felix sighed as he remembered Tracy. He felt that it was his fault that the sorcerer took her and if he had been powerful enough he would have stopped the sorcerer. Now he imagined that if anything happens to her that he was going to blame himself forever. "Guys, prepare yourselves for the Howling competition." She announced.

Sam Froze as he heard those words cos out of Felix's mouth. "What do you mean by that?, Who is going to bowl for us?,  Bro if we go for that contest we are definitely screwed."

"And if we don't go, they will suspect that we are hiding something and they would come looking for us, so I agree with Felix." Victoria replied.

Sam sighed. "It would be better if they come looking for us, atleast we would me ready for them."

"I still think going there is a good Idea , who knows if we might find Azrael's blade. It's better to die trying than to die doing nothing." Victoria insisted.

Felix paused as he thought about the argument being made by his siblings he thought Sam was right in a way, if they had lost all hope it would be safer if they fought from their abode. But all hope where not lost, Azrael's blade could me anywhere, and they had to find it. Victoria took the map and decided to take a second look at it. "there should be a direction as to the exact place where it was burried she thought.

As she moved her hand through the map, she felt like she touched something." What is this?" She asked. She brought out a small paper from inside the map." It's another map. She shouted as she opened it."

"Read what it says" Felix asked.  Victoria smiled. "It says Map of the Kennel, exact spot where Azrael's Blade lay." 

All the vampires clapped in joy as things where starting to look easier for them. "Let's go there first and get the blade before we go to the contest. Seems like we are going to be a little late" Felix joked as everybody laughed now gingered by the new hope of finding the blade before the contest..


Divina Laughed as Sia talked loudly about her experience with Lucifer so far. Sia was tipsy and Divina liked it that way since she was spilling every detail to her, she even talked about the Sex with Lucifer. "it was so hot" she had started. "I had always wanted to feel him inside of me, but I wanted him to ask and one day at a roof date we became so intense, we almost did it on the table." Divina Laughed again hitting her hands on the bar table.

"What stopped you then?" She asked. Sia took another glass of liquor and gulped the whole lot into her system. " Nnnng, he got himself under control and brought me to this hotel and he almost destroyed my whole beign that night." 

Divina smiled she remembered hearing  Sia scream so loudly that night before Luciana came to interrupt. She thought Sia was really lucky to get what She herself had always wanted since eternity . But he was her Boss and she did not know how to ask him nicely. "Rrrg." Divina tried to clear her head off the  naughty thoughts, but they still lingered on. She was in a very young beautiful body that never aged because she renewed her age every year at the coven. She needed someone but no one really matched her class except Lucifer. 

"I guess I need to go and rest at home"  Sia's voice brought Divina. Back from her thought tour. "Oh very well then I can drive you home" she offered. Sia nodded her thanks as Divina took her to the car and drove off.


The vampires got to the spot that was marked on the map as the place where Azrael's blade was burried. "Let's begin to dig" Felix said as they brought out the shovels that they had taken from their apartment and started to dig. They digged passionately with renewed strength and viggor. "Wait I hit something" Sam said as the digged his path. But surprisingly they met an empty broken wood. "Someone must have taken it" Felix said in fear 


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