

 Michael felt he had eaten enough and needed some rest. So he walked out of the market, waving goodbye to the vendors as they smiled at him. The robbers who had been monitoring his spending decided to follow him. And they walked behind him as he left. 

"Where can I find a place to rest?"  Michael asked an elderly lady who walked briskly towards the market where he just came from. "Well there's a few places to let along the street." She answered. Michael nodded his thanks as he moved on.

"Excuse me sir". One of the robbers called behind Him when he got to one of the dark corners. He stopped on his track as he turned to answer the man. "Can I help you?". 

"Oh yes you can, by giving me your gold." The man said as he tried to snatch what seemed like Michael's purse from his waist. But Michael grabbed his hands and broke it. The man fell on the floor holding his hands in pain. One of the other two robbers rushed towards him and started shooting but the bullets where just bouncing like sand on Michael's body.

"Naughty humans." Michael muttered as he punched his face. The remaining rubber tried to run away  but Michael brought out his bow and arrow and shot at him. "I Hope you guys learn not to steal again" he said to the two robbers that where still alive. As he continued his movement  smiling .


"Hmm." Detective James said with a smirk on his face as he saw Sia go into the male restroom with Lucifer while he washed his hands. He took a toilet paper and cleaned his hands as he left after throwing it into the trash can. 

When Lucifer was sure that he was alone with Sia, he looked at her for a few seconds. He knew he had to show her his real form before she believes that he was truly the devil. But on the other hand he did not know how she would react. His fallen state was not as angelic as he was in heaven. Perhaps his father cursed him or something but what ever made him look like that, he hoped it stopped soon. 

Sia raised an eyebrow. "I'm waiting .". That brought Lucifer back from his wild thoughts. Sia had a good spirit and there was a way be had started to feel about her. He liked it. He had never felt like that with any being before. Not even with Amanda, whom he ruled hell with for millions of years. "Are you showing me or what? Is this one of your jokes?" She said hitting Lucifer's chest.  

"Maybe I should just show her my wings first of all and see how she handles it. I know that my full form will be slot for her to take in at once." Lucifer whispered to himself as he brought out his wings.. Sia gasped as she saw it. She never thought Lucifer was really the devil, she never even believed in any supernatural thing. Now seeing this meant alot. It meant Hell was real and all the other Celestials that Lucifer talked about. She stood transfixed as she stared at his wings open mouthedly.  His wings where red and slippery, it did not have feathers instead it felt like flesh when she touched it. "I... I.." she started to say when someome flung the door open.


Lucifer was fast enough to put his wings back in check before detective James' head popped in. "Uhm sorry to cut you guys short but I need to borrow Lucifer, someone just called in a strange case" he said as he entered the restroom. "A guy said he and his friends got beat up by a strange guy with some magical bow and arrow, we need to go now."

"That must be Michael" Lucifer said, staring at Sia. "Are you okay?".

"Yes, I would like to come with you guys" she replied .


(Writers note:. Please do not forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️).