
Christmas Proposal

The meal, seemed extraordinarily delicious as Luciana munched everything in it without saying a word. Josh could not control the smile on his face as he saw her dig through the whole food, at a point, he wished that he had not really done what he did... "Ooops" he whispered to himself when he saw the look on Luciana's face. "Is everything alright ?"

"No". She replied. Well everything was going on fine and she was enjoying the food until she bit something unusual in the food. It tasted quite strange and it was more like a blizzard to the delicacy. She could literally feel the substance in her mouth, she had to bring it out from her mouth, and it looked too big to be a mistake, she saw Josh go on his knees as she cleaned the substance, she could not tell if he was going to apologise for a meal which he was not the one that prepared or something....

"Why the hell are you kneeling down it's not your fault. I would blame it on this quack cooks. I mean what kind of mistake is this.." she was saying, until she saw the object's shape clearly on her hand, and it did not really seem like a mistake from the cooks anymore, instead, it seemed like a deliberate act from Josh. She gasped in shock as she saw that the object that she had been cleaning for a while now was a ring. A beautiful diamond ring, too beautiful to be tossed into a meal by mistake.

"A ring? What is this?." Luciana asked as tears filled her eyes. She hoped it was not what she was thinking. She stared deeply at Josh who was still on his knees, expecting an answer from him.

"Remember when I asked you, what you would be doing for Christmas?". She nodded her reply to Josh's question as she felt that if she said any words, that she might burst into tears.  So Josh continued. "Well, since you told that you did not have any plans for Christmas, I was wondering if you would like to marry me on that day, so that we could spend the rest of the day together, and the rest of other days that follows." 

At this point Luciana was dumbfounded, she did not know what reply to give, she really liked Josh, but he did not really know much about her true self. And what about Felix?, What if he returns back for her and then he finds out that she is already with someone else. She sighed as she pushed everything away from her mind. Yes Josh did not know much about her yet, but she was willing to show him and he was also willing to learn step by step every single day. Felix on the other hand was a Lying, secretive B*****D and she was not willing to take him back even if he returns.. or so she thought .

"Yes.." she shouted, cleaning the tears that dropped freely from her eyes. "I will marry you Josh, I will marry you on Christmas day."  Josh jumped up in joy and was about to run round the whole restaurant shouting like some one who's Favourite team had just scored the winning goal in a champions league final, but he remembered that he had not yet worn her the ring, so he took jhold of himself and helped her to put the ring on her middle finger before hugging her tightly and kissing her passionately on her lips. Then he ran Round the restaurant shouting as he had wanted to do before now .


~ Back at the forest of Dilemma ~

All the vampires present watched as the surprised Sorcerer vanished out of existence. Immediately he vanished, it seemed like a heavy burden was lifted from Tracy's head, the burden seemed to go out so quickly that her body could not carry her anymore and she fell on the floor. Felix  rushed towards her, with the other vampires tailing behind him.  He raised her up as quickly as possible and started to shake her vigorously as she seemed to have passed out.

"Tracy!!.C'mon wake up..!" Felix continued to shout as he shook her several times.  Victoria felt her pulse and checked if she was still breathing. "Wait , let's allow her some fresh air, I can feel her pulse." Felix  stood and did as Victoria had said, same with the other vampires.  They stood some distance away allowing the oxygen that came out from the trees around to enter freely into Tracy's brain cells. And then suddenly she sneezed and got up from where she lay.

"Where am I?" She asked as she held her head and looked around the whole place. Felix and the others rushed to her, "Tracy, it's me Felix, I told you that we would be back for you and here we are"

Tracy looked at him briefly until her blurry sight turned normal,  and then she looked round at everyone present, when she was sure that they where truly back and it was rely Felix that stood in front of her and not the sorcerer,  she hugged him tightly. "I knew you'd come back"

Felix sighed in relief as he carried her above the ground. "It's time to go back home guys."


Lucifer sighed as he  dressed up, preparing to go to work for the day. He sighed because he knew it was not going to be work as usual. Rather it was more like a meeting with Sia, where they needed to settle things and  straighten up their relationship.  The last time that they talked,  it was clear that she had forgiven him and he had nothing against her.  What was left was for him to tell her everything that she needed to know, and that was scheduled for today at work. 

He still had his doubt about telling her about the war and stuff, but he also knew that the vampires could return anytime and any day, since he was already training the witches in preparation for their return, he also needed to keep Sia on an advantage. As they always say that knowledge is power, he needed to let her know about what was happening, so that at least she would protect herself in the little way that she could.  He checked his watch and it was almost time. "Oops." He said as he dashed out of the hotel room, entered his car, and drove out to the police department.


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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