
Breakfast ❤️❤️

thought of allowing Michael to send him back to hell since there was nothing else to stay on earth for, and the time Michael had given him was up.  But everything changed the night before, when he received the call from Sia. They had agreed to have breakfast together at the restaurant in Divina's hotel before going go work. "Hmmph" he sighed before getting up from the bed and placing the metalic box in a small safe which he had constructed in his room. His phone beeped immediately he locked the safe and when he checked he saw that it was a message from Sia telling him to come downstairs that she was around. A smile formed on Lucifer's face as he read the letter, then he went towards the mirror and arranged his neck tie before stepping out of the room, and entering into an elevator.


"When are we going to start the search for Azrael's blade?" Sam asked Feelix as he sipped a glass of animal blood and then spat it out. "Who put this shit in my cup?" He shouted at no one in particular, before turning back to Felix. Felix sighed."we still need more soldiers before we can start our search". Sam raised an eyebrow wondering if the ten new humans which they had converted the night before was not enough.

"Are you having cold feet?" He asked, "does it have anything to do with Luciana's visit yesterday?".  Felix could no longer keep his cool as the rage in his brain bursted like the temperature of a boiling oil. "Enough!!!!, This has nothing to do with Luciana." His eyes where red and his canine teeth could no longer be contained with his mouth closed. 

"Woa, chill bro, I did not mean to provoke you." 

"Well you already did. Don't ever bring Luciana into any of our strategic conversations, am I clear?". Felix's angrer had begun to cool off. 

"Ok boss, I've heard you". Sam replied with a sigh.

"And for the record, I do not have cold feet. We need to convert five more people tonight, then we can start our search." Sam nodded as he left Felix alone and went to attend to other things.


Luvlcifer came out of the elevator to meet Sia's smiling face, he hugged her briefly as they took a sit and waited for the waiter to attend to them. "So.. you are no longer freaked out by my presence?." Lucifer asked a bit sceptical. 

"No I am not, and I asked us to meet so that I can apologise for the way I acted yesterday, I did not mean any of those things that I said. Lucifer I do not want you to go.." Lucifer stared speechlessly at Sia as she poured out her heart to him. He wanted to shut her up with a kiss, but he did not know what to expect in return. They where not that close yet.

"It's okay, I know my revelation was too big for you to handle any normal human would have freaked out." Sia smiled. "So what would you like to take?". Lucifer asked as the waiter walked up to them.

"I would have anything you are having. " Lucifer nodded as he looked at the waiter. "Get us two cups of coffee and some doughnuts". The waiter nodded and got what they offered in some seconds. "Hmm, you guys are really fast" Sia commented as they began to munch.

While they ate Lucifer was battling with the thought of revealing his full baths to her and getting it over with. He knew she'd freak out but she did same when he showed her his feathers, but now they are still together. He wanted them to be more and if they where going to be like that, then he had to show her everything. 

"Let's have dinner tonight." Lucifer said as they stood up to leave. Sia smiled broadly as everything seemed to be going on perfectly well. She smiled and agreed. "Let it be a date". Lucifer smiled broadly. "it's a date.". 


(Writers note:. Please do not forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤