
Bold suspect

Lucifer was tempted to force  Sia's father to deny all the claims he had made about killing the victim  in the car as they drove back to the police department but he knew it was a crime to talk to a suspect outside the interrogation room without any crucial reason. he winced painfully as the driver got to the police department and pulled over at the parking lot. "Alright here we go.", detective James said as he helped him come down from the car. And took him into the police department .

As they got inside detective James stopped and turned to look at Lucifer with shock written all over his face.  "What?" Lucifer asked wondering why he had such look on his face. He decided to check it out for himself, so he moved detective James aside and went in to see for himself and he himself  was also shocked to the brim at what or rather whom he saw. He saw Sia sitting on his desk looking at them confusedly .

"What is going on here? And what is my father doing in cuffs?" She asked surprisedly as they walked in. James turned and looked at Lucifer. "I though you said she was at home resting."

"I thought so too, but I am also as surprised as you to see her here right now."   Lucifer muttered between closed teeth. 

"You guys have not answered my question. Why is my dad here in cuffs.." sia demanded.  Lucifer rolled his eyes towards James wondering if telling her would actually do more good than harm, or the other way around. "Maybe we should just tell her." 

"No we can't, it would jeopardize the case" James replied swiftly.

"Tell me what?!" At this point sia was beginning to loose her patience and Lucifer on the other hand did not want anything to come between him and Sia, so he had to say something,  since James who was asking him not to tell her could not figure out any other logical explanation as to why her father was brought into the station in cuffs. "Well, your dad has been accused of murder and he is being brought here for investigation. And infact he was the one that confessed to doing it."  Immediately Lucifer said this, James gave him the "way to go douchebag" look with the side of his eyes.

"No way.. something ain't right somewhere, my dad would not even kill an ant" Sia said looking from Lucifer to detective James' face. When she looked at James he thought he just jlhad to say something to calm her down, so he said; "And that is why we brought him here for further investigations, so be calm, we are just going to take him to the interrogation room, while we take care of things okay?"

"Don't worry about me daughter, everything is going to be fine". Sia's dad said smiling as James marched him into the interrogation room, while Lucifer stood with her outside in his office .

"Daughter?. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. He never calls me daughter, he calls me sunshine"  Sia panicked.  Lucifer sighed seeing how awkward things where becoming. "Don't worry I would talk to him right now and find out what is really going on."


Felix and his siblings had already gotten to Rome, he had given Sam some of the money to settle all the debt that they owed.  He sighed as he thought about Luciana, the one and only person he had ever loved. Now she was  with some other person. He felt it was time to begin the war. But he just needed a few more Vampires to replace the ones he had lost in the silver Forest, and he was going to get a replacement for them this night, so that they can March down to Scotland to destroy Lucifer. He also needed a game plan, and a venue that will not attract God's wrath or intervention, they needed to fight in a place that was hidden, a place where humans will not distract them. 

No matter what had happened between him and Luciana, he still did not want anything bad to happen to her. He did not know if he would be able to survive if she was wiped out of existence, he knew that even if she gets married to that human, the human will die eventually and she would be stuck with him for eternity. Well unless the human's soul still choose to find her in hell. Well perhaps that was why he needed to be king of hell. He would separate lost human souls from Other immortals he would keep them some place far, some place where no one would even know that they exist..

No matter what, he needed to inform Luciana about the war, he needed her to be prepared and he needed her to stay away from Lucifer. And earth entirely if it comes to that.

 Victoria's knock on the door distracted Felix from his long wild thoughts. "Come in" he saidas she walked inside. "I came to check on you bro."

Felix sighed."I don't have time for this, gather all the vampires, we have a war to plan."


Lucifer walked into the interrogation room when everyone had left. He went straight to where sia's father sat. He looked quite relaxed and composed for a murderer. Lucifer took the sit that was at the other side of the table and sat down to interrogate him. "Hello, my name is...."

"Lucifer, I know you." Sia's father said interrupting Lucifer. "Infact I came here just for you."

Lucifer looked at him quite confused, "how did you know me?, Did Sia mention my name to you.".

Sia's father smiled. "Who is Sia? Oh the girl outside claiming to be my daughter. Oh she must be the daughter of the owner of this body."

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock.. "who the hell are you and what did you do to the owner of this body." 

"Relax.. I am Ghoul, the messanger, I have a message for you. Or rather a warning." He said smiling.


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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