
Almost Spilled

"Turn around!!!" Luciana shouted.

"What?" Sia asked confused.

"I said turn around don't let Felix or any of the vampires see you, or you'd be dead in a jiffy, Azrael killed one of his vampires and I'm sure he has been hunting us since midnight.." Luciana replied.

"And when where you planning on telling me this? After I might have been killed?" Sia asked holding her chest.

"I'm sorry, alot has happened since you left, we are on our way to bring back Lucifer, I'd explain everything to you when we return." Luciana answered.

"I'm gonna be at Tiffany's apartment, I'd text you the address when you guys return you can come there too. You guys are lucky I hadn't gotten to the hotel's street yet, Lucifer would have chopped your heads off your necks when he discovers that you let Felix get me" Sia said giggling.

"It's a relief to know that you are safe,  could you please send me one of Lucifer's pic? We really need it - like right now." Luciana asked.

"Sure yes, I'm sending it right away after I...." Sia had started to say but was cut short by someone who had grabbed her shoulders from behind.

All Luciana could heard momentarily was Sia's scream - and then the call went off...

"Hello.. Hello? Sia.. are you there? Is everything okay" Luciana was able to ask before the like went dead.

"I don't know if she hung up or something, but something is wrong." Luciana added. 

"Try calling her again." Azrael said.


(A Few moments before....)

"Something seems really off with the Sheriff. I can clearly see what Sia was talking about last night." Tiffany said.

Detective James nodded acknowledging what Tiffany had just said. "I agree, it's more like he is a different person entirely."

"Well, we'd figure this out when we return. Guys I'm so worked out, I need to go freshen up, lets meet at Tiffany's house so could help her carry some of her Forensic equipment to the crime scene." Sia sad as she made to clean a sweat off her face.

"Alright, that's a nice idea.i could really use a cold bath right now." Tiffany said.

Detective James giggled, "yeah, me too."


Sia had been interrupted by a strong hand that had held her shoulders, she screamed in shock thinking that Felix might have caught up with her, but damn she was so close to getting away. She hung up the call almost immediately, so that Luciana would not say anything incriminating to Felix or whoever it was that had held her.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't part of them, I just came back from the hospital right now." Sia stated, trying hard to control her emotions.

"Part of who? And what hospital are you talking about? Were you sick or something?" She heard Michael's voice ask from behind her.

She turned around, as she hieved a sigh of relief. "Michael!!, Michael?!!"

At first she was calm that it was not Felix or any of his vampires - then she panicked that Michael was working with them and infact the master planner - but then she relaxed again when she saw the look of confusion on his face. He probably wasn't aware - no - He really wasn't.

"Uhm well I thought you where someone else, one of the crim..." She wanted to lie that she mistook him for one of the criminals on the case she was working on, but then she thought that, when he finally goes to Felix and finds out the latest development, it would obviously be very easy to find her. So she changed her statement.

"... Crim ... Cream I need a cold ice cream the weather is so hot." She stated.

Michael just stood looking at her confused. He thought she was starting to go crazy or something, judging from how unkempt she was looking because of the sleepless night and  lack of rest and a proper bath to the way she was talking babberish.

"Sorry for stopping you, you just happened to look like someone that I know, that worked with my friend Felix." He said.

"Oh, Felix is fine, he is inside, I just came out to get ice cream for the weather." Sia replied.

Michael walked away as fast as he could. Not looking back for a second.

Sia laughed when she saw Michael's reaction. "Phew! Atleast he's off my track. I need to go to Tiffany's house right away." She said as she walked back towards Tracy's apartment. 

She remembered what Luciana asked for messaged the picture to her immediately.


Luciana was about to dial Sia's number when she recieved the message from sia,. She paused  briefly before clearing the dial pad, then she opened the message and it was a picture of Sia and Lucifer together, she sighed happily.

Thank Goodness. She muttered as she handed over the picture to Divina, who took it with her eyes still closed but it seemed as though she saw things more clearly with the closed eyes.

Divina twitched her nose then she stretched her hands forward and pointed towards the Eastern part of the desert. "That way, Lucifer was burried there"

They where about to start going to where she was pointing when her strong commanding voice stopped them on their tracks. "Stop!!, We can't just go there without a plan, the place is being secured by Five demons." 

"Demons? Ha! Leave those bastards to me, I'd handle them myself within seconds, I've always wanted to crush them by myself ever since Lucifer created those things." Luciana said.

Azrael giggled. "Yeah, right! We trust that you can do that, but Divina is right, we need a plan so as to prevent even one of them from escaping to leak the news to any other person. One thing we cannot afford is Felix and Max teaming together with Michael against us. The more divided they are, the more our chances are to winning this war."

"Alright so what's the plan?" Luciana asked.

Divina opened her eyes. "We'd send the humans, as we all know demons like playing games with human minds, when we see that they are distracted, then we'd sneak in on them and finish them off."

"Well I don't know that Demons play games with human minds so count me out of the 'we all'. " Josh said giggling.

Luciana smirked.  "Well you are about to find out!"


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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