

"Chaaaarge!!!" Felix shouted as he stabbed one of the werewolves that where on him with Azrael's blade and the werewolf fell to the ground in one breath without making another move. The other vampires started to fight furiously with the werewolves as their vampire scent returned and the werewolves finally discovered their true identity.  "These guys are vampires!!." One of the werewolves shouted as the other werewolves started to fight more furiously .

The alpha1 stood at the top of his throne in shock, not bothered at all by the discovery that they where deceived by vampires but was more surprised at how powerful the blade that they had kept under their noses was. He sighed in pain as he watched Felix Bring down without stress every single werewolf that went against him, no matter how strong the clan or alpha was. "I need to stop this whole thing real fast." Alpha 1 said as he stood up and rushed towards Felix.

As he got closer to Felix, he saw the way strong wolves fell before him as though they where nothing. Felix on the other hand was getting tired of slaying as the ball and socket joint on his arm started to ache a little.he could not help but wonder how long they where going to last against the werewolves. Sam also saw the worry on Felix's face and he could not help worrying also for a bit, but then he charged on and fought the werewolves with more resilience. "Enough!!!".. a voice sounded and filled the air.

 At first  Felix was not sure if he heard correctly but then the voice repeated it again, he sighed as he confirmed the source of the voice, it was the alpha1 comanding the wolves to stop attacking, because he foresaw that the amount of lives that was going to be wasted was not worth the little blade that they where fighting for.. or so he thought.  

Felix pretended as tho he was not tired yet and made to attack them. But the alpha1 went on one of his knees and declared; "we surrender". The pile of werewolves corpse that lay on the ground made him sad. Although he felt like ripping Felix apart, he knew that surrendering was the best option.


Luciana Layed on Josh's laps smiling and staring at him as he breathed heavily trying to change the channel on the television screen. They had just finished having a round of hot steamy s*x and the sweat balls still dripped through their skins like water dripping down a chilled drink.  Luciana felt really wild and her urge for s*x had grown even more. After the second experience with Josh. Now she wanted to try it out with some one not really human, Someone from hell that had the same feelings as she would really suit the category she was looking into.

Felix for instance, he was hot and fierce and she was sure that he could deliver, or even lucifer, he was bold and powerful, he could also be equal to the task. "Rrrrg." She muttered as she tried to snap out of her thoughts. Afterall Felix was her ex and even if she wanted him, she could not force herself on him because he was a jerk. And Lucifer on the other hand was her boss.  She was not going to soil that with any other thing, besides Lucifer would laugh the hell out of her if she mentioned it to him. She chuckled.

"What's on your mind?" Josh asked Luciana as he saw the smile form on her face.

"Nothing really." She said giggling. Josh smiled and then a thought ran across his heart and he felt that this was the right time to ask her what had been bothering him.

"Lucy." He called. Remember when  you told me that you had not really been honest with me in some things.?" Luciana nodded knowing where the discussion was heading to. Was he really ready to know fully about her?. But then she was willing to tell him. Or more appropriately show him.

"I'm ready to hear it." He added, as if reading her mind.

She sighed. "Okay, here goes."


"What assurance do we have that you will not turn against us to  collect the blade?." Felix asked while the alpha1 was still on his knees. 

"We give you our word. Do us the favour of sparing us, and we will repay that favour sometime in the future" the alpha1 answered.

Felix sighed, not entirely satisfied. "How can I trust your word?."

"Our word is our bond, unlike you dishonest vampires." One of the furious alpha werewolves shouted from the crowd of remaining wolves. He had more to say but the alpha1 calmed him down by looking at him.

Felix smiled as he nodded and collected the golden box where he place Azreal's blade back and she alpha1 stood to his feet. Felix apologized for the fight, stating that he knew that they would not let him collect the blade without a fight, bit he really needed it to save a friend and to conquer hell. He added 

Although he knew that conquering hell was not going to be as easy as he thought earlier since he was not naturally the born ruler of hell as he had earlier imagined but he was not going to give up without a fight anyway. Or so he thought.


"I'm not really from around here." Luciana said. Josh looked at her for a while then he chuckled and kissed her left cheek.

"You already told me that dear, so there's nothing hidden about that, I know that you are a tourist from the United States." He smiled.

 Luciana sighed as what she was going to tell him was not sounding as easy as she thought it would be as she now played it in her head.

"No, that's not what I wanted to tell you. What I'm trying to say is that, I Lied." She sighed. "I'm not even from this earth. I am not human"..


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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