
A new plan

"Well sir, I cannot speak for the whole vampires, but personally I would want you to be king because Mark has failed us, he no longer cares about our wellbeing, which was the primary reason why we needed a vampire to rule hell in the first place. He seemed to have been so addicted to the central city and other affairs of hell that he hardly evem have any extra time for his own people." Klaus narrated, surprise at how fluently he himself had spoken.

Felix nodded, happily with a smile on his face.

"You have spoken very well like a true vampire, and I'm sure that most of the other vampires I'm hell would feel the same way too." He stated..

"I will return to hell soon to make my intentions known to the rest of our vampire clan. But first, there are certain things I need to do first. I have sent for an army of werewolves and I am sure that they would be arriving soon. With the army if werewolves and majority of the vampires in hell, I am sure that  Max would be no March for me."  he added boldy.

He looked at Victoria this time and steadied his gaze. "I made a very big mistake, and I need your help to correct it."

"What happened?" Victoria asked, confused 

Felix sighed deeply for a moment before taking his time to narrate everything that had happened between him and Luciana and the rest of her team. Victoria sipped the blood that had Linder had served to her and the rest of her vampires when they had come earlier.

Every other person had already finished there's, she was the only one that had not drank hers yet and it had already turned warm in the glass cup. She swallowed the whole content as she listened to everything that Felix had said.

She sighed deeply after hearing all that Felix had to say. "So you have no idea  about her whereabouts?"

"I need you to help me find her, we need to storm through the whole of the city , my human vampires cannot do that under the sun and I need to search during the day." Felix explained.


Meanwhile... In Tiffany's house, Josh and Wendy had already watched everything that was happening in the hotel's bar from the mirror. They where scared to the bones when they heard Felix talk about searching for them.

"How did he know that we might still be in Scotland?" Josh asked.

Wendy shrugged, it did not really matter to him how Felix knew about them still being in Scotland, what really mattered now as far as he was concerned, was the safety of everyone that Felix knew.

"We need to call Sia." He stated. Every other person where safe from his observation. Luciana and the rest where in the golden City with Lucifer, He and Josh where safe inside and where not going out anytime soon. But they needed to call Sia and warn her, so that she would be careful about her movements.

He brought out his phone and dialed Sia's number but she did not pick up. He sighed anxiously as he tried again.


(In heaven...)

"Why are you not campaigning? Don't you know that you have an election to win?" Lucifer asked Gabriel 

"I noticed Micheal talking to some guys at the gate, I'm sure that he must have convinced more than half of the whole Angel populations to vote for him " he added.

Gabriel sighed, he was not still convinced about voting in a new God, as far as he was concerned, God was still around and could return anytime soon, he wondered what his reaction would be when he returns and finds someone else sitting on his throne.

The thought of that alone made him weak and less excited to talk to anyone to vote for him. 

As he pondered about this, a thought came across his mind and he said it out.

"But come to think of it. Azrael, God came by himself to pull you back into existence, what then really happened? After that?" He asked .

Azrael sighed deeply. "Is there any drink in here? Or something cold? I got a dry throat." He stated as he stood up and walked around the mansion looking for something like a fridge or anything, but he could not find.

Gabriel saw the frustration on his face, he giggled briefly, then he snapped his fingers, and a glass of chilled soda drink appeared on his hands.

"What century are you from again?" Gabriel asked giggling, as he handed the drink over to Azrael who collected it and nodded his appreciation ignoring his question.

He popped open the can if the drink and gulped in all the contents in it in a giffy, he sighed in relief as the chilled soda ran slowly through his dry throat and tongue, making him to feel instantly relieved.

"Now for your first question, do you think I'd not tell you, if I had known about dad's whereabouts?" Azrael asked.

"No it's not that... I'm just curious..." Gabriel stated but was interrupted by Azrael who continued what he was saying.

"Well, to clear your curiousity, after dad freed me and told me what to do, I left through the portal he created with the white oak sticks he gave me. I was almost sure that we had come out if the portal together, but then when I landed on earth, I did not see him, and I found my self in a disguise body. Which I later learnt how to control." He completed.

Gabriel rolled his eyes slowly. "I still can't believe that I am going to run for this election.*

Lucifer smiled, his head had already started to cook up a huge plan, which he was almost 100% sure that it was going to work. 

"I have an idea, just go for the election tomorrow, and leave the rest for me." He stated with a smirk on his face.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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