
A Ghoul in MHA

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


"COME ON GIVE HIM TO ME!!!!!" The vojce of a middle aged man, whos voice was crude and hostile.

He stood infront of a beautiful woman with hair as black as night. Her enitre body naked and in a place more fit to be a laboratory then a hospital.


Her cries of pain only escalated. She was decived into a false love with the man infront of her. forcing her to give birth to a child she thought would start a family, instead of that she was restrained with these cuffs on the cold hard table on her back. The despair and hatred she felt was evidant in her eyes.

Yet the slightly handsome man infront of her had only one goal in mind he over saw all the wires that were hooked into her and the strange injections that he forced into her womb through the stomach. His goal was the child as his psychotic scientist mind craved for something that could only be made.

"Finally after all this time, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I'VE WAITED FOR THIS!!! I will finally have a being who I can call the perfect recreation of an "Angle of Death" my master piece. I've been working on this for 150 YEARS!!!!! so lilly I have to thank you and you nativity" His wanting to express his master piece caused his rant, yet to Lilly her shock came from his age and plan, she had been fooled by someone who used her.


With one final scream even if she wanted to forcefully not birth her body and the electric current that has been forcing her to push caused her to push out the "Angle of Death" she feared what would happen to her and the baby.

The mad scientist "Jason" Caught the baby and held it in a blanket to clean it up he then put the child in a celender tube that held a green liquid he hooked a respirator to the childs lungs for it to breath and proceed to activate something that clouded the tube preventing anyone to see the child.

"I have to thank you Lilly for non of this would have been possible qithout your help, your quirk was the perfect match I have been looking for. A dual quirk one of regeneration and slight transformation. The tranceformation to where your eyes turn red and a small black tail harnessing a never before seen gene only found in your dna. With this every thing else was easy, and I mean every part from getting you to fall in love with me nd getting you pregnant. he...hehe... HAHAHAHHA!!!!!" His maniac laughter reverberated through the entire building.

Lilly had little strength left and could only look at her child's tube, tears dropped and then she finally succumb to her fatigue and let the beautiful lady of death and sleep take her.



- - -

6 years have passed and the child has been schooled in the basic topics and learned how to speak English. His learning abilities were much better then a normal child and the praise his father would give him served to give him confidence his pearly smile black hair the same as his mother.

He has lived a nromal life in a building never experiencing the sun nor the moon always having a smile as he played his toys like any child. If course like any child his curiosity began to grow during one of his most important stages of growth in his mind.

*pov change Ken Kanaki*

Of course when he had the courage to ask his father a question during a meal he brought he stayed as he sat on a chair and began to pull out his phone.

'Weird papa usually goes after giving me food...I guess I'll ask.' I thought as I took glances at him and began to eat my food.


That one bite of food was enough to send. My mind into a daze as my body felt sleepy and heavy I stood up and tried to make it to father.

The red meat always tasted so delicious and today I feel so tired.

"That didn't take long, though those drugs were ment to take out a bull out and you only took one bite of human flesh. How nice, makes my job easier." He said as he approached me.

My mind was racing with questions on why he would do something like this. Yet my body inly got heavier and more tired with each passing moment, and before I knew it I was asleep.

- - -


My eyes widened as I finally was able to see my surroundings I don't know how long I've been asleep for and I don't know where I am. The floor below me was like that chess board I played. It expanded the majority of the room and this expansive room had nothing in it. Only the chair I'm sitting on and the chains that bind my ankles and wrists.



The sound of squeaky wheels sounded through a hallway to my left. I squinted my eyes to peer into the shadows.


The sound was getting closer I looked closer and through the shadows was my father and someone rolling in a cart, the contents of the cart I still can't see. My height is disturbing my vision of the top of the cart.

"Father whats going on" I asked in part confusion and part fear.

"Well I want to do some.....tests" He said in an ominous way as he nodded of the one who brought the cart.

I could see the cart and every thing it holds at this distance. blades, clippers and various tools with sharp points.

"See my boss said you aren't needed anymore I've gathered all my data from you and with all this work I need an...outlet. Now.....can you count for me, and remember this, don't stop counting." His smile turned creepy and scary, my father went from a+ human to a demon that haunts your dreams turning them into nightmares.

His big body and blond hair made it even more terrifying, I wanted to run though I was chained, I wanted to call out to him.....to save me, yet he did all this.

"Why" I asked as tears left my eyes.

"Didn't I tell you before you are no longer needed of course you are the strongest thing I have ever made, all for one said it takes to much time to raise one. And with all the add ons of free will and thought, he thinks its dangerous if you thought of rebelling against him with your powers and everything. But you can still be of use to me." He said with a creepy smile

He picked up the pair of clippers and held them close to my head sliding them to my hands, then my fingers.

"I spent such a long time on making and raising you now all that work has GONE DOWN THE TRASH" He said as he lined up the clipers....then




'My finger was gone he cut it off!!' I thought as I saw the finger slowly regrow.

"Aahahahhahahah, you have such a good regenerative ability, a shame all it'll be good for....is to break you" He said with such malice and tone that made me feel sick to my stomach

"Ohh, right I almost forgot in my excitment. I'm gonna need you to start counting from one to 10,000" He said with a larger smile when me moved to my other finger.

"*Sniff sniff* 1, 2, 3, *GAAAAAAHHH*"

"Keep counting" Jason said

"*Sob* 4.....5.....6 *AAAAAAHHHHHH!*"

- - -

This repeated for 7 years he would find new ways fo make my body churn and scream in pain, I would sometimes black out in pain yet he placed electricity to ensure that I stayed awake. He would burn my open wounds and cut my eyes. No where was uncut, he would go to his work and then come back with rejuvenated vigor to tournament me.

When I was hungry or thirsty once ever three days his servents would give me food and water. His constant cutting caused me to go numb, his perpetual use of different elements to harm me would cause my body to regrow yet I still felt no pain. His favorite was my nails they would grow the fastest and were the most painful they eventually turned black from the constant ripping.

He wanted more reactions so he targeted a new area.

"Look what I brought kiddo *pull out a jar* its a Chinese red head centipede. I heard these guys use a pretty nasty venom, but won't kill anyone hence I'll just have this guy be very nice to you." His hands went and helt the centipede by the tail causing the centipede to wiggle and twist.

He hovered over my rear with a laugh and guided the centipede to my left ear.

I stayed still to indifferent to the situation to care. I felt it wiggleing around deep inside. Then a seering and burning pain coursed nearmy brain when all I could do was arch my head back, my tears are gone, my crys of pain have dried up. My body felt very little and I could no longer feel anything.

That was the last part of my body to be targeted the rest was as usual.

"You don't need to hide what you are" A mysterious voice was what I heard infront of me

The voice was feminine the black and white floor was gone, all I could see is a feild of white flowers. How pretty those flowers are so pure.

"Why are you still resisting, what is it you fear"

what is it I'm waiting for, I....don't know

"Is it that this is the first time your hearing my voice"

I think it is

"Don't you want revenge for the one who put you in this hell"

Yes.....more then anything

"....Good then, now all you need to do is come to mommy"

I raised my head and saw someone I have never seen yet I knew by instinct.

Slowly pushing against the chains that held my body I leaped towards her and.....ate my fill, I ate my mother.

"I will be a part of you from now and forever.....just as I always have" She embraced me as she held onto my.

The feild and sky turned to a shade of red, How pretty.

My hair turned white as I finally understood that I am not human, no I'm so much more.

"I'm a ghoul" I wispered so quietly that Jason stopped laughing and only looked at me confused at if I said anything.

*step step step*

The steps of one if his helpers came down the hall and looked urgent based on his panting and the fact he was running.

"Boss, the heroes discovered our location!!!" he said with urgency

"Ehh?" He turned his body, but that was his crucial mistake, his back was wide open.


the chains snapped and I used this opportunity to land a kick sending him to the hallway the servent was at.

I stood and only walked to him ominously. eyes meeting I rushed him down as he did as well.

I jumped and did a spinning kick aimed at his head he managed to catch my leg, and thought he. I twisted my leg with his grip still placed twisting open the skin and bone. I kicked him 20 feet to the side with my other leg that was free.

I made no reaction to the pain and only looked at the leg as it twisted and healed in an instant back into place.

"All those torture methods now prevents me from feeling pain" I said with a voice so cold it could freeze

Jason was only enraged and through the smoke he revealed his quirk that showed him with a bone structure covering his upper body. He could no longer make any coherent sentence and only looked like a beast.

He charged me at full speed, his speed was slow and easy to read. So I stood their and placed my thumb over my finger the same way jason would when he would "take care" of me.


(POV Heros)

The Heros had surrounded the building at least 100 police had surrounded the building that belongs tk one of all for ones most influential people.

the most famous heroes of the top 10 had pushed passed all the gaurds and started knocking out all the canon fodder cuffing and ultimately arresting them.

Al might was looking around as he knocked out droves of enemies looking for all for one's important supporters and scientists.

When he was dealing with the grumts he heard a scream comjng from a dark hallway. Following his hero instinct be pushed past everyone and ran towards the yell.

But when he made it there the sight he saw wasn't what he expected.

*Crunch crunch*


His eyes peered at a young boy eating jason whos muscles were still reacting. His shock allowed the other heros to gaze at the same scene. Almight overcoming his shock reached to pry the boy from jasons body. But when he reached he was almost impaled by a tendril that he was able to dodge away from.

(poc mc)

"Hmm who are you?.....are you the heros one of those minions told jason....I guess I should thank you without you distracting them I wouldn't have been able to devour jason here." I said getting off jasons body and looking at the 10 heros before me. I began to dig in my ear and drag out a 10 inch centipede that was wiggleing around.

The heros looked at this with discust, someone had casually pulled out a centipede out of their ear.

"Who are you, and why have you done that to that man" Endeavor said sternly

"Me....I think my name is Ken Kanaki, and for why I'm doing this....who wouldn't do this after their father who has tortured them FOR 7 YEARS" I screamed with hatred as I stabbed Jasons body with my quirk that I named kagune.

My kagune picked jason up and slamed his disfigured body into the ground.

""I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to restrain you from hurting others and hurting your self." Almight said with a righteous voice

"I will not go from one cage only to end in another, I don't care who you are I will fight for my freedom" I said with a cold and venomous voice.

I croucjed down on all fours with me right back leg behind the other, In one fluid motion I ran at them and used my kagune to assault the man at the center.

They all successfully dodged and were ready to counter any moves I made.

I rushed to the rabbit girl and assaulted her with a combination of attacks with my kagune. This pushed her back, but she was till on her feet.

"Ahh thats good your strong I like you" The rabbit said.

I vanished and appeared infrontnof the man who was on fire. He didnt seem to hold back and punched me with a fist covered in fire.

"Endover were trying to subdue him not kill him." The dragoon hero lectured endevor

Yet when he looked at her he was struck on the cheek by a fist. .y fist connected with his face sending him back quite a bit and combining my tails into one I struck him with all my might. This sent him to the wall in the distance.

Almight used this chance to chop my neck fated then my body could move. And just like that I was asleeep for the first time in a long while.

(pov heroes)

"Finally hes down, I didn't think the kid wouldnlast for so long. Sure is strong right Mirko" Said the dragoon hero Ryuko

"I'm was sad it didn't last long though is endevor alright, he toke a pretty good hit" Mirko said with no concern.

"I'm alright the brat got a good one on me, how is his burns" Endeavor asked wondering how bad it qould be to pay for.

"Thats the this their is non, Their doesn't seem to be any scars either." almight said with shock as did the other, surly the kid didn't lie about torture and what happened to the bruns from endevor, the all though it was regeneration but the tail and strength, plus the eating of jason didn't add up.

"Hey guys you might want to see this." one of the 10 heros said ( I don't know them so lets just say its any you want to use)

The rest of the heroes walked into the dark room with almight carrying the unconscious kanaki in his arms.

"We found this during our fight"

They were led into a room full of vhs tapes all listed with numbers starting from 1 to today 2555.

They grabbed one and played in the projector that was conveniently placed there.

What they saw shook them to their core at that moment they realized that the kid wasn't exaggerating or telling lies just to kill, he was tortured vigorously and grusuomely.

they also noted his extream regenerative ability with the one tape of recording. But theywere all mad that this one kid had yo ruffer so much and almight cursed himself for not being their sooner and others weren't much different, well except endevore he doesn't seem to care.

. . .

After watching the video for a short while they saw somethings like how the boy has white hair while the one in the video has black. Some questions needed to be answered so they decided to returen and take the boy to a UA where no one will be able to point or probe him for information.