
A Generic Isekai Adventure

Tobi and Demo Yorinaga are twins. when Demo is killed in a devastating accident Tobi moves on and lives a full life until he dies and sees his brother again, just for a moment. Until he is swept away into another world. He awakens on a pile of corpses with one goal in mind find his brother. Meanwhile Demo awakens just after dying surrounded by a beautiful forest and ,with no knowledge of his brother in this seemingly peaceful world Credit to Overlordeath who designed Toba for me in the cover he is a great guy you should check out his book: A boy who dreamed.

Salyn_109 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Grand Library

The golden sun slowly moved over the sleeping city, as a new day began. Small rays of sun light shined through the gaps between the curtains, and onto the bed in which I slept. My eyes slowly opened and, using most of my strength I sat up. My room was small, but what it lacked in size it made up for in character. Most of the room was made from old oak, <Appraisal> told me, as I pulled back the bedding to dangle my feet over the side of the bed. It was weird being this small not that t could remember much from the other world mostly flashes, words, and ideas. For example, I know what indoor plumbing is, but I can't recall if I have ever used it. Pushing thoughts about my memory aside for now I got out of bed, the floorboards creaking under the additional weight. I walked over to a wooden chair by the door with my clothes on it, having been washed last night thanks to Elda. I smiled as I put on my yellow top, black cargo shorts and headed out the door.

Downstairs I saw Elda and Clif waiting for me. They smiled as I approached then. They had made me breakfast which was a warm loaf of bread with soup. My mood improved greatly as my tiredness seemed to melt away as I ate. My "Thanks for the food" was barely audible thanks to the monstrous amount of bread in my mouth. "Oh, by the way where is Mindrid I wanted to thank her for teaching me appraisal" I asked after finishing my breakfast quickly, I hadn't realised how hungry I was until then, Clif and Elda looked at each other, "Well after she had finished with you, she went out to celebrate so we should see her here again around noon so you can thank her tonight", Elda informed me. "And if you're wondering about Dan and Dagon, they have gone ahead to the Guild in order to get are next job, the plan is to meet up with them after I show you where the library is". Clif said, predicting my next question. I stare at him clearly annoyed that he stole my question. Clif, noticing this laughed, "you looked so cute when you annoyed", he announced playfully. "Shall we go then", I said, desperately holding back my laughter mixed with anger. "ok, ok he said getting up and holding his hands up in surrender, "Let's go".

As we left the door, the once sleeping city was now teaming with life. As we walked through the city, I could smell the sweet aroma of the bakery which overpowered my other sense as we passed it. I could hear people talking and trading with each other as we walked along the old cobblestone path. With the south gate behind us we headed up main street. Then as we were approaching the marketplace, strategy place just in front of the centre of town so there would be the most foot traffic going through it, Clif moved his arm in front of me stopping are approach. I looked at him perplexed, why are you stopping are approach its right there, reading the obvious confusion on my face he motioned in front of him where a man had stumbled out of a tavern, drunk. "It is the end", he barely said through slurred words, while swaying from side to side. "A demon capable of massacring a priest and his disciples from the Church of the Moon and Tear, these are the end time I tell you, the end times". After saying that he fell hard onto the cobblestone road passed out, a female guard appeared out of nowhere apologised to use and took the man away. "what was that all about", I asked Clif as he lowered his arm. "It happened while we were out in the forest, in a small rural town was attack by a demon whose presence instilled fear into those around him. According to the news around here he killed the missionaries sent from the church and disappeared". Clif replied, an almost out of place look fear on his face. As we moved through the market place my ears became overwhelmed by the noises of people fighting and haggling with each other. As we were nearly out a tall man and women dressed in white robes, and a broach with a moon and a tear on it, stepped out in front of us. "You can be saved and adore by the beautiful goddess Cien", the man started. "All your wildest dreams will become clear and granted by the goddess", the woman finished raising her arms to the heavens. "No thank you" Clif replied coldly grabbing my hand and pushing past them. After we were clear of the marketplace and about to enter the centre of Wakemear, Clif released my hand. "Clif that was very rude" I said staring at him, "Trust me, just trust me on this one" Clif replied dead serious, "you do not want to get involved with them", I could tell he was not joking and nodded in acknowledgement.

We had arrived the centre, the pounding, headache inducing sounds of the market where but a distant hum. I could see the two building I saw on arrival, the building of brick and stone, which I'm informed by Clif is the Guilds base of operations in Wakemear. The Cathedral like academy situated up a steep winding path. Just next to the path a relatively smaller building in comparison but still big on its own made using the same style as the guild building but hidden by perspective as you enter through the south gate. This was the Grand Library of Wakemear. Not as big or important as other libraries in the world or the Academy but still great Clif informed me. As we passed the Guild building, I caught sight of a sign-up sheet being posted. WANTED: Adventures Level 6 and higher to form a raid team and meet in Showmore to go on a crusade to kill the Demon. The Church will Compensate you fairly for this venture. "A fool's journey by the time they set off Trozod forces will have already killed it", Clif commented as we moved on. As we entered the library the smell of old books filled my nose. The floor had an ornate red carpet that led to the receptionist desk. The Librarian, an Elf, had an old rag over his eyes, said "What can I do for you today", in a thick accent. "My friend here Demo, would like to use your library to study for the entrance exam into the academy" Clif said gesturing towards me. The Librarian smiled at me as Clif began to leave, "What would you like to study first" he asked. Luckily for me I had planned this last night. "Anything to do with magic, skills and the history of this world".

The Librarian led me through a maze of old bookshelves to the reading area, picking out books as we went. He sat me down in front of a table with a massive window to me right overlooking the back of Wakemear and the planes beyond. He handed me a first leather book with a gold spine and an ornate design on the front in gold font it read: The History of Zayelyn. Then the librarian brought a few more books while I was reading.

Long ago, the land of Zayelyn was consumed by darkness and chaos, all of the races where butchering and killing each other, then 13 gods said enough was enough and came down from the heavens to correct the world. The instant they came the world became a brighter and more loving place. The 13 Idols whose names are held most sacred. They game the races the gift of magic which can be used through prayer. But one race sought more of the idols power. The vampires. They use forbidden methods and committed the ultimate taboo. For their actions, there disgrace against the gods that saved them, all vampires other than those will the title of <True Vampire> where striped of intelligence and the whole race was reduce to nothing more than monsters. I closed the book realising that the history of this world may be a bit biased to the idols, which I can't fault them for history is written by the victors after all, I rolled my eyes closed the book and moved onto the next one called: The Sacred Art of Magic

Magic begins and ends with the Idols, to preform magic, unlike skills, one must recite a prayer to them. In-order to teach you in this book there is a magic circle made in the ink touch it and recite the prayer. Cautiously I lower my finger onto the circle I hear the chime of the system voice stating <Magic Acquired: Illuminate Lv1>. <Illuminate> I think to myself as a ball of light appears in my hand. What the hell. I jump and instantly snuff the ball out. Don't you have to say this prayer. Oh, heavenly goddess Cien answer my wish and grant me the power of <illumination>.

<You are not affected by <Gran-afa {} ¬I>\

What I stare intently at the words in front of me, what did it mean, why was history so in favour of the idols, and why did I not have to say a prayer to cast magic. In order to answer my lingering questions, I decided to research more. Finishing the initial pile of books in minutes thanks to one of the books giving me <Thought Acceleration>. I quickly decided to move away from history and focus on magic and skills. Skills don't require a prayer and are very rare unlike magic, I used the information to learn more combat related skills and before a knew what had happen the bright light of the sun had been replaced by an orange hue of sun set. I decided it was best time to head home. I said goodbye to the Librarian and set off back to the inn.

One the way home I bumped into some kids walking in the other direction. "Hey, watch where you are going", yelled the one I bumped into. I apologized, not really paying attention to them, and continued to move towards the inn.

When I entered the inn, Dan, Dagon, Clif, Mindrid and Elda were waiting for me to ask how it went. I told them most of what I had learned omitting details like the payers and the system message. "Wow" Clif said "I remines me of when I was preparing for the academy", "don't go getting soft on us", Dan said mocking Clif. Clif scowled at Dan and returned to his normal demeanour. "Oh, Mindrid I never got a chance to thank you for helping me with yesterday" I said turning my gaze towards her, she was wearing a bright top and dark shorts as if in an attempt to show as much skin as possible without being escorted out of the city. "That's ok Demo" She said leaning towards me and then collapsing on the table. "She it really tired from last night" Elda informed me. I nodded. After what felt like forever of celebrating, what were we celebrating, anything and everything that gave them an excuse to drink, how they caught one more demiRabbit than normal, they are the white fluffy balls I saw them with earlier, me liking the library, Dan, Dagon and Clif turning a profit from there ventures today. After all that I was once again alone in my room looking at the mirror.


<Race: Vampire>

<Health: 13,545>

<Level: 3>

<Title: True Vampire <grants the user the ability to walk in sun light, increases resistance to holy water, removes the lust for blood>>

<Skills: Appraisal Lv3 <Look at any object or person and view their stats to a degree>

Aura of Decay Lv1 <Race Ability, everything within the radius of the aura will decay leaving nothing by death>

Thought Acceleration Lv1<Increases the speed the users mind and take in and learn data>

<Magic: Basic: Illumination<The caster can summon a ball of light which will raise the light level of the surrounding area by 1> Fire Ball <Shoots a ball of fire from the caters hand. Has n% chance to burn your opponent> Shadow Movement<Teleports you to the shadow of you target within a range and the target must be visible> Earth Barrier<Summons a wall of earth from the ground to block incoming attacks>

After looking at all my stats and new skills fatigue began to hit me, and I fell onto the bed falling asleep almost instantly.

The next few days where pretty much the same, more research about the world and the Academy Until one week was up and it was the day the exam.