
A Generic Isekai Adventure

Tobi and Demo Yorinaga are twins. when Demo is killed in a devastating accident Tobi moves on and lives a full life until he dies and sees his brother again, just for a moment. Until he is swept away into another world. He awakens on a pile of corpses with one goal in mind find his brother. Meanwhile Demo awakens just after dying surrounded by a beautiful forest and ,with no knowledge of his brother in this seemingly peaceful world Credit to Overlordeath who designed Toba for me in the cover he is a great guy you should check out his book: A boy who dreamed.

Salyn_109 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The mid summers sun, lazily moved across the horizon, casting long shadows across the city. I look up at the beautiful sky, the strong wind whips my hair. This is amazing- "Demo". The sound of my name made me stop. I'm not the most popular person in the world, no don't get me wrong I have a few friends to my name, but my real fascination come to me through the wonder and magic that can be found in the outdoors. Also, I'm a pretty positive person all things considered. I live in the city, surrounded by smoke and vast amounts of people, but where I am now is a little park. My little slice of heaven, an escape. I dream of leaving this behind me and running away to the countryside, I wish I could escape and live in my fantasy. My thoughts forcibly interrupted by my brother standing in front of me. I gaze at him coldly, then smile as I see a big grin on his face, no one ever believes he is older than me, Toba Yorinaga: my twin brother only older by a few minutes, god help he never lets me forget it. His dark hair contrasted against the green of the nature around us. He grabs my arm pulling on my bright yellow top "Hey" I yell as I fall on top of him. My knees scrape against the ground exposed by my black shorts. Toba laughed, "come on, we have to go". And in that moment, I was ripped form my fantasy and back to reality.

Outside of the park the sweet nostalgic smells of the flowers were replaced by the suffocating smells of the city that surrounded me. "Come on we have to go back home" Toba said playfully pulling on my arm across the road. In an instant noise filled my ears, a painful screech the echoed in my head, if on instinct I shoved Toba on to the pavement on the over side, the hint of red of his scraped knee juxtaposed against his light blue shorts. A sharp piercing pain spread across my body. Then as darkness began to consume my vision I saw, through the fear, my fear reflected in Tobas face, in that moment time stood still I reached out for him. A jolt in my head as a voice rang out <System Error 040> that was the last time I would ever see Toba before everything faded to darkness.