
Why There?

Liz gripped her T-shirt, her eyes widening. "You want me to do WHAT?!" She yelled. "It's simple," Emily said smiling a snooty smile, "All you have to do is go to that abandoned cabin that Mr.Hutcherson used to own. Walk through the cabin for a couple of hours, and that's how you can prove your loyalty to us," Emily said. Alice glanced at Emily. 'Why would she make someone do that? To prove someone's loyal? That's bull.' Alice thought. "B-But what about the rumor? There have been so many people that have went in there, but their bodies were never recovered, there's gotta be a murderer in there.." Liz said frantically, trying to find another way.

She'd just wanted friends. "If you don't do it, I'll make sure the whole school hates you." Emily said, an evil look in her eyes. Liz got off of her bed, leaving the two girls, and changed into her favorite sweater, and coupri's that were made of thin material. She slipped on her ankle socks, and then her converse. "Let's go...." Liz sighed, opening her bedroom door. Alice and Emily followed behind her shortly afterward. "Mom! We're going to go out for a little while!" She yelled anxiously. "Alright sweetheart, Be careful! And don't stay out too late Liz!" Liz's mother replied. Liz opened the front door slowly and started to head towards the woods, her 'Friends' following not far behind.

The girls trekked through the woods for about ten minutes, before Liz walked off of the ledge the dropped about eight feet from their original height. Liz scrambled for something to grab onto and gripped a small branch tightly. "What are you going to do now, Liz?" Emily said. 'Damn. That could have knocked the wind out of me, or bruised a bone.' Liz hadn't taken the time to answer Emily, and threw herself off of the branch, hitting the ground before rolling and stood up. Emily and Alice silently made their way down. After a couple more minutes of walking, the cabin was in front of them. Well, other than the bushes and brush.

"That is WAY bigger than people have rumored it to be," Alice whispered. "I would be just as scared as you, if I were in your position, Liz." Liz turned to Emily. "Why does it have to be here? Of all places?" Emily didn't answer Liz, simply waiting for the girl to enter the cabin. "In case I die, tell my mom I said I loved her, and maybe say that you lost me in the woods when we were running." Liz said, before hearing the reassuring caw of crows in the distance. "Sure. It's not like you'll die." Emily said, rolling her eyes. Just then the flapping of wings above them could be heard. "Guess something scared the crows." Alice said, looking up. Emily had looked up too. Liz was staring at the cabin windows.

"G-Guys..." Liz's eyes were wide. "What now?" Emily said turning towards Liz. Liz pointed towards one of the windows. "UGH. There's nothing there. You're so damn paranoid." The butterflies finally hit Liz's stomach. "I-I swear there was a man's face in the window." She said. "Liz, I think you should just go ahead and go in there so we can leave here before midnight." Alice said. Liz nodded slowly, and walked towards the door, fearing for her life. The girl opened the door walking into the darkness and closed the door behind her. "Now we don't have to worry about her taking our boys." Emily said. "I don't think we needed to worry about that." Alice sighed.

Liz looked around. All of the lights were off, she'd planned on leaving them like that. 'It looks like someone... Or something is living here..' The rooms were too clean to be abandoned. After exploring the first floor of the cabin, she started to go up the stairs, and enter rooms. Most of them were bedrooms, but there was a room that was different than the others. It was marked with some weird symbols. Liz gripped the doorknob and twisted it slowly, opening the door. There were a bunch of bookshelves. A book stood out to her. She walked over to it, grabbing it, and started to read.

"What do you mean by that?" Emily said. "She doesn't like boys. I think I know who she likes, too..." Alice said, rushing into the house. The man who was watching the girls earlier slipped from behind the door and walked towards Liz, undetected. "What's a.....Gemberling..?" She whispered to herself. The man smacked the book from her hands, and covered her mouth, pushing a long, sharp object through her skin. Liz feeling this pain, dropped to her knees, blood soaking into her sweater. Alice had rushed around the first floor and dashed up the stairs, entering the only room with its door open. Her eyes widened at the sight. "Liz!" The girl yelled. She ran towards the girl that was bleeding out, only to get stabbed herself. The man pushed Alice onto Liz. "Are... You still alive..?" Alice stammered. Liz gripped Alice's hand, but it loosened moments later. She'd bled out. Alice bled out not too long afterward.

Emily waited for a couple more minutes, and then all of the lights flickered on. The girl instantly took off running, and called the three's moms, telling them everything that had happened. The man chuckled, and grabbed the corpses, walking into a room with a cauldron.