
A Gamer Into Trails

An avid Gamer who is also a Light Novel / Manga / Anime enthusiast finds himself reincarnated into the continent of Zemuria. And he might obtain a Gamer system along the way. To set expectations now, I got five girls planned to become mc's lovers at some point. Any more will likely be voted on. Tags: Harem, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Science, Sci-Fi, Magic, Romance, Slice of Life *Cover is no longer Roselia for Vol 2 onward. It will update periodically. If you would like this cover pic taken down just feel free to leave me a comment.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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275 Chs

Chapter 32: Prince Olivert

Last week was a pretty long work week, so was relaxing afterward.

Don't forget to drop those power stones!


Before long a young lad no more than three years old and a couple feet tall sporting short violet hair and golden eyes walked out from the room he changed from with the help of his mother, Kasia. As for Kasia, her face was beaming with a smile. She clapped her hands together as she looked at my new outfit.

"My, you really are starting to look like a dashing young boy, Naoto. As your mother, I couldn't be happier!", Kasia responded happily. Rean's eyes also sparkled seeing me dressed like this.

"You look really cool, big brother!", Rean happily said.

"It's a bit stuffy wearing this though.", I said, feeling a bit stiff. These clothes had many layers to it, so it will take some time getting used to moving around in this.

"Haha, that stuffiness is just the beginning of the path you will lead into the future.", Giliath responded to me with a nod, approving my current appearance. "And not a single wrinkle out of place. You did well, Kasia. His Majesty should be pleased.", Giliath continued to say.

"Thank you, dear.', Kasia replied with a smile.

As for me, my clothes looked brand new. If I had any comparison to give, I now definitely looked like a miniature Rufus or Jusis. More toward the outfit Jusis wore after the October War, which was the official name for the civil war that was the focal point of cold steel one and two. Slick white pants and a military-style white shirt with several buttons down its center. It had a belt latched across its side but it was violet instead of red. And instead of the overcoat being blue, it was mostly violet instead. To top it off was a white scarf around the neck.

Not only that, but the crest of a phoenix bird soaring into the sky could be seen on the back of my overcoat. It was quite an overbearing symbol, even if I was in my smallest size outfit, I could feel a sense of pride wearing this coat. I wonder if mother was a prideful person?

Either way, I definitely looked like a Noble now, despite the mixed blood running through me.

"It won't be long till you will can wear the insignia of the Phoenix with pride, my son. If Aurora were still standing with us, no doubt she will be happy too.", Giliath responded to me after he approved my new look with a nod of his head.

"Yes. I think this is a good first step.", I replied happily.

"Are you ready to depart, Naoto? We mustn't delay His Majesty any longer.", Giliath asked.

"Yes, Father. I'll also have something to talk to you about as well once we are en route.", I answered Giliath.

"Is that so? I'll look forward to it. We'll be back either tonight or tomorrow, Kasia.", Giliath said, looking at Kasia. He then looked at the two in black. "Prepare the car shortly."

"At once, General Osborne. Please take caution as His Majesty sent one of his personal vehicles this time. You won't be alone during the ride.", One of the two men in black said while giving Giliath a salute.

Hearing that, Giliath's expression remained calm and didn't answer back. He just let the two men in black leave our villa. Giliath shortly followed him as I followed Giliath. Kasia was soon left with just Rean.

"Can't I go with them, Mom?", Rean asked expectantly. To which Kasia only ruffled his hair and smiled at him.

"Unfortunately that won't be possible for you, Rean. Your Brother has a special duty he must uphold. Should Aidios will it, you will cross paths with His Majesty. Do your best to wish your brother to have a safe trip, okay?", Kasia replied as she ruffled his hair. Rean entered a smile once more.

"Okay!", Rean happily said, only to watch four fleeting figures leave the villa.

Before long we came across an orbal car at the entrance to our courtyard. This wasn't father's black orbal car. It was a much bigger one, and it looked very similar to the one Dieter Croise had when he custom made his. He was the owner of the largest banking system in Crossbell, IBC. Except this one was a much more fiery red than his was. I could see Erebonia's crest on the hood of the car.

"This presence...", Giliath uttered to himself as he approached this exquisite orbal car. I then suddenly saw his expression turn serious. He spoke out to me in a serious tone.

"Naoto, every action you take from your next step onward will be taken into consideration. I haven't begun your etiquette courses yet but I will advise you to be on your best behavior the moment we step into this orbal car.", Giliath said to me. "As for the matter you want to discuss, we will have to save that topic for a later date.", Giliath continued to say.

I haven't seen him get this serious in a long while. My body reacted, turning still in place.

"Y-Yes!", I replied, answering him in confidence. While a wave of nervousness swept me, I kept that bottled inside. For father to react like that, someone of great influence must be riding inside this orbal car...

Without saying anything more, the first of the two men in black went to the driver's side. The second stayed on our side, only to open the car. It was quite dark but I could see that the inside was a lot larger than it appeared as from the outside. Isn't this car just like a limo?

"Permission to enter, Your Highness?", Giliath suddenly asked as he bowed slightly toward the car, which caught me off guard. Seeing him do that, I also quickly bowed at his same angle.

"Granted, General Osborne. I apologize for not notifying you in advance, but we are not trying to cause a ruckus as we make it back to the Palace.", A firm voice answered Giliath, reaching my ears as well. This voice...

I couldn't even think who this voice belonged to before I saw father step into the car, so I quickly followed him inside. The moment I stepped in, I was greeted by several figures, Most of them appeared to be adults while a couple were a lot older. And yet, my eyes were quickly drawn to the one figure sitting directly across from me after I was in the car. As for Giliath, he quickly took a spot opposite from one of the older figures. There was enough space to go around for everyone.

"Aha, things have taken a rather interesting turn, haven't they?", The figure who I was now looking at said, bringing a smile to their face the moment their eyes landed on me. Upon a closer look this figure had blonde hair and violet eyes, and it was a man. His blonde hair wasn't as long as it was during the games, it was much shorter. Likely because he was still around a twelve year old child. He was wearing a shiny bright red overcoat, much similar to my violet one while also having a white neck scarf.

I wanted to speak up to this person but I had a quick glance around, which only caused me to shudder. Several middle to old age men could be seen all around this blonde haired child, all dressed in military garb. With Giliath added into the mix, this lineup was very formidable. However, I did not show this on my outward appearance. I only responded with a bow at this blonde haired child.

This child...He was Prince Olivert, wasn't he?

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness.", I said, bowing. All eyes shifted toward me but I didn't react. Seeing me not fall back, this child smiled.

"It is but mine as well, young one. As expected, are you of Giliath's kin?", The blonde haired child asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yes. General Giliath is my father. I am Naoto Osborne.", I answered him, introducing myself.

"Haha, that does seem to be the case here. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Well, I may not be a Prince yet but you can address me as Olivert Reise Arnor, Naoto. I will be a Prince soon enough.", Prince Olivert said, introducing himself to me. Sure enough, it was him. But that last part raised some concern, causing me to tilt my head a bit. Giliath was quick to notice this as well.

"I see, so something has happened, for you to gather all of us like this, Your Highness.", Giliath said, turning serious as his face shifted toward the older blonde haired man who looked very similar to Prince Olivert. This was the man who was set to become the new Emperor of Erebonia in around two months time, Prince Eugent Reise Arnor. Prince Olivert's father. After saying that, Giliath turned toward me. "Naoto, go take a seat beside His Highness Prince Olivert.", Giliath said to me.

I only nodded my head as I saw Prince Olivert pat an empty space next to him. Seeing this, I took my seat and sat down. However, as I did, a couple of the older aged men were able to a glance at the insignia on the back of my robe. One in particular, a brown short haired man that had two prominent white streaks of hair going upward at the center of his hair. had his eyes turn wide the moment he saw the phoenix.

"...To think we would get to see the phoenix soar into the skies once again...", The brown haired man said, before returning to a nonchalant look. Even Prince Eugent became serious for a moment, before he spoke out again. Everyone else remained quiet as Giliath smiled.

"While I would like to inquire about that later, Giliath, we have a more pressing matter. But once again, I thank you all for this sudden gathering. It won't be long until we arrive back at Valflame Palace. Governor Carl, if you would.", Prince Eugent said, looking at another middle aged black haired man wearing a suit. As the talks began, I felt the orbal car turn on and the car started driving.

"Yes. I too will express my gratitude on His Highness' behalf to allow all of us to gather today. Let us begin this round table shortly. I will begin with a roll call.", Governor Carl said. This man was Carl Regnitz, a top government official in the Heimdallr Imperial Diet, and was none other than the father of one of the future Class VII.

"Commander of the Imperial Army First Division. General Matteus Vander.", Governor Carl spoke out the first name of these people present.

"Yes,", the brown haired man, who uttered his voice a moment ago answered. Matteus Vander...Father of both Mueller Vander and Kurt Vander, and goes by the name the Thunder God. The strongest swordsman currently in Erebonia.

"Commander of the Imperial Army Second Division, Victor Arseid.", Governor Carl said, calling the second name. To which I looked I looked an azure colored haired man which was in the process of graying. Hearing this name too was a shocker. If Matteus was ranked first, Victor would be ranked second in terms of swordsmen. His Arseid school often clashes with the Vanders as rivals.

"Umu.", Victor responded with a nod.

"Commander of the Imperial Army Third Division...?", Governor Carl started to say, only to look toward a rather stunning beautiful woman. And yet her age preceded her, she appeared a lot longer than the rest of the middle aged men in this crowd. Seeing Governor Carl behave this way, the silver haired woman grinned and she crossed her right leg over left.

"Go on, Governor. Surely you don't think my presence being here is pointless, do you?", The silver haired woman asked with a grin. Even I couldn't believe it. This girl had long silver hair and purple eyes. She would become the epitome of beauty later on. She was of course Aurelia Le Guin, and it she was currently wearing the same uniform I knew well of whoever attended Thors Military Academy. It seemed she was currently a student there. If I recall, she was around fifteen years old now?

"O-Of course not. I just wasn't expecting General Le Guin to send his daughter in his stead. It is great for you to come, Miss Aurelia.", Governor Carl responded to her.

"Good. I am mainly here on behalf of my father, and Thors. They said to treat this meeting as a field exercise. But I do assume what we talk about here is to not leak into the public, right?", Aurelia asked.

"Indeed. We are currently on national alert for the incident that had just happened. I do apologize if the people I brought here make you uncomfortable, Aurelia, but you do seem to be in good health. Have your studies been well?", Prince Eugent asked with a smile. Aurelia responded with a nod.

"Of course. I have my own goal to strive for the top rank.", Aurelia responded happily.

"Gahaha! Boy is it good to be young. I can feel such vigor from you, missy.", Another voice said, only to come from an orange haired middle aged man among this crowd. Aurelia smiled hearing this but stayed quiet. Governor Carl let out a light cough before continuing.

"Commander of the Imperial Army Fourth Division, General Olaf Craig.", Governor Carl said, looking at the orange haired man who said that. He nodded with his head.

"Yes.", General Craig responded. This man was none other than General Craig, or more commonly known as Craig the Red. His division was one to boast the greatest firepower of the many divisions the Erebonia military had. He was none other than the father of another member of class VII.

"Commander of the Imperial Fifth Division, General Giliath Osborne.", Governor Carl said, only to look at my father, Giliath.

"Looks like I was the last one called in, but I am here nonetheless.", Giliath responded, acknowledging Governor Carl.

So I guess father was currently the head of the fifth division, huh? If I recall, he was currently in the Imperial Diet as well. He wouldn't become Erebonia's Chancellor until three or four more years.

"That's right. And excluding me as the speaker of the Imperial Diet, our last officer, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, General Vandyck, if you would.", Governor Carl said, shifting his eyes toward the oldest person in this car. He was one I crossed paths with once already, but to think he would be here too....

"Yes. Thank you for handling this Governor. We are all present.", General Vandyck said with a nod of his head.

"Good. I know we have many other divisions in the military, but I have brought the top five here in regards to the matter I just brought up a moment ago. I do thank you all for taking time out of your schedules. We indeed have entered state of national security. As to what this round table will discuss, it is the assassination attempt of my son, Olivert Reise Anor and the sudden passing of my wife, Ariel Lenheim.", Prince Eugent said, dropping a bomb on us. Surprise reached all of our eyes while Prince Olivert had sadness appear in his eyes. As for me, I remained quiet.

So that event happened this year, huh...?

Does that mean the Prince Eugent's coronation is going to happen earlier than expected?



Don't forget to drop those power stones!

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