
A Gamer Into Trails

An avid Gamer who is also a Light Novel / Manga / Anime enthusiast finds himself reincarnated into the continent of Zemuria. And he might obtain a Gamer system along the way. To set expectations now, I got five girls planned to become mc's lovers at some point. Any more will likely be voted on. Tags: Harem, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Science, Sci-Fi, Magic, Romance, Slice of Life *Cover is no longer Roselia for Vol 2 onward. It will update periodically. If you would like this cover pic taken down just feel free to leave me a comment.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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273 Chs

Chapter 199: Lunch

We are almost at the 200 mark!

How are you liking the Naoto/Renne split scenes so far?

Renne's the main focus apart from Naoto in this Volume, so there will be more scenes to come before the Vermillion Trials begin.

As you guys have probably guessed by now, the butterfly effect from Naoto's actions is causing characters to meet other characters that don't take place in the games.

I wonder, what will the next one be?

Only a year or so left before the Vermillion Trials starts, so Naoto is trying to prepare for it the best he can!

As always Giliath demands your power stones. Let's try getting over 500!


"You really are the little kid the General brought with him ten years ago during the signing of His Majesty...", Lord Hyarm's voice resounded, only to hear a sloshing of his wine glass that he twirled back and forth a bit as we could see a couple maids continue to roll in trays of food. The red wine inside of it continued to move back and forth as Lord Hyarms continued to observe the violet haired boy, who could now be seen seated across from him, waiting for the maids to finish placing the trays of food onto the large dining table.

"And thanks to some undisclosed series of events, you made a return as the heir to Liberl's throne?", Lord Hyarms continued to say, still in disbelief as to what the violet haired boy explained to him.

"That about sums it up, yeah.", I said, nodding my head at the man before me. His hair was quite thick, and was golden brown. He could be seen wearing a stylish jacket with dark green trousers. His ruffled white shirt underneath it was very befitting to that of how nobles dressed, which made sense.

Considering the man before me was none other than the lord of the Sutherland Province, who oversaw one of the four Provinces in Erebonia, as well as being the head of one of the Great Houses.

Fernand Hyarms.

Among the Great Houses, he was one of the most favored nobles thanks to his personality and how he managed his territory. He was seen quite favorably among the citizens in the Sutherland Province. A far cry from someone of Duke Cayenne's caliber, considering he mostly likes to do things at his own leisure.

"You really expect me to believe such an incredulous story?", Fernand continued to say with a slight frown, only to take a sip of his wine while a smell of roasted meat began to waft in the dining room.

"Believe what you will. Knowing the fact that Mueller is beside me right now should act as proof enough, considering Mueller here and His Highness Prince Olviert was present during the signing of His Majesty.", I said with a smile while Fernand continued to frown.

Hearing that, Mueller only shook his head. He too had a wine glass, considering he was the only other adult in the room beside us and the maids serving the food. For the rest of us, we of course had non-alcoholic beverages placed at our sides.

"Trust me, even I'm still having a hard time trying to cope with this matter. Still, His Highness Prince Olivert does exchange letters with His Highness Naoto quite frequently, so I can only say that I've come to understand it.", Mueller said, shaking his head as he did.

"Is that so? Regardless of the matter though, you've seem to have grown up quite splendidly. Considering the word I've received from my butler, Celestin, you prefer to be addressed as Your Excellency?", Fernand asked me.

"For now, yes. I do thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to welcome us, even if it is just for a day.", I replied with a polite tone. Hearing that, Fernand couldn't help but turn his frown into a smile.

"A day that I have to spend, haha.", Fernand responded, letting out a laugh as he did. He then continued to observe our side.. Fernand wasn't alone either. A thirteen year old boy with orange blonde hair could be seen beside him, also showing respect in his eyes after learning who his guests were. This boy was none other than Patrick Hyarms, the youngest son of Fernand Hyarms.

Early on, Patrick would often squabble with Class VII and Rean, but his demeanor underwent quite a change, making him more likeable as time went on. It wouldn't do me harm to get acquainted with Patrick this early. And unknown to many, but Patrick shares the same age between us I, Estelle and Kloe do. Considering we are all the same age and as fellow nobles, it shouldn't be hard to, as they say, join their inner circle. After all, relationships play a key role in the noble society. Without a big backing, many would chime in to try and shun one another.

Well, at least that's how the tropes went. Some nobles are still kind hearted. Fernand is a very firm and decisive noble from what I could see.

"Are you really a prince? I can hear the politeness in Father's tone, but still...", Patrick decided to ask, which drew my gaze to him.

"Sure am. I'm not here in regards to anything related to foreign affairs though. If we are speaking of technicalities, I still hold a higher rank over Lord Hyarms here.", I said, answering Patrick.

"His Excellency is right, Patrick. I cannot privvy into the details too much, but His Excellency is a member of our Great Houses as well. Though that does beg my next question though, Your Excellency. Regardless of your situation in Liberl, it still is a matter of concern that you are of the Great Houses like us. But you seem to lack any sort of territory at all?", Fernand asked with interest in his eyes.

"Now that you've brought it up, I am curious about that too. You say you are of the nobles here but you have no territory at all.", Mueller said, also looking at me with interest.

"Haha, indeed I don't. For the present that is. That is partly why I wanted to pay my respects to you, Lord Hyarms. The other part is just me being a prince in a foreign land.", I said, beginning to answer their doubt.

"I see. It sounds like you already have a plan in mind for this matter then.", Fernand could only assume.

"I do.", I responded with a nod of my head.

Seeing as this topic would probably take a few moments to relay, I suggested to everyone to start lunch, seeing as the meal was now laid out for us. Everyone was in favor. It was probably a first for Emma and Fie to dine in a noble's home outside of the Arseid Mansion, but they showed enough etiquette to not make a mess during lunch. They knew well who was currently in front of them. This meat tasted very juicy and was quite delicious. We found ourselves gulping it down in mere moments, but considering we still had a matter to talk about, we tried to not rush our eating.

"Let's just say it is bound to become a bit chaotic in the circle of the Great Houses. I did inform Sir Victor so he could stay out of the incoming mess, but I came to you, over choosing to drop by the Cayenne House or the Albarea House. I figured you would be more considerate of the matter.", I began to say between our eating.

"Oh? Considering that Your Excellency is on the level of a Duke, I am quite flattered for you to choose a mere Marquis over reaching out to a fellow Duke. Perhaps these peaceful times are going to come to an end.", Fernand responde, musing to himself.

"I mean, how bad can it be for it to disrupt the current standings of the Great Houses? They've rooted themselves quite firmly in Erebonia.", Mueller also questioned.

"Well, ever consider what would happen if two Houses try to take over another?", I decided to ask, which caused the air around Fernand to suddenly turn cold a bit, only to have his gaze become serious.

"...You aren't suggesting an internal conflict are you, Your Excellency?', Fernand decided to ask, revealing a frown.

"Haha, oh I wonder. Even that is the least of your worries, considering what is to come. It's already in motion, and I wanted to warn you so you won't get swept up in its storm.", I responded, revealing a playful grin. Hearing that, Fernand couldn't help but suck in a cold breath of air.

"It is one that you came this way to warn me about this, so for that, I am grateful, Your Excellency.", Fernand responded politely. As for Patrick, he only remained quiet seeing the seriousness of this matter.

"Well, I am curious to see how the other two Dukedoms are going to respond to this little plan that I have. At least, if you stray free from it, I can assure you House Hyarms won't be affected.", I declared.

"Is that so? I am grateful for you to relay this message to us. Does it have an estimated time frame?", Fernand wondered.

"We are not too sure yet, but it is bound to take place, very possibly once we debut in high society. After all, I won't be the only one to debut at the time.", I responded.

"Wait, did you say "We"?", Mueller couldn't help but ask.

"Hahaha, sure did. You know the daughter of the Rogner House, right? I won't say much for now, but the two of us have entered a relationship and plan to debut into high society together to shake the other Houses a bit.", I said, revealing the situation a bit, causing Fernand's eyes to turn wide.

"...Are you telling me that unruly child has actually come to her senses and is in a relationship with a boy...?", Fernand couldn't help but utter, still in disbelief as to what he just heard.


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