
A Gamer Into Trails

An avid Gamer who is also a Light Novel / Manga / Anime enthusiast finds himself reincarnated into the continent of Zemuria. And he might obtain a Gamer system along the way. To set expectations now, I got five girls planned to become mc's lovers at some point. Any more will likely be voted on. Tags: Harem, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Science, Sci-Fi, Magic, Romance, Slice of Life *Cover is no longer Roselia for Vol 2 onward. It will update periodically. If you would like this cover pic taken down just feel free to leave me a comment.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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273 Chs

Chapter 195: The Stormwatcher

Our remaining work is now dead again. It's always a few days of busy work right after our busiest time of the year. Took a couple days to catch up on resting too.

Giliath demands your power stones. Let's try getting over 500!


"Oh my, this is a rather interesting sight now is it? And here I thought you two would have departed by now.", A graceful voice said, reaching our ears. Further inside the dojo, we all saw the door leading further inside open up.

A very beautiful silvery bluish-white haired woman stepped out. Her hair looked very similar to Kurt's hair. She currently wore a fancy long shirt with a layered skirt, a typical attire belonging to that of nobles. However, since entering the Vander House, she had long gotten rid of her former name, thereby becoming a Vander herself.

Though all the while did her title remain present. This woman was a proud naginata user, and was not to be trifled with. She appeared young but her appearance was quite deceptive.

Aurier Vander, also known as the Stormwatcher.

She was presently Kurt's mother, and the second wife of the Thunder God.

"Mother...", Kurt said, letting his voice turn quiet seeing his mother enter the main hall of the dojo.

"Lady Vander.", Mueller also said, giving a polite salute of his arm, welcoming her. She was likely inside an office further inside the dojo, and came out, wondering what the current commotion was. Yet hearing Mueller greet her like that, Lady Aurier raised her eyes into two crescent moons, calmly placing her chin onto her hand.

"I know I am not your mother, Mueller, but I am still married to Lord Matteus. You needn't be so formal with your tone. You are family after all, fufu.", Lady Aurier said, letting out a small laugh as she did.

"Understood.", Mueller responded, letting his tension ease up a bit. Having done so caused Mueller's expression to lift up, and the air around us as well. It seemed Kurt's mother arrived at a good time. Just like in the games, she was quite a breathtaking beauty. I bet she pays visits to this dojo often, considering Kurt's presence here. We caught her at a good time.

Yet as she arrived, Lady Aurier couldn't help but look our way. Seeing Mueller done retorting us, I took this time to stand back up. Seeing me do this, Emma and Fie took the signal and also stood up. I gave a formal bow as Lady Aurier approached Mueller's side.

"I do apologize for dropping in like this. But it was for a good reason.", I said, welcoming Lady Aurier.

"That certainly seems to be the case. His Highness Prince Olivert speaks fondly of you quite a bit you know. It really is a shame you haven't gone to Valflame Palace, Your Highness.", Lady Aurier responded.

"All in due time. I have been a bit preoccupied recently. Is it alright if I call you Lady Aurier?", I politely asked her.

"With pleasure. Someone of your stature isn't here for no reason though, Your Highness. Pray tell, what exactly did come to Parm for I wonder?", Lady Aurier asked as her lips curved into a smile.

"Haha, I should have brought this out to begin with. But as you can see, Mueller here couldn't even let me take out my letter of recommendation.", I said with a playful grin, looking back at Mueller. Interest grew in his eyes as I said that.

"Someone referred you to our dojo?", Mueller asked, not expecting me to say such a thing.

"Simply put, yes.", I said, nodding my head in a serious tone. I rummaged through my pockets a bit before pulling out a sealed letter.

I could see Lady Aurier's eyes turn serious the moment she glanced at the seal. It looks like she was able to recognize the seal from a first glance too. Ignoring her sons, she reached out her hand, and took the letter from mine. Breaking open the seal, she started to read it right then and there. None of us said anything as she read it, but Mueller's eyes now landed on the letter. 

A moment like this passed by in silence before Lady Aurier gently rolled up the letter after having finished reading it.

"So that's what's going on. It seems His Lordship has treated you quite well.", Lady Aurier said, giving me a smile. Seeing her do that caused me to nod my head.

"Yes. I am grateful to Sir Victor for allowing me to stay in his residence for the past three months. And now it will appear I will be intruding upon the Vander School for the next three months.", I happily responded.

"You aren't referring to who I think you are referring to right...?", Mueller asked after hesitating a bit while looking back at me. Yet before he could do anything, Lady Aurier handed me the letter back, only to look back at Kurt and Mueller.

"Kurt, Mueller, it appears there is going to be a change of plans, so it is good that you two have not left yet. Why not stay the night and depart tomorrow?", Lady Aurier suddenly asked, drawing their attention.

"What do you mean by that, Mother? Just what was written on that letter?", Kurt wondered since he couldn't see what was written on it. Yet Lady Aurier only smiled and turned quiet at the matter. 

Instead, Lady Aurier turned her body a bit, and proceeded to look at the side of the raised mats they were all standing on. If one looked closely, they could see a couple sets of wooden wracks, occupied with several different kinds of wooden weapons. We all saw her slowly start walking off to the side, causing Mueller to turn serious.

"It is quite simple, really. As of today, His Highness will be under the Vanders' care for the next three months, and I will personally see to it to see if His Highness is worthy in learning the blade of the Vanders.", Lady Aurier declared, causing surprise to reach her sons eyes. Emma and Fie became interested but surprise reached my eyes as well.

As Lady Aurier said that, she proceeded to walk toward one of the weapon racks. Reaching her hand out, she pulled out a wooden naginata, and firmly grabbed onto it, only to swing it around with ease. She definitely seemed skilled in wielding a naginata, that was without a doubt. I then saw her turn back toward me, only to point her wooden naginata toward me.

"And should you pass this test of mine, I will permit you to travel with Kurt and Mueller back to Heimdallr, to where my Lord Husband shall further oversee your growth in these next three months. His Lordship seemed to hold you in high regard, so this much should be doable, yes?", Lady Aurier continued to say, revealing a smile as she brandished her weapon at me.

Hearing that, I could only think of nodding my head at her, also displaying resolution in my eyes.

"Of course. I manage to pass Sir Victor's test, and should you issue one to me, I shall pass yours with flying colors. I also had plans to pay a trip to Heimdallr during my stay here in Erebonia, so this works out quite well.", I said, confirming Lady Aurier's words.

"You really aren't challenging His Highness right now are you...Mother?", Kurt couldn't help but ask, only to see Mueller look at him.

"You know that she means it when she's like this. All we can do now is step to the side and let Lady Aurier do as she pleases. Hopefully His Highness can meet her expectations.", Mueller said, only to shrug his shoulders, responding to Kurt.

"I share the same sentiment. We shouldn't get in Naoto's way. Let's make our way to the sidelines, okay, Fie?", Emma asked, looking at Fie.

"Got it. I'm always down to watch a battle. Good luck, Phoenix.", Fie said, only to retreat along with Emma as she waved her hand at me a bit. As Emma and Fie joined Mueller and Kurt off to the side, Celine and Tamamo also made their way near Emma.

It took a moment but now it was just me and Lady Aurier, squared away with a few meters apart from each others on this raised mat. I still had my rapier on me. Our cloaks were gone but since we posed as military students, we still had our weapons at our waists. Reaching toward my sheath, I brandished my rapier, pointing it at Lady Aurier. 

"Don't go easy on me, alright, Lady Aurier?", I asked with a smile.

"I ask the the same of you, Your Highness. Now without further ado, en garde!", Lady Aurier yelled out, letting her battle qi flow forth as she entered her battle stance, ready to strike at a moments notice...


[Insert picture of Aurier Vander here]


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