
Chapter 129: A Spar And A Chat

Giliath demands your power stones!


Some time later.

Inside the Eisengard Mountain Range, unknown amount of arge behind Ymir.

Several wooden stairs carved of bamboo embedded into stone could be seen leading up into an eastern-style dojo with several different sizes of rock scattered all around it. This particular dojo was mostly made up of wood, with several tatami mats sewn inside.

Several figures could be seen inside this dojo on this particular day.

To the side stood a plum haired girl, a purple haired girl who appeared a year or two older, a brown haired girl, and an indigo black haired girl who was a bit younger than the rest. A look of worry but also anticipation could be seen in her eyes as she observed a black haired boy further inside to the right.

In order, they were Emma, Angelica, Anelace and Rean's younger sister, Elise Schwarzer.

Some time had passed since Naoto and Emma parted from this group back in Roer. Thanks to the invitation the two received from Angelica they were able to have a nice dinner at the Rogner Estate. Thankfully Lord Rogner was out at the time, so the two didn't have to deal with him. Naoto still introduced himself as Duke Phoenix, however, so it wasn't like those at the estate could do much to him, either.

As a result of the dinner, Naoto and Emma invited Angelica to a trip to Ymir, with a side detour that they were to visit Master Kafai's dojo first. Of course, with Angelica's personality, she didn't refuse a single bit. She was very much looking forward to taking a dip in the hotsprings.

And well, after that period of time, this group could now be seen be seen at the dojo.

Since Rean was going to partake in a spar against an outsider, word of it traveled rather quickly in Ymir as there weren't many who resided there. This also included Rean's parents, Teo and Lucia Schwarzer. The two of them could also be seen beside the four girls.

Master Kafai stood beside them to the left, more toward the center of the dojo. To his opposite stood Shizuna at the other end. A violet haired boy could be seen off to the left side. And likewise as stated earlier, Rean could be seen on the right.

That violet haired boy facing Rean was of course, me.

"Take your stance.", I declared.

"I will. I still don't why you chose to spar against a beginner like me though. Shizuna or Anelace are still better to fight against, are they not?", Rean still doubted as he began to draw a blade from a black sheath held on his waist. It was a metal blade, and not a wooden one. It was quite long too, a Tachi-styled katana.

A stark contrast to the thin blade I took out.

With my blade out, I placed my right foot in front, and held out my blade. My stance was opposite to Master's but the concept was still the same.

"They are, but I have my reason. Naoto von Auslese, sole disciple of the Sword Fox. Don't take this spar half-assedly, Rean Schwarzer.", I said as I formally introduced myself, bringing a wave of surprise to a few present in this room.

"...!", Rean also tried to exclaim but found no words as his shock was muddled by the seriousness he saw in my eyes.

"Right.", Rean began to say, shifting his leg back a bit. He seemed to enter the second form, Gale. "Rean Schwarzer, disciple of the Eight Leaves One Blade. beginner level. I hope to learn from this experience.", Rean said, readying himself.

"Very well. Then let the battle begin!", Shizuna yelled out, declaring the start of the spar.

"Second form gale--!?", Rean tried to say as he rushed out to me, ready to slash with his blade.

Yet the moment he saw me I began to rapidly hop back and forth, not stopping my momentum. It didn't take long to increase my speed. From Rean's vision he started to see afterimages.

Rean tried to react quickly, striking out with his blade. Yet Rean felt his slice cut through air. The moment he blinked, he no longer saw me.


A hard thwack struck the room everyone was in.

"Ahh!", Rean's voice cried out, feeling a sharp pain strike the backside of his neck. As he felt the wind get knocked out of him, he was blasted toward the other end, only to collapse onto one of his knees. As for me, I reappeared right behind Rean. No blood was drawn as he was hit by the backside of my rapier.

"Rean...", Elise said, carrying a hint of worry in her voice. She felt a hand on her shoulder, coming from none other than her father, Teo.

"Rean needs this, Elise. You know this.", Teo said trying to comfort Elise.

"I know...", Elise uttered softly as she nodded her head.

As for me, I still saw Rean collapsed, gasping for a bit of air.

"Is that all you can do? Just what have you learned at this dojo?", I continued to say, carrying a slight sneer in my tone.

"Cough...", Rean suddenly coughed a bit as tensed up hearing my voice right behind his back. I saw him move instinctively, twisting his body around swiftly. Rean then grasped his tachi with both hands, aiming for an upward strike as he saw me right in front of him.

Seeing Rean initiate Helix, I smiled.

"Good.", I said. Rean tried to attack where my neck was, but I was able to to respond in kind. With one swift thrust I struck out with my rapier.


This time, the tip of our two blades struck each other creating a loud sound of clashing metal.

To keep the momentum going I continued my attack, and rotated my blade, which caused Rean to twist his. Fwoosh!

All of a sudden, despite having both hands grasping his tachi a moment ago, with the force that I used in this rotation, he saw his tachi fly away to the side of the dojo. Rean could now see that he was unarmed.

Seeing his tachi sent flying, Rean's eyes turned wide a bit.

"Good, but not good enough. Just what have these last six years done to you, Rean Schwarzer?", I decided to ask, which caused Rean to blink at me.

"J-Just who are you?", Rean asked back, ignoring the fact that I now had my rapier pointed at his neck. "We have not met before, but why do I feel that we have?", Rean asked.

"Who I am is not important. I can see hesitation in your eyes. You don't have enough practical experience.", I answered him. "Maybe you need a little push to get your gears going.", I continued to say.

"A push? It's clear you're stronger than me.", Rean retorted back.

"So? You'll continue to fight stronger opponents. You just need that decisive action you just showed me. One bit of hesitation could cost you your life you know.", I responded back. It wasn't till now that Rean was realizing that I was teaching him a bit, similar to his Master, Yun Kafai.

"Hoho, the boy speaks the truth, Rean. That is partially where your lack of experience compares to him. You have killed as well, have you not?", Master Kafai decided to ask as he slowly approached my way.

"Yes.", I began to say, "Sometimes, killing is the only action you have to take to get out alive.", I answered Master Kafai.

"True. Our school shares a similar sentiment, but typically out of self defense or as a last resort. Either way the result of this spar is clear. Thank you for having a bout with Rean.", Master Kafai said.

"Yes. It is clear it is my loss.", Rean said, with a nod of his head.

"Good. Accepting loss also promotes growth, so I won't push you today. But just note what you have may burden you more unless you learn to tap into it.", I continued to say, alluding to Rean's ogre power. He is very much like McBurn in that sense, but compared to McBurn's pureness in that aspect, he always calls Rean "Mixed".

Taking the time, I put my rapier back in my sheath. I was considering pushing Rean to use his ogre powers today, but decided against it. I then reached my hand, and Rean grasped onto it, pulling himself up.

"Yes, Thank you. The spar didn't last long but I have already learned from it.", Rean said, revealing a smile.

"Hehe, it was still fun to watch so thanks for letting us watch it. Let's go get to those hotsprings!", Angelica happily responded.

"Fufu, I will also prepare a nice for everyone back at our home. Master Kafai, you and your other other disciples are welcome too, as a sign of thanks for seeing how far Rean has come.", Lucia said with a smile. She then looked toward the girls, as well as me. "And of course the guests Master Kafai brought along. We'll have a big feast tonight.", Lucia continued to say.

"That sounds good to us.", Emma responded with a nod.

Rean to took the time rejoin Anelace and Shizuna who looked at him apathetically. I took the time to return to Emma and Angelica's side. Lucia began to take everyone out of the dojo following Master Kafai's lead. When it was just Teo and us three, I took the time to reach out to him.

"Mister Teo, are you fine staying behind a bit to have a little chat? You can stay too, Emma.", I suddenly asked.

"Is that alright?", Emma asked back. I responded with a nod. As for Teo, he blinked and turned around to look at me in the eyes. Seeing me not waver, he slowly nodded.

"Very well. I'll tell Lucia to take everyone ahead of us.", Lord Teo said,

"Haha, it looks like you guys have something to talk about so I'll go join the rest. If you're late Naoto I won't wait for you for those hotsprings.", Angelica responded with a laugh, only to wave her hand a bit before she joined the rest in leaving the dojo.

Rean looked back to see his father standing next to me an Emma before he heard Elise urge him to head down the steps. Elise also shifted her eyes my way, and gave me a smile, before we no longer saw anyone.

It was just Teo, Emma and I in the dojo now. A wave of silence swept the air before I looked into Teo's eyes. He too didn't say anything during this silence.

"It seems you already know what I want to talk about, don't you, Mister Teo?", I suddenly asked as Emma stayed quiet to observe.

"...I've had my doubts ever since Master Kafai brought you here, but it's you isn't it?", Teo decided to ask.

"Who indeed?" I responded back, revealing a playful smile. My smile then turned turned into a sudden formal bow, which caught Teo a bit off guard, as well as Emma.

"But I jest. I truly thank you for looking after Rean during my absence, Lord Teo.", I said with a firm tone.

"So it really is you...The second child of His Excellency. They said you went missing from that disastrous fire. But I guess that report was false in the end.", Teo said, shaking his head a bit. "You needn't bow at me, so raise your head.", Teo continued to say.

"Thank you.", I happily responded. "But that report wasn't exactly false so to say, I sorta decided to go off the grid for a couple years before I made my reappearance. As for why Emma is here, she too had played at our house. It was a bit surprising to see Rean not remembering Emma.", I said, releasing my bow while scratching my cheek a bit.

"Yes. It is as Naoto says, I've only met Rean once or twice, so it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Lord Teo.", Emma also said politely.

"I see. If that is the case then you two may or may not already know of my circumstance. It is unfortunate but I cannot utter one more word about this. Just bringing it up is already reaching its limit.", Teo responded apologetically.

"You are referring to the oath of secrecy sworn with father, aren't you?", I decided to ask. Teo's eyes turned wide a bit, before a defeated look appeared in his eyes as he sighed.

"Why am I not surprised you already know about it.", Teo retorted as he shook his head.

"Well, prior to this, I've already met back with father once back in Crossbell."", I continued to say.

"I see. Had he said anything then?", Teo asked.

"No.", I said, shaking my head a bit. "I plan not to bring anything up regarding this matter. Nor do I plan to take Rean with me.", I answered.

"So it is to stay as is then?", Teo asked.

"That's the plan.", I said as I smiled. "I have my life to live while Rean has his. I do not want to disturb the life he has reached here."

"Thank you. I know you are quite busy yourself but the least we can do is give you a hearty meal tonight. The stay at Phoenix Wings will also be free of charge, so I hope you guys will look forward to it.

Feeling reassured about Rean's matter, I had zero plans to disturb the life he currently has here in Ymir, and it seems Teo is thankful for that. Emma shared a similar sentiment and responded with a happy smile.

It also seemed that tonight's stay and the hotsprings will be free of charge tonight so that's a plus.

With that in mind, the three of us departed toward Rean's home. It will be short, but it was nice to check up on how he was doing, and give a bit of guidance as his older brother, haha!

Next chapter