
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 8: Aftermath of the Fight

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Arthur ended the dungeon run without a single scratch on his body but trough out most of the boss fight he felt like he was just a single step away from death.

If the boss could catch him even ıf its just for a single moment, this challenge might end disastrously for Arthur.

Fortunately for him, he had the < Gamer's Mind > ability to help him control his emotions and with this skill's help, he contained himself during the fight and always get out of the attack range of the boss after dealing some damage to it.

And now watching the strongest monster he fought during this month of training slowly turning into the dust before him in the middle of this giant sea of fire he created to fight it, he thought about how hard this fight will be when he faces the legion zombie for the second time.

Will it just gonna level up a couple more times just like him? Is the boss gonna remember today's fight?

While he thinks about the next boss fight, current boss completely turn into ashes and leave behind its loot into the fire. Seeing this Arthur quickly paused his thoughts and rushed towards the falling objects to catch them before his hard work get burned to ashes.

Catching the objects he directly used < Observe > on them to see their properties.

Arthur first check the blue vials

[ Small Mana Potion ] X8

↳Instantly recovers mana by 250 points

"Mana potions are looking real nice, ıt would be amazing ıf I can grind them regularly or maybe I can craft them myself later, that could help me out immensely both in battles and on my daily training," said Arthur.

Putting the bottles in his inventory he passed on the old book covered with silver runes on its cover.

[Book of Summons: Soul mate ]

↳The number of beings that can be summoned are endless, spirits, or demons, why not find the most suitable for yourself to gain a true companion for life.

"This is the real treasure, even the lowest level summons on store start with the price of 10,000 coins and this one saying that I will get the most suitable for myself. It might cost hundreds of thousands of coins the buy it... Well, I can check it later on in the store."

After checking on the final item Arthur put the book in his inventory and exit the dungeon he set on fire.

Exiting the dungeon he appeared on the part forest away from his entry point by 2 kilometers. After casting Haste with his remaining Mana he starts running towards his house.

After reaching his house Arthur take off his armor that scorched in the fire and get in his little tub he built before to wash his body from the zombie dust sticking to it.

"Open [Statue]"


Name: Arthur Harris

Race: Human

Level: 25 Title: Apprentice Zombie Hunter

HP: 1200/1200

MP: 120/1500













Elemental Affinity:

Fire: 10, Lightning:3, Earth:2, Wind:1, Water:1


Stat Points:72

Store Coins:17,280

---------------------- ]

"This time I hunt quite a number huh? Just by regular zombies, I gain a level and the legion zombie itself gave another 2 levels and I get the title I was expecting too. "

Looking at his status window Arthur click at the title section.

[Apprentice Zombie Hunter:

↳ + 30% damage against the zombie type enemies

+30% damage reduction to attacks coming from zombie type enemies. ]

"Like I thought this new title help me out greatly. "

Thinking about his future battles with the help of his new title Arthur realized that he can actually count today's dangerous battles as just a minor boss event.

Seeing that he can just set the forest on the dungeon on fire regularly to grind store coins from regular zombies, with enough time he can gather dozens of millions of coins and use them to buy some broken spell that would turn him into a bug character for cheesing the gamer system.

"I wonder how much the Firestorm from Skyrim would cost. It was spoused to be a master level spell you get from a ritual mission and cost two or three thousand gold septims in the game. I guess If ıts too pricey I can find similar spell at the store"

Opening the store Arthur directly searched for the Firestorm spell and its variations. Seeing that the difference in their price differ around just a couple hundred points, He decided to purchase the spell he intended to buy in the first place.

Firestorm: 8600 coins

After buying that spell he decided to complete fire magic and choose a couple of spell to add to his arsenal.

❃Sun Fire: 460 coins

❃Fire Breath:800 coins

❃Fire Healing:1200 coins

��Flame Whip: 180 coins

and finally, he bought

❃ Bound Longsword: 450 coins

❃Bound Cuirass: 1200 coins

❃Bound Gauntlets:300coins

❃Bound Boots: 300 coins

spells as extras.

As for why he decided to buy all of these spells alongside with Firestorm spell, is getting ready for possible new variations zombies would show up in the dungeon after he killed the first boss. With <Firestorm> spell he could set a large piece of land on fire with a single movement and just grind coins easily but Arthur thinks that he needed to increase his options in close combat using magic.

The Sun fire spell is specially designed for hunting down undead creatures which is his only source of income and the only type of dungeon mode he can currently open up.

Fire breath can be useful when he falls into a situation that he couldn't use his hands like in a scenario that he gets caught by the legion zombie, he couldn't possibly escape from its grasp with his current strength stat but If the zombie gets hit by a fire breath attack in the face, Arthur can use that opportunity to escape or maybe he could just roleplay as a dragon since he is still sad that he can't get a bloodline ability to turn himself a dragon.

As for Flame whip, he hopes that he can use it as the fire binding spell since the original spell cost nearly seven thousand coins and Arthur believes that spell doesn't worth that many coins.

The Bound Longsword is clearly to replace the greatsword that he's been using for nearly a month. The large sword is felt too sluggish even with his increased strength so he chose to try the longsword that he can use for faster attacks as he thinks he is more suited for that type of swordplay.

Lastly, for Bound Cuirass, Gauntlets and Boots are to replace the armor he crafted from the leather. His current leather equipment provided decent defense but unluckily they couldn't resist the fire surrounded him during the fight since he plans to repeat this way of hunting he decided to buy magical armor instead of replacing his crafted one after every fight.

Activating the newly bought skill books, a notification appeared in his view.

[With the combination of the related skills you gain skill <Fire Magic> ]

[Congratulations you gain the title " Novice Fire Mage " ]

↳ -15% Mana reductions for fire magic.

↳ +15% damage increase with fire magic

9-A: Small Building level

Characters capable of destroying rooms or entire small constructions such as houses or smaller buildings.

Ragdincreators' thoughts