
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 29: The Tribe

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Arthur didn't felt like explaining himself to these people so he quickly healed Relim who is nearly on his last breath, Arthur didn't plan to keep him alive so he only heals the internal damage on Relim's body to some degree so he can stay alive a little more, and than he put some extra effort to regenerate the man's cut off tongue.

After dealing with Relim, Arthur grab the man by his face and trowed to the village elder that was speaking to him.

"Ask him, whatever you want to know about that ship. I already talked about myself to Korin, I'm sure he mentioned about me to you," said Arthur.

The elder easily caught the man trowed at him but he looks quite dissatisfied with Arthur's behavior. It's not that their little society up in the mountains did ever value things like being gentle to strangers or they ever try to be polite to each other.

The werewolf tribes act like how the regular wolf pacts act. The strongest wolf gets the title Alpha and it leads the pact, regardless of its age or gender, and the alpha in front of Arthur was an old one. This means that he's been alpha for a long time and he's been treated with respect for the majority of his life.

The obvious disregard showed by Arthur for his authority could be seen as a weakness by the tribe, and if the alpha doesn't respond with a powerful front to this foreigner and assert his dominance over him, things back in the village won't go well for him even if the group manage to kill Arthur here in this place.

"This one can definitely answer my questions but I want to hear what happened to that ship from you, young one." said the elder while holding the still heavily injured Relim by his throat, inspecting the wounds on his body.

"I found some people I wanted to kill in that ship so I killed them all, İf you want to know the rest of the story ask the piece of trash you holding, it is the only one from that ship stayed alive," said Arthur and raise a chunk of earth from the ground to sit.

The elder didn't get what he wants from Arthur but he was too curious to just order an attack and try to kill Arthur before learning what truly happened here, from the things he heard from Korin the man in front of him supposed to be kind, mild-mannered man with weird healing capabilities, not a fire-spitting devil that wipe out a medium-sized galleon alongside with its crew as he saw from the forest, and now from the looks of this man could also control the earth a little bit.

" Don't worry young man, we will question this one and we will certainly learn what happened here but there is another thing I must know. What are you going to do now?" said the elder.

Arthur wasn't expecting the elder to ask such a question but before he could answer it elder trow the man he been holding to one of the warriors waiting behind him and step forward before keep talking.

"Regardless of your reason to do it, You don't expect us to let you live on our island after what you did... or do you young man? "said the elder and he started to take slow steps towards Arthur

"A man that can turn a battle-ready galleon to ashes in mere minutes could also burn our forest down with enough time and neither I or one of my tribesman would ever want to wake up middle of the night and see that someone decided to burn stuff up because he felt like there are people deserve to die once again." said the elder, standing only half a meter away from Arthur while the warriors behind him start to growl like beasts.

Raising up from his seat "I don't know who deserves to die and who's not but I learned about there is a bunch of nasty creatures I want to kill in the open seas so I will leave this island quickly, after building myself a ship." said Arthur.

Satisfied with Arthur's answer elder showed a small grin on his face and he held out his hand for a handshake.

Arthur raised his blood-covered hand and shake the man's hand with a firm handshake. The elder tried to put a strong front and display his physical prowess by tightening his grip on Arthur's hand too hard and try to make him feel pain but he failed miserably.

Before they even come out from the forest Arthur used his favorite spell < Ironflesh > as a countermeasure if he had to fight against these werewolves.

Elder's base strength stat might be way above Arthur's but those stat points are nowhere near enough to crush solid iron.

The gathering of all of these little events caused was creating a little spark of fear in the elder's heart.

The first thing he learned about this man, he was capable of healing fatal wounds even by werewolf's standards with ease. They didn't know if he can also heal himself but if they manage to chop his head off, this human would die like the rest of them, so that parts were something manageable.

And then this morning the young scout Korin told him that a large ship was closing up the island in a straight line near where this man's house suppose to be. When he reached halfway in the mountain they saw the large ship from a moment ago start burning and before any of them say a thing they saw a fire demon start to rip the ship apart.

When they saw the demon's face in close up, it appears that the mild-mannered healer and fire demon are actually the same people, and that's not the end of it, this bastard showed other weird tricks like controlling earth.

The elder taught since having multiple abilities would require you to divert your training time in multiple sections so this man should have a weaker physical power which he can take advantage of and if he could catch this man off guard he might kill the guy and get rid of this threat immediately but that didn't go as the elder hope so too.

Realizing that if kept antagonizing the man in front of him, things won't end well for them. Elder decided to leave this place and interrogate the prisoner he holds not just about what happened also the powers of the mysterious young man in front of him.

"Well, I think Korin said your name was Arthur. is that right?" asked the elder

"It is," answered Arthur.

"My name is Anef. I am the leader of the tribe that owns this island. I will allow you to gather as much as resources on this island to build your ^ship^, as for your prisoner I will send him back tomorrow " said the elder and leave the area with the rest of his warriors.

It wasn't hard to notice that, this man, Anef especially told the last part loudly so warriors behind him would take this as Anef is talking to another one of his subordinates just like he does with them and he is still the strongest being on this island.

[ Name: Anuf the Wise

Title: Veteran Werewolf Warrior - Cleric of $#£#$

Race: Werewolf / Age: 61 / Level:142/

HP: 21060/21060 - MP: 2640/2640

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Statue: ?!?!!?2*^'? ]

8-C: Building level

Characters who can destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions, such as large factories or large complexes such as supermarkets.

Ragdincreators' thoughts