
A Game To Remember

Warning: This story is bad. After a tragic death of which I didn't write, Ren's soul stumbled upon Death's Realm. ....Now he's wedded to her and is now in Remnant? What the fuck?! 1st World RWBY: Complete 2nd World: Scissor Seven: Ongoing(Sadly)

Piiiiza · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

A Tint Of Insanity


Enjoy you sussy 🅱️aka's


Fire and Void clashed, creating a beautiful spectacle of magic. If this was a week ago, Cinder would definitely overpower me...

"Hrk!" But how the tables have turned. It's quite amusing watching her struggle to dodged the orbs, occasionally getting hit. Soon, she will fall.

Our two spectators looked in awe, mainly Pyrrha, seeing as how I'm toying with Cinder, who 5 minutes ago, almost killed her.

Either way, I outclass Cinder. She skilled in fighting but she's relying to much on her magic.

"ARRGH!" The flames within Cinder's eyes slowly weakened.

Seems she reaching her limit... Ah well, fun while it lasted.

Tendrils of Void sprouted from the ground and wrapped around Cinder who struggled.

Just like that, out battle came to a close, and I walk up to her, taking a peek at my mana.

[MP: 324,943/400,000]

"Normally, this position would be reversed as the villain monologued on how the hero put up a challenge... But this is a shitty fanfic so Pft." I raise my arm up, as my dagger appears. "Any last words." I ask.

She clicked her tongue before smirking. "Just one... DIE!"

Circles of fire appeared under me before I got blasted... Oh no. I'm mortally wounded.

"Is that all." Well now she's looking at me with fear. Combined with the void wrapped around her... Yeah this looks like a rape scene.

"Bye." Swinging down. Cinder was put to rest.

A solemn silence took over, as I stared at the dead body... She deserved this.

This is the 3rd time I've killed... And it will slowly increase. So till then.

I turn away from the body, glancing at Ruby and Pyrrha's shocked faces.

Get used to it.

I hop down from the top of Beacon Academy, wings forming before I take off, heading towards my final victim. Then it's the Grimm... I've got enough mana.

(3rd Pov)

There was nothing she could do, it was already to late.

"RRAGH!" As Yang semblance activated, she sped towards Adam, arm fully reeled back ready to punch.

'Don't!' Blake wanted to call out to her... But it already happened.

Yang's arm flew through the air, she herself falling on the ground.

'No.' She glared at Adam, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"Damn girl, that looks crazy... Need a..... Bro?" A voice called out, startling both Adam and Blake who looked towards the voice.

There, in all his Anime Protagonist glory, stood Ren.

(Ren Ashborn Pov)

Okay, looks like I was a little late to save Yang's arm... And now my entrance was ruined.

And now it's coming to my mind that I don't have any potions.

I don't actually think I have any gold... Shit.


Adam's blade collided with my dagger, as sparks briefly flashed through the air.

He seemed mildly shocked that I blocked his slash, before he ended our collision and swung once again... I mean alot.

My arm blurred as I blocked the ten swings this guy somehow threw at me.

He stepped back from me, spinning around to my side and slashing down.

'Man, the author sure sucks at writing fight scenes... Trash, am I right?'

[...What are you on right now?]


After awhile, I yawned, still blocking all his attacks. This has been going on for like, 5 minutes. During that timeframe, Blake silently left, carrying Yang's unconscious body with her. Nice of you to leave me with you Ex.

"Tch" Adam jumped back, glaring at me. "Why are you here." He angrily asked, pointing his sword at me.

I raised an eyebrow. Are you serious. Why didn't you ask that in the beginning? We've spent the last 5 minutes fighting... I GOT SHIT TO DO.

I lower my body to the ground, before lunging forward with speed Adam couldn't follow.

And then there was one. I flew up in the air, overlooking the destruction of Vale. My eyes tracked all the Grimm there, slowly counting them up.

"I count... A fuck load of Exp." Oh yeah, the Author forgot to show the exp from Cinder and Adam... They didn't give much btdubs.

"Alright... Let's do this" I flex my mana.

(3rd Pov)

Ruby dashed through the streets of Vale, slicing through the Grimm in her way.

"YANG!" She desperately yelled out, hoping her sister would hear. But no answer "WEISS! BLAKE!" There was still no answer.

Worry and fear settled in on her as she desperately zoomed through Vale. Bodies littered the streets as she tried not to look at them. Yet she prayed for them in her mind.

Her negative emotions lured the Grimm to her. She kept slicing through... But there were to many.

Her stamina slowly gave out, as she let out huffs of breath. The Grimm closed in on her, as she closed her eyes.

'I'm sorry...' She awaited her death... But it never came. Were they toying with her? She opened her eyes.

The headless bodies of the Grimm fell down, disintegrating right after.

'W-wha...' Her eyes looked in awe as the hundreds of Grimm disappeared.

"HAHAHAH!" A laugh resounded out through the sky, and she looked up.

"Woooooa" Her mouth formed an 'o' shape, as she looked at the little orbs floating in the sky.

Looking around, she found out the were just about everywhere, though they mainly focused around Vale.

And then...

They flew.

Slowly, the pained voices of Grimm sounded out from all around.

(Ren Ashborn Pov)

[+5000 EXP]

[+3000 EXP]

[+1000 EXP]

[+10,000 EXP]

Notification after notification flooded my vision and ears.... It was a beautiful sound.

What was more beautiful... The Death. The amount of Grimm invading was astounding. I did also kill the mechs... But who cares about those.

My true count of the Grimm were around 7 thousand. But the number might've dimmed down a little.

[Level Up x14]

"Haaa. Such is the life of a slightly overpowered main character of a fanfiction"

[You are crazy]

"Nah... I'm totally Insane." A feral grin made way on my face, my eyes glowing a dangerous red, and my killing intent flooding out my body.


[Title Gained: Insane]

(Freeze Frame)

So I looked back at the world quest...It's objective was to prevent the fall of Beacon and Vale.... Damn.... Fuuuuck. Though thankfully, I put nothing as a failure.

(End Freezeframe)

[World Quest Complete!]

Objection: Prevent Beacon and Vale's Destruction: Failed!

Bonus Objectives: Save Pyrrha: Complete. Save Ozpin: Failed

Bonus Bonus Objectives: Kill Adam Taurus: Complete. Kill Grimm: 6,999/8,921


150,000 EXP, 300,000 Gold, 1 Title, 1 Skill

Bonus Rewards: 300,000 EXP, 450,000 Gold, 10,000 EXP for every Grimm killed.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]





Time passed, and events from canon played out differently... Since the Author is bad at explaining will skip it and downgrade it.

Ruby meets Qrow who has Yang.

Blake still runs away.

Ruby isn't told about her eyes.

...Clarent is missing.

And I've become... Edgy.

Let me explain the last one. With Clarent being my only parental figure who I care for, I donned my cloak and searched for him.... Like a fucking idiot. I've only known the guy for basically a total of 4 months, or however long.... Holy, shit, this is the author speaking....

Vale was my first place, yet he was nowhere to be seen. It's only been a week since the events have transpired, so I searched the neighboring towns of Vale.

One thing I know about Clarent, is that he's insanely fast. When I asked why he was so fast he told me he didn't wanna do long battles so he trained his speed to end battles quickly.

Sadly, even with my short knowledge of Clarent. He was nowhere to be found.

Due to this, I kinda assumed he died and went Emo.

Yadda yadda, another week later, and now I've become a Hit-man.

...This new life is such bullshit. But to be fair, my reasoning was kinda smart.

New places= chance to find Clarent who might not be dead.

And now were here.

"M-Mercy... PLEASE!" A boy around 18 spoke out to me, slowly backing away. Around him were dead bodies... and me.

My cold indifferent eyes stared down upon him, as he shook in fear.

When I said how I'll soon have so much blood on my hands... I was right.

Seems like my words came and kicked my right in my ass. Hundreds of dead by me.

Sadly, I've made a name for myself in the underground. A guy who's basically mute only talking when necessary. When people thought it was a joke, they followed me on a mission... They looked at me with respect and fear.

I'm known to be merciless... Like now.

My blades swung down into the boy's flesh, tearing him in two. With my job done, I let out a soft sigh, glancing at the two people behind me.

One was cowering in absolute fear. The other didn't even spare a glance to the dead bodies.

"Well, looks like we were proven wrong... Come, Shawn." The female spoke out to the boy, who slowly nodded with a dazed looked and followed the girl.

And like that, I'm alone. surrounded by dead bodies... Such is life I guess.

*ring ring*

My scroll rang, as I picked it up.

"I have a job for you... can you do it." I grunted. "In Anima. The Branwen Tribe. I want the leader gone." ....I grunted. "Good"

....."The risk I took were calculated... But man.... I'm SHIT at math." Time to fuck plot up even more.

(Unknown Place)

Salem gritted her teeth, crushing the wine glass in her hand. One of her tools have been killed, along with the bull.

However she soon calmed down, as she glanced at the body littered with scars.

"Will you finally speak?" Her voice was soft, yet laced with venom, as she looked at... Clarent.

His reply was middle finger, he was then promptly electrocuted.

She hummed, taking her sights of the man's disgraceful appearance. So be it. No matter how long it takes, she will get him to talk.

After all, that boy reeks of God. Yet it isn't one of the Brothers.

(End cause fuck me)

No dumb things, just a massive displace of the space and time.

Thanks for reading🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪