
A Game To Love

Sandra Miller's agenda included upgrading her father's lifestyle and getting her hand on the latest virtual game—Survival. She didn't expect to fall in love with the direct opposite of her dream lover and discover that the game is hiding a deeper, darker secret. Now the earth is in danger and her body seemed to be changing inexplicably. Would starting the game be her ruin or her beginning?

FirerootS1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3

Sandra clicked on the customise button and the blue box became bigger. A miniature version of Sandra took up the entire left hand side of the box while the editable details occupied the left.

She could not change the name or the appearance but she can choose the race she would belong to. Her chosen race would have a huge impact on her look in the game.

Survival has many minor races and two main ones called the Darkins and the humans.

Human NPCs populated the game more than their other counterparts because of their birthing tendency but they don't have a one attribute they are powerful in.

Humans' attributes and features are all rounded, making it easy for them to specialise in any field they fancy.

The Darkins are the invaders. According to Survival's plot, more than a hundred thousand years ago, they stormed into the world with an inky, infecting darkness in tow.

Anything the darkness touches mutate and becomes infected, including some nonliving things. There is still many more impacts the darkness made that is being investigated.

The advent of the darkness caused the birth of all the minor races on Argar, Survival's world.

Sandra tapped the human race and checked her attributes when she finished setting her character up.

[Name: Sandra Miller

Level: 0

HP: 50/50

Stamina: 4

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 8

Physique: 5

Items: Beginners' Armor, Rusty Sword.

Talent: Not Chosen.

Profile Description: A complete newbie that would die with just a slap.]

Sandra's mouth couldn't help twitching at the sarcastic description. So this game's AI has a joking side too. The mockery is well deserved because she really do not have any overpowering stats.

[Ding! It is detected the player haven't chosen a talent skill yet.]

[Ding! Loading data....]

[Ding! Observing player's spirit, soul and physique.]

[Ding! Data optimized. Talent skill derived.]

Sandra became eager to see her new stats. She did not know how a talent skill would improve her powers.

She brought up her profile again.

[Name: Sandra Miller

Level: 0

HP: 50/50

Stamina: 4

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 8

Physique: 5

Items: Beginners' Armor, Rusty Sword.

Talent: Primogenitor of Music

Talent Description: You have anything related to music at your fingertips.

Profile Description: A complete newbie with an SS+ talent that would die with just a slap.]

Sandra is confused about the talent Survival's AI gave her. Though her church members always praised her voice for its moving qualities, she thought it was just lip service.

Apparently, the AI did a full body check and still came to this conclusion, there must be something afoot.

Is her vocal cords best for music? Is the pitch of her voice great with music notes?

Sandra is totally confused on how the AI calculated the talent.

She could not help but marvel at how close to reality this game was. It is as if the game is some sort of spyware.

[Ding! Proceed to Survival?]

[Yes] [No]

Sandra clicked yes and her sight whirled before settling. It felt like she time traveled.

She looked around in shock. Tall tree spread sparsely as far as her eyes could see. Thick undergrowths hid their coiling roots from sight.

Sandra lamented sadly.

Can't the game be a little lenient? Should it stick to reality this much?

Instead of spawning her in a novice village or something similar, she found herself in the wild.

Even with her complaints, she found herself burning in anticipation for what's to come.

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

A sound jolted Sandra from her jabs at Survival's AI.

A butterfly flew out of the trees towards her. Sandra did not have time to appreciate the butterfly before a growl reverberated through the area.

She locked eyes with feral pupils that burned with cunning.

Sandra is not mistaken. Even if it is a young offspring, it is still a tiger!

A young tiger!

One part of her mind couldn't help but be thankful it isn't a grown cat. Then, she would not have any possibility of fighting back.

The tiger cub left the butterfly to face Sandra, his new interest.

Another growl through the tiger cub's throat before it pounced.

Sandra took the chance it was in mid air to slash at it with the Rusty Sword provided freely for newbies by Survival's AI.

Dying in the game came with serious consequences. Futuch Tech explained the cost of deaths is the consumption of the player's spirit.

After death, there would be intense exhaustion and lethargy plaguing the player.

If there is no more spirit to expend, the person playing the game would die for real. In reality, the person would become like a corpse and they will never be able to wake up again after they entered this state. Their breaths would stop and there is no remedy for this state.

Future Tech did not force anybody into this game but Survival drew players to it from around the world all the same.

The thrills and experiences beckoned to people.

The slash Sandra made diverted some of the force launging the tiger cub while leaving an injury behind.

The tiger cub landed wrongly on its paws.

It roared and began to adjust itself for another attack. Sandra did not give it space to pull itself together before slashing and stabbing in a flurry.

When the tiger saw an opening, it clawed at her.

A red damage amount appeared. It blinked before fading away. Only Sandra could see it.

Her HP depleted to four fifth of her total.

So the tiger just had to claw at her four more times for her to give up the ghost.

The fear of death renewed her efforts in attacking the tiger cub.

The tiger cub gave its last growl before it slumped to the ground unmoving.

[Ding! Upgrade requirements met, level up?]

Sandra nodded in affirmation and she felt strength rush into her body from somewhere unknown.

It seems killing enemies and opponents yield XP points used to level up.

[Ding! A fallen prey detected. Process it? It would cost part of the material being processed to use Survival's AI.]

Sandra answered in affirmation and a miraculous sight happened before her.

The body of the tiger cub separated into uniform perfect pieces like a professional butcher is present on the scene.

The cut is smooth and there is no excessive bloodshed.

[Ding! Acquired Meat x3, Fur x4, Fang x1 and Claws x10]

Sandra's wrist sent bursts of aching strain to her brain and she winced. She had used up all her strength to strike quickly.

Sandra picked a pleasing direction before trudging through the forest. She prayed to see an human settlement to treat her wounds because the injury the tiger cub left on her body hadn't stopped bleeding.

She did not want to waste away her life like that.

The buzzing of numerous flies halted her journey. She shouldn't give in to her curiosity, but the urge to see the affected site won over her caution.

She promised herself to be extra careful before parting the undergrowths leading to the place.

A mutilated person with missing body parts laid on the ground. A dense mass of flies flew about.

Sandra moved closer.

She saw a brown bag beside the corpse. She quickly searched for a long crooked branch before she pinched her nose.

Sandra made use of the branch she found to drag the brown bag closer. After getting it in an appropriate proximity, she used the branch to prod the bag and to scatter the contents.

A moldy bread, rotten meat jerky and a fragmented map. Sandra unfurled the map to see if she could get her location.

The map contained a medium patch of trees near a small vilagged marked with an X. She is happy to discover that the patch of tree was this very forest she is standing in.

Sandra determined the general direction to the village before she set out in that towards it.

Any obstructing branches and bushes get levelled by the Rusty Sword in her hand.

There is no established path to the village so she had to make her own. Even if there is, her map reading skills won't allow her to notice it.

When Sandra saw the smoke spiralling upwards, she hastened. Soon she got to the entrance of the village. The settlement isn't big and can be considered a small village.

Sandra pushed the creaky wooden gate separating the village from outsiders. As she entered, a few scattered gazes fell on her.

Though she didn't sense anything malicious, she still felt uncomfortable.

"Hello, sorry for the disturbance. I lost my way and I would like a map and a ride. I would pay with food." Sandra said as she walked deeper into the village.

An old woman with crutches came to her.

"Young lass. I have an old rickety bicycle and I can help you secure a map. How much food do you have?" The woman proposed.

Sandra did not want to showoff her items like a nouveau descendant but without giving enough foodstuffs to exchange, she might not get the things she need.

"I'm willing to trade a kilo of meat and two sets of furs for your bicycle and the map."

Sandra said but the woman shook her head.

"Young lass. You are not showing enough sincerity. I would have to move this old ailing body to secure the map for you but you are quoting unfavorable terms." The woman argued.

Sandra decided to add a little more and if the old woman won't accept, she would find her way to the novice city by herself.

It will be dangerous but she has no choice.

"How about adding four tiger claws to the original price?" Sandra haggled.

Cunningness flashed through the old woman's eyes but it us like she could see Sandra is at her limit so she restrained her greed.

"Make it five claws and I will show you the main road. You won't have to go through the forest route." The woman compromised.

Sandra nodded, "Okay. Let me get the foodstuffs."

Sandra went out of the village. She hid in a place she won't be seen even if the villagers searched for her.

Since Future Tech said the NPCs are very similar to humans, Sandra will treat them as such. No human would remain sane when things suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Sandra mentally removed the materials she needed before using big leaves to wrap them up.

She picked up the bundle and headed towards the village.

Finally, her exploration of Survival is going to start.